How Yair Davidiy/Brit-Am is Viewed by Some Antagonists (3 April 2016, 24 Adar-B, 5776)
1. The Offending article.
2. Initial Criticism.
3. Criticism of the Article by Yair.
1. The Offending article.
Embracing Judaism : Hebrew Roots of the Lost Ten Tribes
"Brit-Am Israel: Modern British Israelism from a Rabbinical Jewish Perspective"
"White-supremacist doctrine?"
Since the early nineties, an Israeli Rabbi named [4] Yair Davidy, founder of the Brit-Am Movement of the Ten Tribes, has been working to revive British Israel doctrine. His teachings are in the philo-Semitic and Zionist spirit of the original movement, but differ in that they he is an Orthodox Jew (while the original movement was a thoroughly Protestant affair), and strongly opposes any attempt to convert Jews to Christianity (which the early British Israelists assumed would happen as a matter of course). His teachings are mostly a rehash of nineteenth century British Israel thought: the 'ten lost tribes' of Israel settled in Western Europe, becoming the forefathers of the white people of Western Europe and America. But whereas the original British Israel movement was largely unconcerned with Islam, Brit-Am Israel is intensely anti-Islamic. Rabbi Davidy refers to Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) as a 'madman', states that Muslims hate all Israelites (he chalks Muslim hostility to western imperial powers are coming from hostility towards their 'Israelite' descent), encourages the 'Lost Tribes' (white Europeans and Americans) to start colonies in Syria, Lebanon, and surrounding nations, advocates a mass expulsion of all Palestinians to a western nation (possibly Brazil, for some reason), 'for their own good'.
Davidy is not well-known at this time, but his synthesis of a white-supremacist doctrine which identifies western European and American white people as chosen by God to lead the world, mixed with militant and fanatical anti-Islamic, Zionist rhetoric, is likely to reverberate with many people on the racist right, especially young people who have developed racist ideals, but for whom 'the enemy' has always been Muslims and who see Zionists as liked-minded individuals of the same struggle. I can see Islamophobic young men and women, filled with a newfound sense of Israelite identity and entitlement to the land of Palestine, traveling to the Middle East to form the colonies (and, most likely, armed militias) that Davidy proposes. The identification of western European and American whites with the descendants of the Israelites (and thus, in Zionist parlance 'rightful owners' of the land of Palestine) is an incendiary and irresponsible ideology which synthesizes the worst elements of Talmudic Zionist racism with White Supremacism, and one which, if it gains any amount of influence, can only breed violence.
End Quote.
2. Initial Criticism.
This blog beings in December 2010 and go until the present. They call themselves Natsrim which in Hebrew means "Christians." The first entries seem to be by Christians who want to remain Christian but at the same time be as Jewish as possible. For 2011 they have links to anti-Christian websites.
The page concerning us is that of April in April 2012
Here are a few articles dealing with Brit-Am, Yair Davidiy,  Rabbi Avraham Feld, Rabbi David Feld, Ephraimites Conferences, etc. We may return to some of the articles and may write articles of our own about them.
These pieces are dated at 2012. It has however only now (April 2016) that they have come to our attention though some of the articles we have seen before, elsewhere. There seems here to be a collation of articles from different sources some of which they acknowledge and provide links to and others for which they do not. We do not know who is behind it but it has some interesting material. The first entries seem to be by Christians who want to remain Christian but at the same time be as Jewish as possible. They are strongly against Ephraimites. [See
 The later more recent entries define themselves as "Jews for Judaism" and no longer have anything Christian about them but judging by what went previously that may what they are.
The article quoted above is about Yair Davidiy and Brit-Am. It has anonymous authorship.
"Brit-Am Israel: Modern British Israelism from a Rabbinical Jewish Perspective"
"White-supremacist doctrine?"
On the one hand It is false, misleading, libelous, antagonistic, and offensive. On the other hand they have got some points more or less correctly and the whole effect is mildly amusing and in a way even promising. The article has also been written by someone who is anti-Jewish and refers to "Talmudic Zionist racism."
 Who are they quoting from?
This does not resonate with the fact that later on the blog owners seem to claim to be part of the "Jew for Judaism" movement.Â
"Jews for Judaism" are not likely to have accepted the expression "Talmudic Zionist racism."
3. Criticism of the Article by Yair.
My surname is now spelt "Davidiy" and has been for some time. Yair Davidiy is not a Rabbi though I identify as an Orthodox Jew, try to keep the mitsvot, believe in the Torah, and learn about it.
Our teachings are much more than "a rehash of British Israel teachings."Â We have much new information, new insights, new sources, new perspectives, and what we did receive from British Israel has been thoroughly updated and revised.
We do not hate Muslims but we do disagree with Islam. The author is evidently relying on points mentioned in our work, "Ephraim. The Gentile Children of Israel." The idea of independent "militias" is attractive but not practical in our time. Perhaps we should direct more of our attention to militant young people in Europe and America etc but at present the overwhelming majority of our followers are in the USA. According to Google Analytics the majority of our viewers are about 40 years old, well-educated, and more male than female. Many people have not heard of us but there those who have and it is not an inconsiderable number.