by Daniel Strauss
This is in reference to the article "Lands of USA and Israel." To me it seems that the comparisons are more than the shape of the land masses. First Amos 6:1 tells us that Samaria is the Chief of nations. Since the United States is now chief of nations there seems to be a parallel between Samaria of ancient Israel and the United States. If the U.S, is Samaria then our capital, Washington, would be parallel to the one time city of Samaria the capital of the ancient House of Israel. The sin of Samaria according to Hosea 10:5 is the calf worship. We do have a kind of calf worship here in the United States, we have our bull calf on Wall Street. [Strong's concordance says this about the word calf... "ay'-ghel." From the same as H5696; a (male) calf (as frisking round), especially one nearly grown (that is, a steer): - bullock, calf.)"]. If this comparison is true then New York city is a type of Bethel.
Amos 8:14 also refers to the "Way of Beersheba."Judging from the context it seems similar to the calf worship of Dan. ( Some of Dan dwelt in Ireland and the Irish settled the Boston - New York area which is in the northern part of the east coast, similar to Dan settling the northern part of the land of old Israel.) Beersheba was one of the more southern cities of the land of ancient Israel. Interestingly one of the more southern cities of the U.S. is Houston Texas. That city seems to house religious organizations that preach what is called the "Prosperity Gospel." The teaching that God wants you to be rich and prosperous. Which is not much different than the worship of the bull market of Wall Street where one can pursue seeking wealth.
Micah 7:11-12 references the decree of walls being built yet it is put afar off, and an invasion from Assyria that comes to the river, and from sea to sea and from one mountain range to the other. Which describes the present United States perfectly, We exist between two oceans and have two mountain ranges one on each side of the country, the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains. Plus there is a river along our southern boarder. I won't even begin to speculate on the possibilities of some wall that is decreed to be built but the actual building will be "afar off" (KJV translation) or "far removed" ( JPS translation.)
One last point, the Jordan river flows through Israel much like the Mississippi flows through the middle of the United States. I'm sure if I were to research more I could find comparisons between Bashan and cattle country here as well, but the main point is that it is more than shape that we mimic and some of these prophecies seem to be applying directly to the United States in this modern time.
Daniel Strauss
Maps derived from Lands of USA and Israel
A Comparison of Maps as Suggested by Dean Smallwood
A Comparison of Maps as Suggested by Dean Smallwood