Threatened Gas Attack and New Year (Rosh HaShana) Message 5774
Warning Against Gas Attack
Will the US and its allies attack Syria? It seems likely it will but who knows?
The general view is that Assad of Syria will probably not do anything at first if the attack is not overduly threatening. If Assad feels in danger he may decide to try and hurt Israel as much as possible before he goes down.
A verbal non-official warning has gone out to people in Jerusalem to expect gas attacks, possibly even tonight. If explosions are heard do not go outside. If you live on an upper level do not go to a lower one. The higher you are, the safer you probably will be.
Gas masks were distributed but many people did not bother to go collect them. If they had have done there would not have been enough to go around anyway.
At all events, life is not certain.
Brit-Am Hebrew Nations spreads the message of Israelite Descent of Western Nations. Amongst other things, next year we hope to conduct a very intensive study of the Bible especially of the Book of Isaiah.
We also have ongoing projects and obligations of great importance that deserve and need to be completed.
We have proof of the Israelite descent of peoples in western nations. We have merited to reveal information of importance. We can do still more.
Our ability however is dependent on our being able to function. This means funding.
We genuinely believe that whosoever helps us financially or any other way will be blessed.
If you can send something to help us, please do so. You will be blessed because of it and so will we.
Even small amounts help and are appreciated.
To Make an Offering to Brit-Am: Snail Mail or PayPal
We are approaching the end of the Hebrew Year, 5773.
This has been a year of mixed blessings for us.
New points of information became known. We functioned. We merited to spread the message and to some degree improved our delivery of it. More people became aware of us. Those who were already with us mostly stayed and often intensified their appreciation of our message.
We remained healthy, were enabled to work, our family was blessed. We survived.
Money was frequently a problem.
We hope that next year the good things will continue to be good and other matters will get better.
We also send blessings to all our friends and subscribers and their families.
We urge those who can to send us a token of their appreciation of us before the end of this Hebrew Year i.e. within the next day or so.
Rosha HaShannah 5774
We were commanded to celebrate the First Day of the seventh month:
Leviticus 23:
24 Speak to the children of Israel, saying: In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall have a sabbath-rest, a memorial [Hebrew: Shabaton-Zicaron] of blowing of trumpets [Hebrew: Truah], a holy convocation. 25 You shall do no customary work on it; and you shall offer an offering made by fire to the LORD.
This day (in the seventh month) is a day of assembly, of blowing the shofar, and of remembrance.
This is Rosh HaShana or the New Year Day for the purpose of judgment.
Concerning the Land of Israel we are told that it is,
Deuteronomy 11:
12 a land for which the LORD your God cares; the eyes of the LORD your God are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year.
We thus have a beginning of the year and an end of the year.
This is connected with the overseeing of the Land by the Almighty. By implication this involves the whole of creation except that the Land of Israel, as if to say, is to receive special attention.
This is Rosh HaShana, the first day of the seventh month when a holy assembly, a day of remembrance, and of shofar blowing was commanded.
Rosha HaShana is important not only due to its own innate importance but also since it leads up to Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) ten days later.
"Brit-Am Now"-602
#4. The Shofar and the Return of the Ten Tribes
During the Hebrew Feast Day of Rosh HaShana (New Year's Day)...the shofar is sounded a hundred times.
At the end of the upcoming holy day of Yom Kippur the shofar will also be sounded.
This is the month of Tishrei on the Hebrew calendar and according to one tradition during this month the Ten Tribes will
Isaiah 27:
13 And on that day a great shofar will be blown, and those who were lost in the land of Assyria and those who were driven out to the land of Egypt will come and worship the Lord on the holy mountain at Jerusalem.
Isaiah 58:
Shout out, do not hold back!
Lift up your voice like a shofar!
Announce to my people their rebellion,
to the house of Jacob their sins.
This is directed both to Israel and Judah.
Next week (Wednesday Night, September 3, 2013) is Rosh HaShanah or the Hebrew New Year. It lasts for two days and this year is followed immediately by the Sabbath. That makes for three consecutive days of Sanctitiy.
From the second day of Rosh HaShana begins the month of Tishrei.
Tishrei is probably derived from a word root meaning "gift".
"Teshurah" in fancy Hebrew means "present, bestowal".
In Modern Hebrew "tesher" officially means "tip" but most Israelis are not aware of it.
They use the English word "tip" instead.
It may be that Tishrei is named as it is because after Rosh HaShanah the life you receive and everything about it is a gift ("tesher") from the Almighty.
Appreciate it.
Tishrei is associated with the Tribe of Ephraim.
Rosh HaShana means the head or Beginning (Rosh) of the Year (HaShanah).
The Jewish Prayer service on this day is quite long. The Ten Tribes and Ephraim are spoken of several times.
The shofar (horn of a ram) will be blown. The shofar has three (or four, depending on how the count is made) different sounds. During the Prayer Service the shofar will be blown in the three different ways several times over so that the participants will usually hear it blown about 100 times.
The word "shofar" is linked to the Hebrew "ShaPeR" meaning to improve. This (via the Latin) is where the English word "super" (i.e. elevated, best) comes from.
On Rosh HaShana we should improve our actions.
The word for Year is "shana". It connotes both repetition (ShayNeH) and change (ShoNeh).
On the one hand things could continue as they are. On the other it may all change.
The present is the child of the past. The future will be the offspring of what there is now.
We may change everything for the better and should endeavor to do so.
The Almighty is always close to those who call unto HIM (Psalm 145:18)
Even so some times are more propitious than others.
This is a season in which the Almighty makes HIMSELF more amenable to us if we wish to approach HIM and change ourselves.
Brit-Am and Rosh HaShana (Every Year).
Rosh HaShana for You.
The Importance of Repentance at the Individual Level and Also Concerning the Ten Lost Tribes.
May the God of Israel bless all of you,
Yair Davidiy
on behalf of Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations