Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy
Was there anything Hitler was right about?
I ask because of Godwin's Law and the Reductio ad Hitlerum attack which is used to refute a person's view because it was also held by Hitler.
Clearly, he has been wrong about much, but surely he must have been right about some things? What were they?
Adolf was a sexual pervert and sadist. He knew that in the darker recesses of the soul many in his audience felt like him.
That explains his style and physical movements. My father, W.H. Russell-Davis visited Germany before World War-2, and knew the language.
He described the speeches of Adolf as like a woman wooing the male, or Dance of the Catamite.
Hitler knew his followers wanted to torment, debase, and cruelly kill Jews. He gave them the means and where-with-all to do it.
He knew they wanted loot and glory even at the expense of later loss. He gave it to them.
He knew what the women wanted, he gave it to them.
He knew what the doctors, lawyers, teachers, academics, bureaucrats, perverts, criminals, robbers, army officers, and aristocrats all wanted.
He gave each one what they wanted.
He also knew there was a price to pay and so did they.
By taking most of the blame he has let the others off cheaply.