An Outline of Known Jewish Sources Pertinent to Brit-Am Studies
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1. General Scenario.
2. Sub-Divisions of Rabbinical Proof
3. Declarations. Book of Obadiah
4. Early Jewish Beliefs
5. Obligations and Historical Tasks
6. Mashiah ben Yoseph and Behavior
7. Historical Supports
8. The Future
9. Interpretation of Biblical Verses in a Brit-Am Context confirmed by Rabbinical Commentaries
10. Brit-Am Publications that discuss these issues in more depth.
11. Hebrew Meanings of Names and Tribal Characteristics in the light of Rabbinical Commentary
12. Jewish Rabbinical Philosophy.
1. General Scenario.
Brit-am understanding is that:
The Ten Tribes were exiled and lost awareness of their ancestry. They are now mainly among western peoples.
The Purpose of this was that the Ten Tribes should descend to the level of the Gentile heathen and then evolve upwards bringing the rest of the world forward with them.
The Jews on the other hand never lost their ancestry. The Jews of Judah had the task mainly to keep and develop the Law.
The Ten Tribes at present do not have to become Jewish nor return to the Land.
They should however be aware of who they are, that they have tasks of their own to fulfill, support the Jews in the State of Israel, and live good lives.
The task of Brit-Am, Movement of the Hebraic Tribes of Judah and Israel, is mainly at present to make known the Israelite Identity of the Ten Tribes.
The following article is about Jewish Oral and Rabbinical sources locating the Lost Ten Tribes in the west.
We have much more evidence from other sources corroborating this and complementing it.
2. Sub-Divisions of Rabbinical Proof
Rabbinical Proofs may be classified under the following headings:
A. Pertinence of the Evidence (Points 1,2,3)
(1. Who? Who and where are the Lost Ten Tribes today? Geographical location.
(2. What Qualities are they expected to have? Characteristics.
(3. When? What happened that led to them being where they now are? Where were they first exiled to?
B. Nature of the Evidence (Points 4,5).
(4. Independently Declarative. Outright statements directly dealing with the matter.
(5. Confirmative. Commentary confirming the understood meaning of Biblical passages, etc.
3. Declarations. Book of Obadiah
Commentaries to the Book of Obadiah 1:20 say that the Lost Ten Tribes were in Zarephath (Rashi, Nachmanides).
Rashi said Zaraphath meant France. Abarbanel says that the term Zaraphath included France and Britain. Nachmanides the far north in general.
The Malbim also opines that obadiah 1:20 is speaking of the Lost Ten Tribes.
Tserefat Meaning France
4. Early Jewish Beliefs
Jewish records dating from after Destruction of the 2nd Temple seem to locate the Lost Ten Tribes in Britain and the West:
Post-2nd Temple period Jewish legends say the Ten Tribes are in the Isles of the Blessed meaning Britain and/or Ireland.
Jewish Arab traditions (i.e. Arab sources of Jewish origin) concerning the people of Aed (meaning the Ten Tribes) etc locate them in the British Isles or France.
Legends concerning the Sons of Moses often associate them with the Lost Ten Tribes also place them in France and/or the Isles of the Blessed meaning Britain and Ireland.
Jewish Notions of the Ten Tribes being in Ireland, Britain, and the West
Hebrew Isles. Ancient Knowledge and Josephus
The Prophecies of Balaam
In the Torah, Balaam (Numbers 22:2-25:9) prophesied concerning Israel. He foresaw the future division between Judah and the Ten Tribes (Numbers 23:7). The Israelites would be a nation counted Alone and not with other peoples. They would not be subject to the same limitations as the others are (23:9). They would be above the other peoples though bearing heavier responsibilities.
They would be an innumerous people, a very great multitude (23:10). They were to receive an unconditional blessing (23:8,19-20). A portion of them would be governed by a monarch (23:21). Their symbols would include a lion (23:24, 24:9) and unicorn (23:22, 24:8) like the British Coat of Arms. They were to dwell according to their Tribes (Numbers 24:2), and in fertile rich areas (24:6), to be in many waters, in every sea, and to rule the waves (24:7). They would become the most powerful national grouping in world history (24:7). They would defeat Edomite nations such as Germany and Japan (24:9).
The Kenites (Rechabites) would be exiled along with the Ten Tribes and return alongside them (24:22 see Rashi).
Josephus understood the Prophecy of Balaam to indicate that:
The multitude of your posterity also shall live as well in the islands as on the continent, and that more in number than are the stars of heaven.
Ireland was also known as Island of the Saints and as Isles of the Blessed. Isle of the Saints or Isle of the Blessed was a concept known in Late Classical Thought.
It usually applied to Ireland though in some contexts could also apply to Britain.
Jews in the Land of Israel in Roman Times as well as Jews in Arab Lands at a later date had the notion that the Lost Ten Tribes and peoples, such as the Rechabites and Children of Moses, were to be found in the Islands of the Blessed.
TTs in Eire. Names for Ireland Confirm Israelite Ancestry!
Did the Jews Know Where the Ten Tribes Are?
Jewish Traditions and Locating the Ten Tribes of Israel in the West.
The Sons of Moses were a legendary group usually associated in Jewish Legend with the Lost Ten Tribes.
They were in "GABALK" which was an Arabic term for western Europe especially the Frankish realm of France.
The pagan Greeks and Romans also had legends concenring Lost Israelites being in the British Isles. They may have received them from Jewish sources.
Pagan Conceptions? A Hidden God? How Pagan Mythology located the Israelites in the British Isles
In pagan terms the legend of Saturn (Cronus) being expelled from Israel and going to Britain would have represented Northern Israel being exiled and reaching the British Isles.
5. Obligations and Historical Tasks
Israelite Hereditary involves both rights and obligations.
Ancestors and Heredity
Joseph enables the other Tribes to bring to fruition their Israelite potential represented by "Jacob."
Joseph is the inner essence of everything. Through self-annulment to the truth Joseph is revealed.
Joseph has a portion in the Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob) who represent the Written Torah. On the other hand Judah is the Aspect of the Oral Law. When a proper clarification is made Judah and Joseph can become one. As it says "THEN JUDAH CAME NEAR UNTO HIM" [Genesis 44:18]... All of the Oral Law is encompassed in the Written Torah; Only we need human strength and exertion to clarify matters.
[Joseph has the Bible in English Translation. This is a lot. It reflects something of the soul of Joseph. Judah has the Hebrew Bible and Oral Tradition. To understand the will of the Almighty we need both. ]
[This is symbolized and foreshadowed by the future union of Judah and Joseph as described in Ezekiel 37.]
Judah said to Joseph. "OH MY LORD, LET THY SERVANT, I PRAY THEE" [Genesis 44:18]. The expression I PRAY THEE in Hebrew is "Bi Adoni" which literally means "Please, My Lord". In Hebrew the word "Bi" translated as "please" can also mean "in me". The "Sfat Emet" links the expression "in me" to "My Lord". He says that Judah was hinting to Joseph that his power of overlordship was "in me" i.e. in Judah. In other words Joseph was able to rule by virtue of the exertions of Judah.
The Maharal, "Netsach Yisroel," said:
The Ten Tribes in a sense exist only in potential (this is the reason they are not mentioned by name). In fact, their potential is so obscured that it is as if they do not exist at all. G-d bringing the Tribes out from under the earth is another way of saying that He will transform this potential into a reality. The earth is particularly suited to this metaphor, as it already contains the potential for bringing forth fruit. Hence the reference to the Mount of Olives.
He adds that it is for this reason that the Midrash states, "To three places were the ten tribes exiled," to indicate that they were separated from the Jewish nation in three ways:
One is in distance, which is why it says that they were exiled to the Sambatyon River.
The second exile is to indicate that not only are they separated in distance, but that there are obstacles in the way as well. This is the meaning of the statement that they were exiled to a distant land behind the Sambatyon River.
And the third way in which they are separated is that they were exiled among the nations and were 'swallowed up' amongst them to such an extent that they themselves do not necessarily know that they are of the Ten Tribes. This is why it says that the Ten Tribes were taken to exile and 'were swallowed': they have totally forgotten their Jewish Identity, as if it has been 'swallowed' by some external force.
#4. Article no. 3 . Where Are the Ten Lost Tribes?
(2) The 'Maharal of Prague'
6. Mashiah ben Yoseph and Behavior
The Mashiah ben Yoseph is a precursor of the Messiah son of David.
The Malbim says the the MBY will be the leader of the Ten Tribes in End Times. Other sources imply the same.
MBY is seen toepitomize in general an historical role of the Ten Tribes.
The MBY will help the Jews of Judah. He will enabled the ingathering of the Exiles and rebuilding the Land of Israel.
He represents the assimilated Israelite who reforms the Gentile nations from inside.
By Extrapolation the MBY represents the Lost Ten Tribes in general.
Joseph and the Temple. Will the Moshiah ben Yoseph Rebuild the Temple?
MBJ Queries. The Problem with Moshiach ben Yoseph
Pirkei d'Rabbi Eliezer:
# It was the custom in Israel to circumcise up until the time they divided into two kingdoms. The Kingdom of Ephraim prevented circumcision.. #
7. Historical Supports
Major Migratory Movements. Israelite Movements to the West
Rabbi Yisrael Alter (1895-1977) in his work "Beis Yisroel" (VeYechi, 5710 (ca. 1950-51), # Genesis 47:28) wrote that the Children of Israel, especially as associated with Joseph, were known as Gomer and as Gomerites. Gomer is the name given by the Assyrians to the Cimmerian Federation that rebelled agaionst them and from whom the Scythians and Goths emerged. They were the ancestors of Western Nations.
GOMER is a Name of Israelites!
According to Rabbi Yisrael Alter ("Beis Yisroel"), Rabbi of of Gur!
Talmudic Sages said the Ten Tribes went to the Sambation and beyond it and to the Clouds of Darkness, to Daphne of Antiochia, etc.. The identification of these areas helps confirm evidence indicating a confederation of the Ten Tribes with the Cimmerians and Scythians and their movement to the west.
Clouds of Darkness
8. The Future
The Isles of Britain and parts of Western Europe as well as (possibly) North America are destined to parts of the Land of Israel.
This is consistent with many of them being descended from the Lost Tribes of Israel.
Predicted Hebrew Islands
Hatam Sofer [The name may also be written as "Chatam Sofer," or "Chasam Sofer."]
Commentary to the Talmud, Baitsa 4b.
# It seems to me, may HaShem expand our border quickly in our days, for then all the isles and islands that are in the Great Sea opposite the Land of Israel to the western limit of the Okeanos [Atlantic Ocean] all of it shall belong to the Land of Israel, and study the source [in the Talmud], Gittin 8a, and in Tosafot where it begins Said Rabbi Yehudah. Indisputably all this is part of the [lands given to] Ten Peoples... #
Levushi Mordecai (by Rabbi Mordechai Leib Winkler, 1845-1932).
Part Three, Yorei Daeah, 49.
# I heard from my Rabbi and Teacher... who heard from the holy mouth of our teacher, the Hatam Sofer, concerning the borders of the Land [of Israel in the future]: the Country of "England" belongs to the islands of the Holy Land..
The Hatam Sofer says that it means all the islands in the [northern part, as implied, of the] Atlantic Ocean up to its very end. This might also imply the inclusion of North America.
Will the Land of Israel Encompass North America?
Lost Israel Revealed!
9. Interpretation of Biblical Verses in a Brit-Am Context confirmed by Rabbinical Commentaries
Rabbinical Sources are NOT the only ones we have. They are not even the main ones. We also rely heavily on the simple meaning of Scripture as well as on secular fields of evidence.
Concerning Scripture in general we endeavor to accept the most literal straight-forward interpretations, e.g. List of 122 Biblical Proofs
Nevertheless, this can be difficult. We may pict a text whose translation is not certain or may be disputed.
In such cases it often happens that Rabbinical understanding tallies with our own and strengthens it.
For example,
Hosea 11:
The traditional Rabbinic Aramaic translation known as "Targum Yehonatan" paraphrases this verse as saying, "The Exiles in the West shall be gathered together to return. "
This strengthens our case.
Concerning Ephraim it was prophesied:
Genesis 48:
In Hebrew "malo hagoim" or literally "the fullness of nations". The Rabbinically Recommended Aramaic Translation of Onkelos translates this as saying that his seed will rule over the nations.
This too strengthens our case.
10. Brit-Am Publications that discuss these issues in more depth.
"Ephraim. The Gentile Children of Israel,"
Henry-7 (1457-1509), King of England, adopted the Tudor Rose as his symbol. It still is in official usage as representative of the monarchy and of Britain. The Tudor Rose with its red and white petals was described as representative of Israel in the opening pages of the Zohar.
"The Tribes. The Israelite Origins of Western Peoples,"
has a chapter dedicated to Rabbinical opinion relevant to the Ten Tribes being among Western peoples. Traditional Symbols of the Tribes and other such matters are discussed.
"Ancestry. The Hebrew Identity of Celtic Races," is more of an historical work but it shows (among other things) how traces of the Hebrew Language and Hebrew names were to be found among Celtic peoples.
"Joseph. The Israelite Destiny of America,"
Rabbinical Tradition from an early date or based on very early sources described the Tribes of Joseph in the End Times. The descriptions can only fit Britain and North America.
"Biblical Truth (2nd ed). Genesis and the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel,"
concentrates on evidence derived from Scripture, especially from the first book of the Bible, the Book of Genesis. The simple meaning of scripture is explained according to the Hebrew text as well as Rabbinical Tradition concerning this text, along with the opinions of revered Classical commentators, and relevant background information.
is a summary of Brit-Am research and gives an overall perspective. It concentrates ion historical and Biblical matters.
"To Rule the World. How the British and Americans Proved they Descend from Joseph and the Ten Tribes of Israel,"
A translation of an article by Rabbi Kook confirms our understanding of the role of Joseph, and of Judah.
Rabbi Avraham HaCohen Kook (1864 - 1935) was the first Chief Rabbi of the State of Israel and the Spiritual Guide for all Modern Religious Zionism.
"To Rule the World" is at present the ONLY source where much of this information and more of equal importance may be available.
"Chosen People. The Descendants of Joseph and the Ten Tribes among English-Speaking Nations and the Jews of Judah,"
The Ancient Celts and related peoples referred to themselves as Hebrews. Many of them were descended from Israelites. The inhabitants of Britain pertained mainly to clans belonging to Joseph. It is proven conclusively that nearly all of the Ten Tribes had disappeared from the Land of Israel and re-appeared in the west.
"Bible Basics. Scripture, Israel, and the Oral Tradition,"
discusses Biblical principles and rabbinical tradition.
"David and Bat Sheva. The Case for Exonerating King David,"
examines aspects of the Biblical Story of King David in the light of Rabbinical and other consdierations.
"Edom and Germany"
concerns non-Israelite peoples such as Germans. here too, Rabbinical sources were of help inn understanding national psychologies.
"Esau. Edomites Today"
mainly deals with the Biblical identity of non-Israelite peoples. In this matter Rabbinical Sources are also important.
"Hebrew English. The Israelite Input into the Modern Anglo-Saxon Language,"
shows a still evident affinity between the English Language and Ancient Hebrew.
"Hebrew Bride. The Ten Tribes and Judah in the Prophecy of Hosea, First Chapters."
"Lost Hebrews Found-The Prophecies of Hosea-2."
"Hebrew Destiny-The Prophecies of Hosea-3."
This work contains Revelations concerning Ephraim in the Writings of Rabbi Moshe David Valle, Italy, from the 1700s.
"Hebrew Salvation-Hosea-4."
11. Hebrew Meanings of Names and Tribal Characteristics in the light of Rabbinical Commentary confirmed Brit-Am Identifications, e.g. Machir first born son of Manasseh gave his name to America.
Machir means Capitalism. Manasseh means Responsible Representations, Ephraim means Aristocracy.
12. Jewish Philosophy: Helps explain the separate roles of Judah and Joseph.