Reactions to Can You Come Home Now? and Ephraimite Entry.
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Reactions to Can You Come Home Now?
and Ephraimite Entry
1. Query from Gregory with Brit-Am Answer.
2. Reactions and Queries from Andy.
3. Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations Replies:
Ephraimite Argumentation is Interesting but Diversionary.
Ephraimites and Anti-Semites are Often Obsessed with Judah. The Hungarian Incident.
Canaanite Admixture.
The Jewish Definition of Jewish.
Judah, the Jews, the West, and Brit-Am Beliefs.
The Return of Ephraim according to the Bible.
An End to the Apologetic Reflex.
What Should be Done?
1. Query from Gregory with Brit-Am Answer.
Christopher Grech wrote:
Shalom Davidiy!
Thanks for your email on the tribes. I have some comments on what you
wrote below "... " :-
You wrote: " Concerning Judah, the major Tribes are Judah, Benajmin,
Levi along with (amongst the Jews)Â representative minorities of ALL
the other tribes."
It was only the Levites that were physically spread out amongst all
the other 12 tribes of Israel. You can see that in several medieval
maps of Israel, as God had contained the Levites in several towns in
each tribe.
"Theoretically if the Ten Tribes wherever they are were to disappear
altogether the Twelve Tribes would still exist within Judah though the
relative Tribal Proportions would be skewed in favor of Judah,
Benjamin, and Levi."
I wonder you got that notion from!
"The Ten Tribes NEED to recognize who they are and work towards
confirming their identity. This is a NEED they have. Judah does not.
Also, It was prophesied that Judah would return first and prepare the
way for the other Tribes."
I do not know if the Judahites, or Benjaminites know that the 10 tribes
of Israel still exist. In the End Times the 10 lost tribes (now
found) have lost their way, because they do not know or have rejected
the Covenant. This is actually a curse, and we have to reverse it,
should they wish. Also the 10 tribes should not be referred to as
Joseph, as he was the dad of only Ephraim and Manessah.
Thank you for your kind understanding in the matter.
Peace be with you,
Brit-Am Reply:
Regarding the presence of representatives of all Israel we hope to write a short article expanding on this matter.
In the meantime for sources and some discussion see our article:
The Completeness of the Exile. Answers to Deniers of Brit-Am Biblical Truth
 The article discusses various verses that opponents of ours quote in claiming that not all the Ten Tribes were exiled.
A minority (perhaps ca. 12% as indicated by a Midrash) of the other Tribes did indeed remain and attached themselves to Judah
though many of these too may have been exiled by Assyria shortly afterwards.
In this article we quote from Nachmanides (1194-1270):
"Those from the Tribes of Ephraim and Shimeon from Israel that were present with Judah were they who dwelt in the Land of Judah or perhaps to some degree also those who had dwelt in their own territories adjoining Judah and had fled to Judah. They are referred to in a general sense as from Israel [in 2-Chronicles 35:18] and not by their specific tribes since they represented only a small portion of their tribe. These are they who returned under Ezra with the Jews from Babylon. They were not expressly mentioned by their tribes since they were attached to Judah. They all settled in the cities of Judah. There was no Redemption for the Ten Tribes who remained in exile"
Book of Redemption (Sefer HaGeulah)
The point that should be emphasized is that MOST of the Ten Tribes were exiled.
Those who were not exiled were to become part of Judah.
The Ten Tribes had a task to fulfill. This task had to be fulfilled by those who were exiled and lost consciousness of their identity.
Prophecy says the Ten Tribes will return and be reconciled with Judah (see Ezekiel 37).
These are the main points.
2. Reactions and Queries from Andy:
You wrote:
"The Ten Tribes NEED to recognize who they are and work towards confirming their identity. This is a NEED they have. Judah does not."
Consider for a moment the return of exiles in Ezra's time. They were largely of Judah, but many were guilty of intermarriage. What did they do when they realized this? They got rid of their foreign wives and children (Ezra 10:18-44). Needless to say, this is the same thing that Abraham did with Hagaar and Ishmael.
Judah was the only one of the 12 brothers who intermarried with a Canaanite woman (Genesis 38:2). Doesn't that make the entire line of Shelah is questionable per Jewish halacha? The rabbis say that "What happens to the fathers will happen to the descendents."
Judah has yet to answer for recent generations of intermarriage, be they secular marriages or via religious conversion. The metrics recently and historically used by the state of Israel are not exactly Biblical or halachic. Even different Jewish religious sects can't seem to fully agree on who is Jewish and who is not.
After commenting as you have, how do you explain these things?
a) You say (in #1) the nation of "Judah" may have been more appropriate.
