Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy
Do Jews own and drive BMWs or other vehicles that have a shameful WWII past?
Jews use products produced in Germany. There are those who prefer not to or at least look for an alternative when available. I came to Israel in the 1970s. I remember coming across a Jewish American friend from the Yeshiva (Rabbinical Studies Institute). He was standing on the edge of Kevish Gaiah the busiest highway in Israel. I asked him what he was doing?
'Looking for a taxi,' he replied.
'There are taxis going by every second,' I said.
'They are all Mercedes,' he answered.
Apparently due to Governmental agreements nearly all the taxis in Israel were Mercedes. [This has changed and is not the rule at present though Mercedes are still prevalent in the taxi trade.] At that time in the '70s a few Peugeots also sometimes were used as taxis though this was rare. I assume he was eventually successful or gave up. He may have taken a bus though some of the buses then were also produced in Germany.
What would you have done?