Snippets Concerning the Ten Tribes


Mark Williams: Rabbinical Source of Potential Importance. The Chida

Shalom Yair

I'm going to hazard a guess that this is an organisation whose views you
may not necessarily agree with, but the quote from the Chida is both
interesting and relevant to the Brit Am cause.
Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azulai, the Chida (1724-1806)

The Chida suggests that the three oaths correspond to the three segments of the Jewish people in exile: our familiar Jewish exile in the four corners of the earth, the ten lost tribes, and the descendents of Moshe. Despite the fact that the lost tribes are powerful and unified, they are not permitted to force the end and leave exile before the time (Chomas Anach, Shir Hashirim 3:14).