How does a present/future "land of Judah" fit in to fulfillment of Bible
prophecy, with a little plot of Judah surrounded like an island by a nation
of Ephriam outside of it as you are proposing?
b) How does it stand to reason that Judah will "clear the way back" (in #3)
if Ephraim is destined to return to other places?
c) How many people does Judah need to hear (collectively?) making claims of
tribal identity (ref. #3 and #4 below) before the claim of identity is seen
as valid by Judah? Doesn't it stand to reason from the Ezra exile return
that most will PREFER to stay in Babylon as it falls, and that only a
remnant will want to return? (You could make a case for the Ezra exile as a
shadow picture for the Judah-only or Judah-first migration).
d) What about Judah's need to clean house of all non-Jews, given the long
history of non-halachic immigration policies?
e) Isn't it presumptuous for Judah to claim identity with such great
certainty and confidence, given things like the liberal and politically
motivated 1 million immigration Russian wave of the '90's, not to mention
all of the records of professing Jews that were destroyed in the war? Some
Jews can't prove written heritage any better than Ephraimites. Isn't that
an unjust and double standard?
Proverbs 17:17, Proverbs 27:17 :)
-Andy :)
P.S. I don't think I am an Ephraimite!
3. Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations Replies:
Ephraimite Argumentation is Interesting but Diversionary.
This ongoing argumentation between you and I and between I and others is useful. It enables certain points to be clarified. It also leads to us all showing something of what we are.
Below, I shall briefly answer most of the points you raised.
Nevertheless, this is all somewhat diversionary. The main point is that the Ten Tribes are in the West and should know about it. Judah should also be informed.
Claims need to be made against those who probably descend from the Ten Tribes. They are the one for whom this massage is most important. They are the ones who should know
and should act on this knowledge. It is towards them that our energies should be directed.
What do you want with Judah?
Ephraimites and Anti-Semites are Often Obsessed with Judah. The Hungarian Incident.
For better or for worst, you seem obsessed with the Jews.
Many of those who speak like you are also obsessed with them.
Even some anti-Semites turn out to be Jews.
Recently the well-known notorious deputy head of a leading anti-Semitic politic party in Hungary discovered he had a Jewish grandmother.
At first he said it did not change anything. Later he resigned from his position and according to the latest reports apologized to the Jewish Community.
He now seems to be searching for his own way.
 Csanad Szegedi, leader of Hungary's far-right, has Jewish heritage
After Discovering Jewish Roots, Member of Neo-Nazi Apologist Party Meets With Rabbi
Judah married the daughter of Shua a Canaanite.
Genesis 38:
38 It came to pass at that time that Judah departed from his brothers, and visited a certain Adullamite whose name was Hirah. 2 And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite whose name was Shua, and he married her and went in to her.
 Judah had offspring from the daughter of Shua and later also from Tamar.
One out of the seven sons of Simeon also came from a Canaanitish woman (Genesis 46:10).
Judah and Simeon are no where criticized for this.
Joseph married an Egyptianitess (Genesis 41:45); Machir son of Manasseh had an Aramaic concubine (1-Chronicles 7:14).
Moses took a black lady and his brother and sister criticized him for it. God punished them.
The Black Woman
All the Tribal heads married foreign women.
We do not encourage miscegenation. In principle people should stick to their own kind. Inter-racial marriage is not good for Israelites BUT... there are exceptions.
Winston Churchill, through his American mother, may have had a black ancestress.
Churchill was more valuable to the Israelite peoples than millions of apparent pure-bloods have proven to be.
Maybe occasional additions are beneficial but over-doses should be avoided?
All the Israelite Tribes intermarried with Canaanites. See the Book of Judges (3:6).
The Jewish Definition of Jewish.
The Jewish Religion is quite clear as to who is Jewish and who is not.
The Jews have the right to define themselves the seem as any other people.
What is more the Jewish definition is supported by the Hebrew Bible.
Is there any Biblical foundation for the "Jewish Mother" Law?
You mentioned the million or so of Immigrants from Russia to Israel in the 80s and 90s.
Actually there were about 600,000 but more came later.
About a third (maybe more) of the immigrants were not technically Jewish.
They came under the Law of Return which is controversial. At the time the official announcements were saying that only ca. 5% or less were non-Jewish. Rabbi Yitzhak Haim Peretz,  Minister of Immigrant Absorption at the time, warned that about a third were non-Jewish. [The actual figure was probably even much higher.] Rabbi Peretz was subsequently  was publicly censored and contradicted by other Government Ministers including the heads of his own party. The facts were denied and false figures presented by officials of the Jewish Agency.  In other words the Israeli public was hood-winked as to what was happening. Why the Government acted as it did is not clear. Perhaps, there was no choice?
At all events, nearly all of the non-Jews had some Jewish ancestry.
The existence of Jews and Jewish ancestry was not something that needed to be resurrected from the obscurities of history.
It was not something new, revolutionary, disputed and almost unknown.
In the case of the Ten Tribes one has the writings and publications of Brit-Am and a few others and not much more than that.
These need to be accepted, assimilated, and placed in perspective before anything else can even be considered.
