Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy
Would Adolf Hitler marry Blondi instead if Eva Braun didn't show interest in him?
This question may have been asked facetiously but it is more serious than it looks and perhaps than the person questioning intended.
Blondi was the name of the bitch of Adolf. Adolf may have used his female hound in such a way. At the least such usage was not foreign to the world he moved in. Adolf was a pervert. Numerous women complained of having been subject to his perversions. Between four to eight of his female contacts suicided because of him, or were murdered by agents of his. This includes his niece. He had females void their insides on his head, kick and dominate him. He was also afflicted with syphilis from his younger times and had nightmares of being penetrated from behind. This was a legacy of his homosexual past. In his adolescence he had regularly slept with his mother.
Adolf considered himself a kind of personification of the idol Odin.
[Odin was another permutation of the god 'Essus' whose name is like the Phoenician form of the name Esau. The term 'Odin' may also be derived from 'Edom' another name for Esau (Genesis 25:30). This too helps explain the almost religious determination to torment and destroy the Jews. Esau (also known as Edom) was the twin brother of Jacob. Jacob tricked and replaced Esau (Genesis 27:35). Subsequently Esau was determined to kill Jacob and plotted to do so (Genesis 27:41). Esau was a hunter (Genesis 25:27), like Odin, 'The Wild hunter.'
In 1889, the artist Franz Von Stuck painted "The Wild Chase." It depicts Odin the hunter on horseback in a ferocious pursuit. Hitler admired this work and may have modeled his own appearance on the image depicted. There is a strong resemblance. The followers of Odin practiced a form of sorcery that was believed to involve "a receptive, passive role of a freeborn man during homosexual intercourse." Its acolytes were avoided as being effeminate. So too, the perversions of Hitler may have had psychological and black magic intentions. The idea was to demean himself in order to project debasement on others. This is a principle that is also employed in military circles. Balaam the magician from Peor who attempted to curse Israel (Numbers 22:5) according to the Midrash had regular intercourse with his female-donkey. The same reasoning was involved. Such practices are not foreign to the Nordic world. There are special farms in Norway and Denmark today that reportedly cater to bestiality. It may be protested that the sexual exploitation of animals is cruel and the Nazis were against cruelty to animals. The Nuremburg laws of 1935 took citizenship away from Jews. They also outlawed Jewish slaughter of animals and passed laws protecting animals in general. Cruel or not Adolf would not have had any scruples about using Blondi in such a way if he believed it to be efficacious to himself and his cause.