Brit-Am Historical Report, Titles of Entries in Each Posting
BHR Brit-Am Historical Report nos. 1 to 88
Brit-Am Historical Report
1. The Nazis were Perverts by Yair Davidiy.
2. Anglo-Saxon Biblically-Inspired Poetry
3. A Pict Kingdom in Galloway, Scotland.
4. Palmyra in the Syrian Desert.
Norwegian Researchers solve Roman Empire historical mystery. Solutions Applicable in our own time.
5. Interesting (Untitled) Notes on the Jew-Hatred of Richard Wagner by
Dan Leeson.
6. Amnon Goldberg: Shakespeare & Torah.
7. Amnon Goldberg: The Jewish Heroes of Bomber Command.
Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Recommended: Origin of Nations e-mail list.
2. Jews in Medicine.
Extract from Tracing the Path of Jewish Medical Pioneers by RONI CARYN RABIN.
3. The Arabs were Usually Bad and Created deserts. Extracts from Who Really Killed the Pax Romana?
Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. The Nazis Foreshadowed.
The Kaiser and his Court: Wilhelm II and the Government of Germany
by John Rohl
2. Norman Borlaug, Forgotten Benefactor of Humanity By Gregg Easterbrook
Norman Borlaug, the agronomist whose discoveries sparked the Green Revolution, has saved literally millions of lives, yet he is hardly a household name
3. US Assistance to Israel.
The war that nearly was By ABRAHAM RABINOVICH
Brit-Am Historical Reports.
1. Islamophobia is Rational. Judeophobia is not! by Yair Davidiy
2. A 2,700-year-old greeting from a man called 'Matanyahu'
3. Ancient Jewish Depiction of Samson .
Stunning Synagogue Floor Discovered in Galilee by Gil Ronen
Brit-Am Historical Reports.
1. Australian Bushranger Ned Kelly to be Reburied?
Peace at last: burial planned for Ned Kelly by Nino Bucci
2. Are Archaeological Findings of Synagogues Really Jewish Buildings?
Ancient Synagogues in the Holy Land - What Synagogues? by David Landau
3. How Jewish General John Monash Leading Australian Troops Helped Greatly to Win WW1.
Brit-Am Historical Reports.
1. Report: Did the BBC Purposely Fail to Warn Hungarian Jews of Nazi Threat?
2. William Rubinstein: Soviet Deaths in WW2
3. Amnon Goldberg: Winston Churchill in Torah
4. Tudor Longbowmen from Wales and Southwest England
5. Traditional surnames are becoming extinct: farewell to the Footheads and Pauncefoots
6. Telegraph: A person's surname can influence their career, experts claim
and Important Brit-Am Comment.
7. Steven Collins: Was there a Chance for an Early End to WW2?
Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. 'First tartan' on Roman statue [depicts Scottish Caledonian from ca. 200 CE]
2. Doggerland: [Submerged Lands off the coast of Britain and the Netherlands] by Laura Spinney
3. UiO linguist makes sensational claim: English is a Scandinavian language
Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Interesting Map of Old Testament Israel
2. An Ancient Jewish Kingdom in Yemen. Fortress in the Sky Buried Christian Empire Casts New Light on Early Islam
By Matthias Schulz
3. Amnon Goldberg: YK [Yom Kippur] War & Torah
4. YouTube Clip. 13th Tribe Debunked - Arthur Koestler Refuted
5. Understanding the Nazi Third Reich. Who Really Determined Policy?
Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Kofi Bonsu: Lost Tribes and Ashanti of West Africa?
2. Top Ten 'Biblical Archaeology' finds for 2012.
3. Cherie Koch: Article by John D. Keyser, The Sea of Yousef and other interesting facts
Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Ancient City of Kush Searched for in the Sudan
2. 1,900 year old Torah Scroll found in Syria!
3. Minoans of Crete were Warrior Prototypes for Myceneans
Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Mark Williiams: Recommendations
(a) Orde Wingate
(b) A Medieval English Colony in Trebizond on the Black Sea Shore!
