Brit-Am Anthropology and DNA Update (16 January, 2013, Shevet 5, 5773)
1. Why Does DNA Not Confirm Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations Belief?
2. Changes in YDNA, Extracts from Articles.
3. Welsh Are the Most Ancient Britons [and of Mediterranean type]
1. Why Does DNA Not Confirm Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations Belief?
Holly Henderson wrote:
re Brit-Am Now no. 1994
#5. Confirming Israelite Ancestry.
We said:
# DNA however, in its general conclusions, does not confirm our beliefs. We think there is a mistake here that may be correct through future research. #
What is this "mistake" in the DNA general conclusions that you referenced in item #5? What type of data are you looking for/waiting to be revealed in terms of DNA being a solid "proof" of Jewish ancestory?
Brit-Am Reply:
In your question, you said "Jewish" ancestry but we prefer to use the term "Israelite" or "Hebrew". The Jews are only part of the Israelite ancestral spectrum we are looking for.
We can divide DNA into three different types of parameter.
(a) YDNA which is passed on from father to son forever through the male line.
(b) mtDNA which is passed on from mother to daughter forever through the female line.
(c) Autosomal DNA (Relating to any chromosome besides the X and Y sex chromosomes) may be derived from either father or mother or both together and is passed onto both sons and daughters.
Autosomal DNA and mtDNA do not prove Israelite or Middle East origins for western peoples but to some degree hey could be interpreted as consistent with it.
It has already been proven that mtDNA is influenced by the environment. Autosomal DNA is also so influenced.
YDNA is a problem.
As it stands today most Western Peoples have YDNA classified as R1b, some have R1a; others have I, or E.
R1b, and R1a link up with Asian and Amerindian peoples.
I could link up with J such as is found amongst some Jews and Arabs.
E links up with Greeks, people from the Balkans, North Africa, and Africans (both white and black).
There are grounds to suspect the YDNA is also influenced and that in effect almost overnight changes may take place, as rare but real events, every so often. This however is not conventionally accepted.
See item no.2 below:
2. Changes in YDNA, Extracts from Articles.
The Genetic Origin of the Nations
DNA Change Rates: Modern Science vs. The Bible
Effects of Radiation on mtDNA
It has also been shown recently that radiation affects the mtDNA change rates. The experiments were conducted using areas of natural radiation and a low-level radiation control.
The experiments were conducted in Kerala, India. Until recently, scientists have assumed that radiation only caused lesions on the DNA, but it is now beyond doubt that variations in the natural radiation over time have caused mutations in the human mtDNA at frequencies as much as one or two generations.
The effects of the mtDNA changes affect the human genome, and will have a flow-on mutational effect to the YDNA structure. The implications for the evolutionist models are enormous. The time-frames and models are far too long, given the results.
The paper at reference is:
Natural radioactivity and human mitochondrial DNA mutations
Lucy Forster*, , , Peter Forster, Sabine Lutz-Bonengel, Horst Willkomm , and Bernd Brinkmann*
As stated, the team tested the effects of natural background radiations and found that radiation affected the mutational change rates of mtDNA. For example, if you were born in the test area in Kerala, you would suffer rapid mutations in the mtDNA, which would affect the YDNA structure also. Thus the DNA comparisons in these various groups may well vary from one to the other over a much shorter period of time than expected. The team said:
The observation that radiation accelerates point mutations at all is unexpected, at first glance, because radiation was, until recently, thought to generate primarily DNA lesions (1). A potential explanation is provided by our additional observation that these radiation-associated point mutations are also evolutionary hot spots, indicating that the radiation indirectly increases the cell's normal (evolutionary) mutation mechanism (5).
... As demonstrated, our mtDNA results strongly support an acceleration of the evolutionary DNA mutation mechanism through radiation.
Viral and Bacterial Change
Science has now demonstrated that some 8% of human DNA is obtained from bacteria and retro-viruses and those changes can occur overnight. For example, a village gets a virus and that changes the DNA structure literally within 24 hours (cf. ABC Catalyst program on Viral and Bacterial Changes to DNA).
We can see how simple it was to implement changes to the human DNA system and alter the nature of human racial structure. We know these things happened at two specific times in the biblical structure, and we now know that progressive change occurs more and more rapidly with retro-viruses, bacteria, background radiation and the introduction of the mtDNA mutations themselves, which cause further mutation across the human genome.
The evolutionist models are now being shown to be a joke with every new scientific discovery. Human DNA was altered and with that alteration came death and the disintegration of the integrity of the DNA reproduction process, hence, shorter and shorter life-spans. The dispersion from Babel was a second major event and we have no real idea of the significance of the changes wrought there to accomplish Gods purpose. It could simply have been done with a series of viruses.
The changes are occurring more and more rapidly and we know it, but the evolutionists misrepresent the facts.
3. Welsh Are the Most Ancient Britons [and of Mediterranean type]
The Welsh (and Cornish) may be the Sardinians of the UK: relatively pure descendants of prehistoric Britons, minimally altered by post-Neolithic gene flow. Interestingly, they and Sardinians are each the darkest and most racially Mediterranean populations in their respective countries, having the highest rates of black hair and brown eyes and the lowest rates of blondism (Coon, 1939: Ch. X, Sec. 3 and Ch. XI, Sec. 16).
Research suggests the Welsh are genetically distinct from the rest of mainland Britain.
The project surveyed 2,000 people in rural areas across Britain.
Prof Donnelly, a professor of statistical science at Oxford University and director of the Wellcome Trust centre for human genetics, said DNA samples were analysed at about 500,000 different points.
After comparing statistics, a map was compiled which showed Wales and Cornwall stood out.
Prof Donnelly said: "People from Wales are genetically relatively distinct, they look different genetically from much of the rest of mainland Britain, and actually people in north Wales look relatively distinct from people in south Wales."
While there were traces of migrant groups across the UK, there were fewer in Wales and Cornwall.
He said people from south and north Wales genetically have "fairly large similarities with the ancestry of people from Ireland on the one hand and France on the other...
He said it was possible that people came over from Ireland to north Wales because it was the closest point, and the same for people coming to south Wales from the continent, as it was nearer.
However he added: "We don't really have the historical evidence about what those genetic inputs were."
The geography of Wales made it more likely that ancient DNA would be retained.
Because of its westerly position and mountainous nature, Anglo-Saxons who moved into central and eastern England after the Romans left did not come that far west, and neither did the Vikings who arrived in around 900AD.
The professor said modern people from central and southern England had many genetic similarities to modern people in Denmark and Germany.