Britain, and its Offshoots and the USA as Israelites. Biblical Proofs (15 December 2016, 15 Kislev, 5777)
1. Introduction
2. Biblical Proof List as Pertaining to Anglo-Nations
3. Ephraimite Criteria
4. Conclusion
1. Introduction
The Jews of today represent the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, Levi, along with minority elements from other tribes.
Most Israelites belong to the Lost Ten Tribes.
We believe the Lost Ten Tribes to be today mainly among western peoples.
This includes the nations of the British Isles (Ireland, North Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England), the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, many in South Africa, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Switzerland. Individuals and possibly offshoot groups from Israel are also found in other countries. We have proofs from the Bible, from Jewish sources, Rabbinical texts, Archaeology, Linguistics, Mythology, National Psychology, etc. At present we intend to concentrate on proofs from Scripture.
Within the Ten Tribes, Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) are a separate group in their own right.
We identify as Joseph the first group of nations listed above i. e. nations of the British Isles [Ireland, North Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England], the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and many in South Africa. Within some of the other Israelite nations may also be found segments from Joseph.
Indications are that Blessings given to the Israelite in general would be ESPECIALLY applicable to the Tribes of Joseph, cf. The blessing of Jacob (Israel) to his son, Joseph:
Genesis 49:
26 'The blessings of your father
Have surpassed the blessings of my ancestors
Up to the utmost bound of the everlasting hills;
May they be on the head of Joseph,
And on the crown of the head of the one distinguished among his brothers.
Before proceeding to prove the identity with Joseph of the British-descended and American peoples it is worth while to first review proofs identify them with Israel in general. For the sake of convenience, we shall refer to the peoples in questions as "ANGLOS". The Biblical Proofs describing the Lost Ten Tribes in the End Times are many and varied. It was NOT intended that every place inhabited by the Ten Tribes fit every description given. The descriptions were general and applicable on the whole.
It is worth noting that our Ephraimite Criteria concerning what nations are basically Israelite and what are not includes the FAMILY CONSIDERATION: If one member of the family fits the bill the conclusions regarding identity of that specific nation apply to every other related member even though the others are less pertinent to the particular point mentioned. For example, if I know for certain that John and Joe have the same father, and that Bill is the father of John then Joe too must be the son of Bill.
2. Biblical Proof List as Pertaining to Anglo-Nations
We shall take below Biblical Proofs identifying the Ten Tribes as being in the west in general and see how these proofs when applied tot he Anglo Nations fit them especially well, as prophesied to Joseph (Genesis 49:26).
1. Ends of the Earth: Isaiah 24:16, 26:15, 41:8-9 43:6 49:6: All of the Anglos are located at geographic extremities of the earth when considered from the point of view that the center is to be found in the Land of Israel, cf. North America, Australia and New Zealand, British Isles, South Africa.
2. Isles Isaiah 24:15 49:6 60:9 Jeremiah 31: 9-10. The term "Isle" in Biblical Hebrew ("ei") can mean "island" or simply isolate entity not necessarily an island. Nevertheless the translation of "ei" as island is the more accurate. The British Isles, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, are all islands.
3. Thighs, Peninsulas, and Coasts: Jeremiah 31:8 North America (Canada, and the USA) is a peninsula.
4. Tarshish (Atlantic Ocean Area) Isaiah 60:9 The USA, British Isles, and South Africa are all linked by the Atlantic Ocean.
5. Western Location: Isaiah 24:14, Hosea 1:10. The USA, British Isles, and South Africa are all to the west of the Land of Israel. Australia and New Zealand are not BUT the FAMILY CONSIDERATION applies to them.
6. Located to the Northwest of the Land of Israel: Isaiah 49:12. The USA, and British Isles, are all to the northwest of the Land of Israel.
7. In the "North" Land: Jeremiah 3:18 31: 6-10. The USA, and British Isles, are all to the north of the Land of Israel.
8. Australia ("Land of Sinim") Isaiah 49:12 (See also Brit-Am Computer Codes on Australia and New Zealand). Australia and New Zealand are the Land of Sinim in Biblical Terms. They are to the southwest of the Land of Israel. The FAMILY CONSIDERATION applies to the other lands identified.
9. Best Places (Atziliyah) Isaiah 41: 9. The Lands considered are on the whole healthy and salubrious and blessed with natural resources of great value.
10. Fires in the Isles referring to Celtic Britain Isaiah 24:15.
11: Zarephath, meaning France and Britain, Obadiah 1:20
12. Dolmens showing Pathway of Migration Jeremiah 31:21 This is pertinent to Ireland and Britain. The family Consideration is pertinent here especially since many in the other lands descend from ancestors who populated the British Isles within historical times.
13. Many Waters (Several Oceans) Numbers 24:7: This fits all the Israelite nations under consideration. The Pacific Ocean (USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand), the Atlantic Ocean (USA, Canada, British Isles), the Indian Ocean (Australia, South Africa), etc, all touch on coastal areas of the Anglo peoples.
14. Bald-Headed Eagle (symbol of USA) Micah 1:16 USA Family Consideration
15. Lion and Unicorn (Symbol of Britain) Numbers 24:7-9 UK Family Consideration
16. Cyrus: Messiah son of Joseph, inludes help to the Jews in restoring the Land and other matters Isaiah 44:28:
17. Rule Over OTHER Peoples: Genesis 27:29 48:19 "A MULTITUDE OF NATIONS" (Hebrew: "Malo HaGoyim" i.e. Complete the Peoples, Onkelos: = Rule over the nations), Psalms 47:3: Britain and the British with Irish help.
