Brit-Am Historical Reports (22 April, 2014, 22 Nisan, 5774)
1. The True Aim of Germany in WW2: Kill Jews!
2. Pre-Eminence of King Over Pope in England before Henry-viii:
3. Egyptians in Ancient Israel
1. The True Aim of Germany in WW2: Kill Jews!
World War II Myths, Misconceptions and Surprises
Gerhard Weinberg:
"A second myth is the separation of the war from the Holocaust. Hitler did not plan the invasion of France because the French did not let him visit Paris (8.42); ...there was purpose to
t he war Germany initiated. That purpose was a demographic revolution on the globe of which killing all Jews was a central point (9.05). Erwin Rommel was first sent to North Africa to salvage Mussolini's hold on Libya... He was to arrange the (9.21) killing of all Jews in Egypt, Palestine, and elsewhere in the Middle East with the murder commando at his headquarters. Hitler did not trust the Italians, who were to get the area, to carry out this important mission (9.35)..."
Rommel had the aim of killing Jews in Egypt, and Palestine. That was the purpose of his attempted invasion of British-held Egypt.
Brit-Am Note:
From this and other sources the impression is that the Nazis fought the war in order to kill Jews.
It was not that they were fighting a war, attempting to conquer other peoples etc and incidentally killing Jews BUT
[in the yes of Hilter and those who followed him] they were killing Jews and incidentally doing other things.
2. Pre-Eminence of King Over Pope in England before Henry-viii:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In English history, Praemunire or Praemunire facias was a law which prohibited the assertion or maintenance of papal jurisdiction, imperial or foreign, or some other alien jurisdiction or claim of supremacy in England, against the supremacy of the monarch. This law was enforced by the Writ of Praemunire facias, a writ of summons from which the law takes its name.
The name Praemunire may denote the statute, the writ, or the offence.
Praemunire in classical Latin means to fortify. In medieval Latin, praemunire was confused with and used for praemonere, to forewarn, as the writ commanded that the sheriff do (facias) warn (praemunire) the summoned person to appear before the Court.[1]
The Statute of Praemunire (16 Ric. 2, c. 5) was passed by the Parliament of England during the reign of Richard II, who purchased various loans from foreign creditors and rulers as well as bulls from Rome in 1392. It was only one of numerous stringent measures passed for the purpose of restraining the Holy See and all forms of papal authority in England and of eliminating in general the influence of foreign powers especially creditors and the Holy Roman Emperor. Because the Papacy had long claimed a form of temporal supremacy over England and Ireland, from the beginning of the 14th century, papal intervention had been particularly active, more especially in two forms. The one, the disposal of ecclesiastical benefices, before the same became vacant, to men of the pope's own choosing; the other, the encouragement of resort to himself and his curia, rather than to the courts of the country, for legal justice.
The Statute of Provisors (1306), passed in the reign of Edward I, was, according to Sir Edward Coke, the foundation of all subsequent statutes of praemunire. This statute enacted "that no tax imposed by any religious persons should be sent out of the country whether under the name of a rent, tallage, tribute or any kind of imposition." A much greater check on the freedom of action of the popes was imposed by the Statute of Provisors (1351) and the Statute of Praemunire passed in the reign of Edward III.
3. Egyptians in Ancient Israel
EGYPTIAN IN ISRAEL: During the installation of a gas pipeline in the Jezreel Valley (Marj Ibn Amer), south of Galilee, a clay sarcophagus with an amulet bearing the name of the New Kingdom pharaoh Seti I was unearthed. The coffin appears to contain a dagger, a cup, a clay pot and a hammered piece of bronze as well as a male skeleton. Its anthropoid lid shows the face and the crossed hands of the deceased. Researchers from the Israel Antiquities Authority told Discovery Channel that, since the funerary artefacts are inside the sarcophagus, the deceased may be of a man of Canaanite engaged in the service of the Egyptian government. A scarab seal encased in gold was found next to the sarcophagus. Archaeologists have noted this could be a sign of strong Egyptian presence in Galilee during the second millennium BC.
cf. (b) 3,000 Year-Old Coffin Discovered in the Jezreel Valley
Apr 09, 2014, 08:45PM | Rachel Avraham