Helping Brit-Am however could be a beginning.
We do not see many Ephraimites and their ilk enthusiastically helping this beginning.
Why is that?
Do they not want the message to be clarified and spread?
Where are they when help is needed?
Seven Reasons
Why Descendants of the Ten Tribes are not Accepted into Israel at Present.
In this article, we gave seven reasons under the headings:
1. Brit-Am Findings are not Sufficiently Known About.
2. A Significant Percentage of Israelites does not necessarily mean a majority.
3. Individuals are unable to guarantee their Israelite Ancestry. The Uncertainty is there for a reason.
4. The Change of Status from Israelite to Stranger has not been reversed. Religious Uncertainty.
5. The Tribe or Nation as a whole needs to act on the knowledge, not solitary individuals.Prophecy Needed.
6. Prophecy will be renewed. We will have the answers then.
7. Task to be Fulfilled. The Ten Tribes have their own role to play and its members should do their part.Â
The Return of Ephraim according to the Bible.
Ephraim will return initially to the areas of Syria and Lebanon (Zechariah 10:10, Micah 7:14).
After that elements from Ephraim (possibly after a new religious revelation) may also settle in the West Bank of Israel alongside Judah (Jeremiah 31)
How all this will happen we do not know.
We do not have to know.
For the moment all we have to know is who the Ten Tribes are. We have to let the Ten Tribes know who they are.
This should be the first step.
At the moment prophecy has ceased but according to tradition towards the End Times it will be renewed.
Matters have a dynamic of their own.
Judah is preparing the way for the other tribes in so far that eventually all of the Tribes (or substantial representation from them all) will return and will inherit with Judah the whole Land of Israel including that portion now controlled by Judah. Also Judah being in the Middle East may act as a bridgeway or precedent for the other Tribes to take over portions of the other Israelite Lands such as Saudia, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria. Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq, Egypt, and Cyprus.
Descendants of the Ten Tribes should forget altogether about Judah accepting them as some type of deviant Jews.
The Ten Tribes are not Jewish. Maybe in the future they will be from a religious point of view, or maybe not. We do not have to occupy ourselves with this question at present.
In fact the very posing of the question creates a barrier against spreading the message.
Judah, the Jews, the West, and Brit-Am Beliefs.
People who are obsessed with Judah should not necessarily turn to Brit-Am.
Judah however also needs the information that Brit-Am gives concerning the Ten Tribes.
See our article:
Why Jews Should Support Brit-Am?
If presented correctly (as Brit-Am wants it to be represented) this knowledge could lead to increased support for the Jews and for the State of Israel.
Religious Jews should see in it a confirmation of Biblical Prophecy and even a strengthening of belief in the Sages since Brit-Am uses their sources as proof.
The establishment of Western colonies around the periphery of Israel could help Israel and everyone else immensely.
These countries themselves as a result of this information could experience a revival in Biblical Belief and Biblical Values. This could save them from impending destruction due to Islamic antagonism and their moral degeneration. Everyone would benefit from the West if the West returned to the Bible.
An End to the Apologetic Reflex.
Until now we would come along with our proofs and evidence and announce that the Ten Tribes are in the West.
We expected people to be happy or at least curious. We thought this information would be greeted with a thirst to know more, to make sure.
To find even more confirmatory proof as happens after scientific and other breakthroughs on matter of great potential.
We hoped they would realize its importance and help spread the message. Perhaps interest their governments, media, academics, etc.
We hoped they would do what they could to support us and encourage us to publicize what we have and enable us to work to find yet more of it.
There are and are some who acted that way.
There were others however who turned around and asked,
When is the Israeli Government going to give us equal rights with Jews on the basis of these claims?
We would then try to explain with rational argumentation etc that it does not quite work that way.
We would explain with logic and common sense what the situation was. Nevertheless very often it seems that no-one was really listening.
We would finish answering one, when someone else, or the very same person, would ask almost the very same question but if with a slight variation.
With hindsight it appears that we may have been too polite and too apologetic.
Our sensitive, sensible, senorious, concerned, considerate, considerable, commisserative, commensurate, communicable, empathic, sympathetic, etc, natural manners, and instincts, and sensitivity have been taken advantage of. This should end.
We have information AND the potential to access even more of it which is potentially very important to peoples in Western Nations.
It is for their benefit.
It is needed by them.
We work hard to do this....
WHEN will reasonable appreciation be shown for our efforts?
WHEN will the attention of the governments and academia by drawn to what we are saying?
WHEN will individuals, who believe as we do, act on our behalf?
WHEN will offerings and benefits be made to us to a degree that is sufficient?
WHEN will attempts be even made in that direction?
WHEN will Ephraimites and others in the West see that we what we are doing is for their sakes?
What Should be Done?
Bible Values Must be Strengthened.
Brit-Am Hebrew Nations should be enabled to function. This should be the first step.