18. Being Recognizable as a "Brit-Am" Isaiah 42:6 49:8 Covenant of the People: British Empire and Commonwealth, and American hegemony over much of the world.
19. Seafarers Isaiah 42:10: All nations considered especially the British. Family Consideration.
20. Be the Dominant World Power Numbers 24:7-9 Micah 5:7-9. UK, USA.
21. Military Might: Deuteronomy 33:27 33:29 Jer. 51:20-21 UK (with Irish help), USA.
22. The Battle-Axe of the Almighty or "Police-Man of the Globe" Jeremiah 51:20 Zechariah 10:7 UK (with Irish help), USA.
23. Defeat Edom (Germany and Europe) Ez. 25:14 Obad. 1:18. UK (with Irish help), Canada, Australia, New Zealand, USA
24. Light for the Gentiles Genesis 12:2-3, 18:18-19, 22:18 Isaiah 42:1 42:6 Amos 5:14-15: UK, Ireland, and USA
25: Alcoholic Drunkards Isaiah 28:1, 3 All nations considered especially Australians, Irish, and Americans.
26. Separate from Judah: Isaiah 11:12-13 49:21. All nations considered
27. Not known to Judah: Isaiah 49:13-14, 21. Hosea 1:7. All nations considered.
28. Christianity: Note: Christianity is ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN TO JEWS!! All nations considered.
It may however have a role to play concerning the Ten Tribes, see Hosea 2:8, 2:13, 2:16 11:12 Jeremiah 31:6.
29. Gomer: Linkage with European nations; Hosea chapter one. Historically pertinent to Celtic and Germanic-speaking peoples who populated the British Isles and had previously been neighbors of and allied with peoples of Gomer.
30. Numerous: Genesis 15:5, 22:17, 24:60, 32:12, Numbers 23:10, Isaiah 10:22, 24:16, 26:15 Hos.1:10 All nations considered especially Americans and Britishers.
31. Agricultural Plenty: Gen 27:28 49:25 Deut 33:13-16 Hoshea 2:8 All nations considered from an historical perspective. Today especially applicable to Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and perhaps less to Britain. Britain in the past was however an important producer of wool, flax, and grains.
32. Mineral Resources Genesis 49:25 Deuteronomy 33:13, 15 All nations considered from an historical perspective. Today especially applicable to Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and perhaps less to Britain and Ireland. All nations considered from an historical perspective. Today especially applicable to Canada, USA, Australia, and South Africa, and perhaps less to Britain and Ireland. Britain in the past was however an important producer of tin, copper, and other minerals. The British still have petroleum from the North Sea. Ireland appears to have been an important supplier of gold.
33. GATE(s) OF YOUR ENEMIES (International Strategic Points) Genesis 22:17 24:60. Britain Empire in the past and the USA today.
34, 35, 36. Cush (India), Egypt, Chains in Slaves from Africa to be taken overseas to homeland Isa. 44:28 also Isa 43:3 45:14. Applicable to the British Empire and the USA.
37. Ruled by Sons of David Jeremiah 33:22, 26 Applicable to the British Empire
38. Headed by Kings Genesis 17:6, 16, 35:11 Applicable to the British Empire and today to Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.
39. The name Hebrew (The Western "Celts" called themselves "Iberi" meaning "Hebrews"!): Genesis 14:13 39:17 40:15 1:12 43:32 Jonah 1:9 Applicable to ALL the nations considered.
40. Isaac: (Genesis 21:12 48:16). Scythians, Zohak, Ishkuza, Sacasson, Saxon. Applicable to ALL the nations considered.
41. Jacob: Isaiah 49:6 Tribes of Jacob: Union Jack, Yankee, Jock: UK, Scotland, USA.
42. Israel: "Isru" traditional ancestor of the Irish and Scottish: Ireland, Scotland, Family Consideration.
43. John Bull (nickname for Britain): Deuteuronomy 33:17 Jeremiah 31:18 "Aegel" (Angle) was a nickname for Ephraim. England, Britain.
44-114. Seventy Tribal and Clan Names many of which are still in use. All found in historical Britain and Ireland and therefore applicable to all nations considered.
115. Nobility Principle associated with Ephraim (UK) Jer. 31:20. England.
116. Representative Democracy associated with Manasseh (USA) Genesis 41:51. USA.
117. The name "America" from Machir firstborn of Manasseh. USA the major Capitalist nation and "Machir" denotes Principle of Sale. USA.
119. Proof from Biblical Brit-Am Computer Codes
121. Object of Islamic Terror: Pertintent to all nations considered especially (at present) the UK, USA, Australia.
3. Ephraimite Criteria
Ephraimite Criteria include Biblical Proofs along with other considerations that help us determine who is descended from Israelites and who is not.
All of these are pertinent to the Anglo Nations taken as a whole.
Indications of Scripture
Groundwork: Historical, Archaeological, and Related Proofs showing paths of migration. See Jeremiah 31:21. Dolmens showing Pathway of Migration, Jeremiah 31:21
Judah: Affinity with the Jews.
Originality: Innovation and Intellect: A minimal degree of national Intellectual Wisdom and Honesty, cf. Deuteronomy 4:6.
Bravery: Proven Military Prowess in the past at least and at present in potential, see Deuteronomy 33:29.
Empathy: The Doing of Social Justice.
Israelite Self-Identification
Family Connection
Tribal Affiliation
4. Conclusion:
We see that nearly all of the Biblical Proofs apply to the Anglo nations especially when the principle of Family Consideration is applied. This proves that the said peoples are to a Biblically significant degree of Israelite descent. In addition, we have more evidence from other fields that points in the same direction.