Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy (7 September 2017, 16 Elul, 5777)
Was Hitler a bad man, or did he do bad things?
Adolf was a sexual pervert and a murderer and other things.
That however was not the problem.
He also gave expression to the needs of the German People and to many others in the world.
Adolf did not act alone.
He was not even the most extreme believer in his faith.
He empowered others to do bad things.
He forced others to be bad.
The problem was that they who had been force responded with a vengeance, enjoyed it thoroughly, and took it to a higher notch than even he had imagined.
He himself may not have been capable of anything else but the others were. He led them and fed them and let them off the leash.
The word "bad" looks pale when compared to Adolf.
He earned a whole new category for himself and his cronies.