Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy
Which is the most secretive weapon the Israelis have?
You see the picture.
It shows young men learning in Yeshivah.
When they stop learning they lose (after about three generations) their intellectual edge over the non-Jews.
Many then stop being Jews.
The Yeshiva learning gives faith, inspiration, intuition, logical constructs, and other qualities enhancing the chances of survival.
This is carried over to their children even when the children stop being religious. After a few lifetimes however it wears away.
You may protest that in the Holocaust it would seem not to have helped that much.
We do not have to have answers to every question but we can keep on asking them.
Meanwhile we keep going with what we know.
Without faith, intuition, inspiration, and some intellect Israel would be in a difficult position. The Yeshiva provides this. The rest of Israel lives off it.
In their hearts many of them also know it.