British Israel and Christian Identity (11 June 2017, 17 Sivan, 5777)
Adapted from an Answer by Yair Davidiy to a question on Quora:
What is the difference between Nazi and Christian identity?
 Some people seem to consider the term " Christian identity " as just that, i.e. the identity (with a small "i") of Christians.
 "Christian Identity" (with a capital "I") however is an ideology that is racist and similar to that of the Nazis.
 Christian Identity is otherwise known as Aryan Nations or Aryan Nations is a branch of it.
The ADL Web-Site tells us that:
Christian Identity
 Christian Identity is a religious ideology popular in extreme right-wing circles. Adherents believe that whites of European descent can be traced back to the "Lost Tribes of Israel." Many consider Jews to be the Satanic offspring of Eve and the Serpent, while non-whites are "mud peoples" created before Adam and Eve. Its virulent racist and anti-Semitic beliefs are usually accompanied by extreme anti-government sentiments. Despite its small size, Christian Identity influences virtually all white supremacist and extreme anti-government movements. It has also informed criminal behavior ranging from hate crimes to acts of terrorism.
Christian Identity is an offshoot of British Israelism, but is different from it,
 British Israelism identifies the Lost Ten Tribes with western Peoples, especially the British. It emphasizes the descent of the British Monarch from King David. In the past important British adherents of Zionism also believed in British Israelism. For example, Lieutenant-Colonel John Patterson (1867-1947), Colonel Richard Meinertzhagen (1878-1967), Orde Charles Wingate (1903-1944) were all believers in British Israel. British Israelism came to be represented by the BIWF (British Israel World Federation) which in part was influenced by anti-Semitism and has come to project a mainly Christian Revivalist message rather than an Identity one.
Differences between Christian Identity and Nazism:
 Many adherents of Christian Identity probably sympathize with the Nazis. There could be an overlap in their membership.
 Nevertheless some differences are discernable:
 Nazis are primarily against Jews. That is their reason for being. Nazis also believe in a super race and on this point agree with Christian Identity.
 "Christian Identity" is against Jews but their anti-Semitism is incidental to what they are. They could conceivably exist without it. Nazism could not.
 "Christian Identity" appeals to the Bible, at least officially. Nazis are usually against the Bible. Nazis are often atheists or pagans.
 "Christian Identity" identifies the ideal ancient "Aryan Race" with the Hebrews. There may have been Nazis (e.g. a writer who called himself "Senstius"?) who held such a position. Nevertheless real Nazis would have regarded any proposed association with Israelites (of any type) as anathema.
 "Christian Identity" appeals to white Americans including those of German descent. It does not however emphasize the German aspect.
 Membership of Christian Identity is usually "Nordic" or Germanic. Nazism also attracts East and Southern Europeans as well as Asiatics.Â
 Nazism is concentrated on the German people. Christian Identity is not.
 Nazis are also frequently sexual perverts, bisexuals or worse. Christian identity on the whole appears to be heterosexual.
Brit-Am / Hebrew Nations is a movement that is opposed to Christian Nations.
 Brit-Am is centered in Israel and is comprised of Jews and Gentiles.
 Brit-Am identifies the Lost Ten Tribes as groups now dwelling among Western Peoples.
 Proofs are derived from the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinical sources, archaeology, linguistics, mythology, and numerous other fields of study.
 The Ten Tribes are intermixed with Edomites. To some degree they are influenced by them and partly under their dominion.Â
 Hatred of Jews is often a manifestation of Edomite descent.Â
 Christian Nations is therefore an Edomite movement. The Nazis are also of Edomite descent.