The Saga of Printing Books and Brit-Am. Never a Dull Day! (2 November 2015, 20 Cheshvan, 5776)
There are two main systems of printing a book available to us:
(a) The Traditional System
(b) Publication on Demand (POD).
(a) The Traditional System
This entails paying for printing plates and printing.
The more you print the less it costs.
The initial printing is always the most expensive. Printing Plates have to be made and paid for. The same plates can then be used for all subsequent printings.
The minimum number to be printed is 500. Less than that does not pay and the printing company (in our experience) will probably refuse to do it anyway.
After printing the books are delivered to us. We then have to store them and send them out.
In the past, we would ship a large quantity of books from Israel to the USA so that they be available for almost immediate delivery.
The rest we would keep with us sending individual parcels to orders outside of the USA and periodically replenishing the US stock as it diminished.
This is what we have been doing until now.
This is what we did concerning "The Tribes" where we recently did a reprinting and had a large quantity shipped to the USA.
Initially we had intended to do this with Ancestry and thus meet the initial demand we had generated through pre-publication marketing BUT technical and research difficulties came up.
We then tried to print "Esau" but this, for technical reasons, did not work at the time either.
We had obtained a small sum of money for printing which looked like evaporating. "The Tribes" had sold out and there was a proven demand for it.
It was either print "The Tribes" or risk not printing anything at all.
Once again, "The Tribes" proved it has a life of its own.
The advantages of the Traditional method of Printing are:
1. We are familiar with it and know what to expect.
2. Once it is up and running it is also usually more economical despite the extra cost of later shipping the books overseas.
3. We have slightly more control over the final product concerning appearance and other matters.
4. Psychologically it sometimes helps to have a large quantity of books available, already prepared and ready to go.
In the past we were able to offer special deals for buying large quantities of books. This helped us and also helped spread the message.
(b) Publication on Demand (POD)
The other system is Publication on Demand (POD).
This is new to us though it has been around for a while. Our friend, Ovadiah Abrahami, introduced us to it.
It means preparing the book with the help of a POD company and then printing it.
You can print any quantity you wish, from 1 to thousands.
The books are delivered within less than 2 weeks of making the order.
The quality is good.
It is not expensive.
More Advantages:
1. We do not need to come up with a relatively large sum of money for the initial printing and subsequent reprinting of large numbers.
This is the most important point from our point of view, at present.
2. We do not have to store large numbers of books that in some cases may be slow in selling.
3. We can now prepare and publish more titles since we are less encumbered due to our lack of funds and storage space etc.
4. Printing in the USA is logistically very convenient for us.
5. We are still getting used to the system but in the long run there may be additional technological and marketing advantages.
Brit-Am/Hebrew nations finds the Lost Ten Tribes primarily among Western Peoples.
Brit-Am is based on Three Rs: Research (proving where the Ten Tribes really are); Revelation (publishing the results of research); Reconciliation (bringing the Jews and the Ten Tribes together.).
Brit-Am is funded through selling publications and offerings.
We were faced with a situation whereby most of our books had sold out. We also had (and still have) new works (or new versions of old ones) in various stages of completion.
We needed to publish books not only for the sake of income but also to make the information available. This is one of the purposes of our existence.
We offered Hebrew Ancestry as a pre-publication arrangement as we had done in the past for other works.
Hebrew Ancestry was to be an updated revised version of a previous work "Lost Israelite Identity" that had sold out some time ago.
We had borrowed a small sum of money to make an immediate printing but problems developed in putting Hebrew Ancestry together. New material needed to be incorporated, etc.
We therefore reprinted "The Tribes" and are now offering it at a special discount.
Meanwhile we prepared the books "Esau", "Edom and Germany", and "Ancestry. The Israelite Identity of Celtic Races" which is the same work previously advertised as "Hebrew Ancestry".
Through no fault of our own the printing of "The Tribes" was delayed but finally carried through and the finished product looks good.
Brit Am Publications
Without going into details as to Why? and How?
"Esau", "Edom and Germany", and "Ancestry" all became available just recently together with new copies of "The Tribes" becoming available.
"Ancestry. The Israelite Identity of Celtic Races"
is NOW ready (it was the last book to come out) and we expect our first copies to reach the US outlet within a day or so.
We will then send them out in stages.
Money raised from offerings and through selling "The Tribes", "Esau", "Edom and Germany", goes to helping us function, etc, and to ordering more copies of "Ancestry" to supply orders already made.
These are all worthwhile works, perhaps the best available in their field. They include new information and insights and contain knowledge of potential benefit to others. They also, according to reports, read well.