Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy (1 November 2017, 12 Heshbon, 5778)
What is the one thing that most people hate Donald Trump for?
Trump is really hated because he supports the USA and Israel.
Trump puts the USA and the American people before all other considerations.
Trump wants the USA to be prosperous and its people to have money they can spend in their pocket.
Trump does not want crime and he does not want foreigners who commit crime in the USA.
Trump also supports Israel.
Well why not?
Israel is Jewish. Trump grew up with Jews, likes Jews, and has Jews in his family. The Jews are people like Americans. America and the Jews are branches of each other.
Others may disagree with him on these matters but why hate him?
Some of the people who hate Trump may also love America and not hate Jews.
So what is the difference? President Donald Trump long before he became President, said things about his treatment of women that should not have been said. He was taped without his knowledge and the words were made public. Trump is NOT hated because of this but those who already hated him may have had their dislike strengthened. So why do his enemies really oppose him?
Together with their love of the USA and, in a few cases, sympathy for the Jews the enemies of Trump also value other things. They prefer a certain style, freedom for certain types of behavior, a multi-racial society, an ecologically conscious university type government, government funds for as many as possible, free drugs, free everything, or at least entitlement to it, and so on. They would be prepared to go down for these things. They would sacrifice the rest for it. Trump would not. Trump is in their way.
So they hate him.