You Need to Know! Your ancestors may have been from the Ten Tribes of Israel! (27 July, 2014, 29 Tammuz, 5774)
You need to know this and all that it entails.
Based on an Explanatory Hand-Out Prepared by Steven Mathe for Brit-Am.
Duration: 11.01 minutes. To Read Text Please Scroll Down
New Did You Know? Hand-Out Prepared by Steven Mathe for Brit-Am
Below is the text of Handout prepared by Steve Mathe. It see it in .pdf format nicely laid out, ready for printing, and with illustrations go to:
According to the Bible ten out of the twelve tribes of Israel split away from David's kingdom when Solomon died, (I-Kings 12:19), formed their own kingdom of "Israel" (I-Kings 12:20) and were exiled by the Assyrians 2700 years ago (II-Kings 17:18).
Because they left the Creator's Torah and its Covenant, and worshipped other gods, they were to forget their Israelite identity (Deut. 29:20-21, Hosea 1:9, 7:8, Isaiah 49:21). They were to be cast out to be among and identify with the nations, and become 'the Lost Ten Tribes' till 'the end of days.' Though they were to be lost to everyone, including themselves, God was to keep track of them that none of them would be lost, (Hos. 8:8, Amos 9:9). They were prophesied to come out of their exiles in a greater Exodus, (Jer. 16:10-15), and eventually re-unite with their brethren the Jews of "Judah" in the future, (Hos1:11), but until then they each have roles of their own to fulfill, (Ezekiel 37, Isaiah 11:13, Jeremiah
3:18). The Ten Tribes nations are to re-inherit their lost identity as 'Israel', as Brit Am / Covenant People, (Isa 42:6. 49:8), and are to assemble themselves at the appointed times of the 'latter days,' when their sentence will be up, and their prison houses will be opened, (Gen 49:1-2, Isa. 42:7, 22-23,
49:8, Ez. 22:16). They are to assemble themselves, to learn about their forsaken, true identity, and learn knowledge of the True ONE God, besides whom there is none else, (Isa. 35:20-22, Hos. 6:6-7). To these two groups Jeremiah calls our attention and asks us to consider:
'The two families which the Lord has chosen, has He cast them off?' (Jer. 33:24)
Though they will be regathered from all over the world, (Isa. 59:19, Zech, 8:7, Isa. 11:11-16, Jer. 49:36, Ez. 37:9), the majority of them were destined to be situated at the continental extremities of the earth such as North America, the British Isles (Isa. 41:1-9), Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, (Deuteronomy 33:13, Isaiah 24:16, 26:15, 41:8-9, 49:1-26). They were to be very numerous, (Gen. 16:10, 22:17, Hos. 1:10), to be the richest (Genesis 27:28, 49:25, Deuteronomy
33:13-16, Hosea 2:8), and most powerful (Numbers 24:8-7, Micah 5:7-9) nations on earth and were to control the major international strategic bases of the world. (Genesis 22:16-17, 24:60).
All of these points together with numerous others show that descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes can only be found amongst Western nations of the Occidental World, especially among the English-speaking ones. These nations are prophesied to return 'weeping' 'and trembling from the west' to their God, and His everlasting Covenant (Gen. 17:7-19, Isa. 49:22, Jer. 31:9-34, Hos. 11:10). The two Houses of Israel
will be regathered, according to the ever-lasting, unchangeable Covenant made with the Fathers and all of Israel for all time, (Deut. 29:9 15, Isa. 11:-12). At the time of Israel's regathering, others, not of the Two Houses of Israel, will be added unto them, to join with them in the same eternal Covenant, (Deut.
30, Isa. 56:1-8).
The correctness of the interpretation of the relevant verses is confirmed by traditional Jewish sources and by the findings of up-to-date, biblical, historical and scientific research.
Your destiny may depend upon this information. You need to know.
Ask God for understanding, you will have it, if you promise God that you will follow His revelations and leading, (Psalm 32:8, 119:18).
Learn more and find out who you are, and why you are being called to return to your identity and its heritage, (Isa. 49:18, 45:20).
It is time.
It is time.