Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy (11 December 2017, 23 Kislev, 5778)
Did some descendants of the lost tribes of Israel settle in the British Isles?

The overwhelming majority of the Ten Tribes reached Western Europe. Their descendants are still to be found in those areas and in their overseas offshoots in North America, Australia, New Zealand, etc. The Tribes retained something of their original Tribal Identity. The British isles received elements from all of the Tribes. Within Britain the Tribes of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) were especially important.
Ireland received input from the Tribe of Dan via the Tuatha de Dana and the Danes. The Tribes of Asher, Manasseh, Judah, and Simeon also settled in Ireland. The Caledonians in the north of Scotland descend from Gilead of Manasseh. The Picts were also from Gilead but of a different branch. Most of Scotland relates to the Tribes of Asher and Manasseh. So too, regarding the Scotts-Irish with some from Judah. The Parissi in Yorkshire came from Peres of Manasseh. The Angli descend from Ephraim. The Angli were also known on the continent as 'Aegli'. The word "Aegel" in Hebrew means Bull-Calf. This was a nickname for Ephraim (Jeremiah 31:18), cf. Genesis 33:17 where Joseph is likened unto a bull. The name Angl is also a form of the Hebrew term Aegel. The word "England" (i.e. Angl-Land) may therefore be understood to mean "Land of the Aegel" i.e. Land of Ephraim. All the clans of Joseph are to be found with their clan names in different regions of Britain. Joseph was divided between the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh (Genesis 48:5). Ephraim was dominant in the east of Britain and Manasseh in the west. From the west of England and from Wales, Scotland, and Ireland the United States of America received approximately 87% of its British immigrants in its early years. In other words, early American society was formed largely by groups from the Tribe of Manasseh. Apart from Ephraim and Manasseh we also find other Tribes in the British Isles such as Benjamin (the Normans, and Belgae, and Menappi in Ireland), Dan (Danes, Dana, Don), Naphtali (Norwegian-Vikings), Simeon (Semeni, Semoni, Iceni, Semuen, Semnoni, Silures), Judah (Jutes, Iari), Issachar (Fenni, Abis, Suebi, Scygs), Zebulon (Flemish), Gad (Gadeni, Gaedhals, Hastings), Asher (Vandals, Brigantes, Brygs, Caber), etc.