Answers to Questions by Yair Davidiy (16 November 2017, 27 Heshvan, 5778)
Citizenship: What famous and historical people have commonly mistaken nationalities?
The father of Stalin was Ossetian. He identified as Ossetian not Georgian. Georgians and Ossetians dislike each other. Ossetians are often identified with the ancient Alans but here too the identity is mistaken. The Alans in the 1200s CE were allies of the Jewish Khazars whereas the Ossetians were against them. The Ossetians speak an East Iranian dialect.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Ossetians are mostly Eastern Orthodox Christian, with a sizeable minority professing Uatsdin and Islam.
The Ossetians mostly populate Ossetia, which is politically divided between North Ossetia-Alania in Russia, and South Ossetia-Alania, which since the 2008 South Ossetia war has been de facto independent from Georgia.

Nikita Khrushchev (ruler of the USSR 1953-1964) is often described as Ukrainian. His parents were Russian. He was born near the Ukrainian border, spoke Ukrainian, and once ruled over the Ukraine. Occasionally he would describe himself as Ukrainian but technically he was not.

Oliver Cromwell (1599 - 1658) was a military and political leader and later Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. He is considered an Englishman and so bethought himself. Cromwell had created the New Model Army which cast its awe over all Europe. He is often described as a military genius. Cromwell beheaded King Charles-1 for communicating with the enemy. Cromwell was a Puritan and instituted reforms in the England of his time. His behavior in Ireland remains controversial. Cromwell communicated with and befriended Rabbi Mannasseh ben Israel in the Netherlands and allowed the Jews to return to England. Cromwell listed the Jews among those religious bodies he was bound to protect. His great-great-grandfather was a Welshman from Wales named Morgan ap Williams (i.e. Morgan Wllimas), son of William ap Yevan and Joan Tudor. Joan may have been an illegitimate daughter of Jasper Tudor, 1st Duke of Bedford, who was also Welsh and who was responsible for the victory at Bosworth Field (1485) that placed the Welsh Tudors on the throne of England. The Welshman, Morgan Williams, was a professional archer, i.e. a mercenary bowman and considered the best shot in the island. One of his descendants, and a forefather of Oliver, was a professional jouster the equivalent today of a prize fighter. The family married well and became part of the country gentry.