2. British Support for Jews in Mandatory Palestine
(a) Suppression of the Arab Revolt
(b) Testimony of an Intellectual (but relatively objective) Pro-Palestinian Force
3. Ancient Egyptian and Spanish Gold
4. New Holocaust Records
The Holocaust Just Got More Shocking by ERIC LICHTBLAU
5. 50 Interesting Facts Facts About . . . Race and Racism
Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Father of U.S. slavery was a black man
2. Dirk: Thuringians from Goths
3. First Evidence of Viking-Like 'Sunstone' Found
Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. What Vikings really looked like
2. 5 Shockingly Advanced Ancient Buildings That Shouldn't Exist
3. IUPUI (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis) led expedition seeks source of thousand-year-old coins in Aboriginal Australia
4. Kenya: Maasais, Canaanites And the Inca Connection by Philip Ochieng
5. Zoroastrianism Relied on Oral Tradition
Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Holocaust Records: The Betrayal of Salonika's Jews by Andrew Apostolou
2. Article on John Patterson. The Lion Hunter of Zion
3. An image of the Loch Ness Monster in a medieval manuscript?
BHR-103. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. FDR Used the IRS Against Jewish Activists during WW2!!
2. Wild Wolfland in Ireland
3. Ancient Slavs in Germany and England
4. Europe's Hypocritical History of Cannibalism by Sarah Everts
5. John F. Pazera: Did Assyrians Settle in Germany?
BHR-104. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Environmental Roots of the Late Bronze Age Crisis
2.Origin of copper ores of Nordic Bronze Age [North Tyrol, Ibernian Peninsula, Sardinia]
3. Climate, Not Spaniards, Brought Diseases That Killed Aztecs
4. Germans Responsible for Imagery Associating Jews with Swine
5. Pope Pius -12 was an accessory to the Kidnapping of Jewish Children
6. Dutch Government (1949) Forced at Least 358 Jewish Infants to Become Gentiles!
7. Was there a Jewish temple in ancient Egypt?
BHR-105. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Animal Sacrifice Powered Ancient Jerusalem's Economy by Tia Ghose
2. Toxic Gas First Used in Syria 1,700 Years Ago by Rossella Lorenzi
3. Men's average height 'up 11cm since 1870s'Comments (326) By Caroline Parkinson
4. 2 Articles on the Celts
(a) The Scots are not Kelts
(b) Kelts II: The French are Kelts by Mike Haseler
5. Sources on a Spinx found in Israel Named Machir. Mycerinus = Machir of Manasseh??
BHR-106. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. New Zealand. Maungarei Stonefields
2. Early Portuguese or Dutch Ship Found in New Zealand Waters
Mystery 300-year-old shipwreck could rewrite history by IAN STEWARD
3. Australia: Early Indonesian or Dutch Visitors to Australia
Cannon found on NT beach 250 years old by Barbara Barkhausen
4. Stephen Phillips: Irish Historical Geneaologies are Unreliable! followed by Notes on Descendants of Neal
5. Why do we value gold? by Justin Rowlatt
BHR-107. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Cristian Sildan: Japhetites are Asians!
2. Mythical Viking Sunstone is Real
3. Wild Boars In Israel Have European Ancestry, Philistines May Have Started 'Island of Pigs'
By Zoe Mintz
BHR-108. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Stephen Phillips: The 'Queen of Sheba' was the Egyptian Queen of Thebes
2. Stephen Phillips: The Gulf of Akaba is the Red Sea Crossed by the Israelites
3. A Blood-Libel in Prussia, Germany, 1901
BHR-109. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. The True Aim of Germany in WW2: Kill Jews!
2. Pre-Eminence of King Over Pope in England before Henry-viii:
3. Egyptians in Ancient Israel
BHR-110. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Ancient Greek Language Said to Reprogram The Brain by Konstantinos Menzel
[Brit-Am Comment: Similar claims have been made concerning the Study of Hebrew]
2. German Identification with Canaanites as a Motivation for Anti-Semitism?
3. WW2: Free French Forces.
Most of Escaped French Army from Dunkirk Voluntarily Returned to German Occupied France and Surrendered!
[Brit-Am Comment: Another case of Jews being sacrificed for Nothing?]
4. An Irish Revised Appreciation of Oliver Cromwell.
Cromwell: An Honourable Enemy by Tom Reilly
5. A Possible Research Source: Old English Chronicles
BHR-111. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. The Economic Acheivements of President Reagan.
Reaganomics Vs. Obamanomics: Facts And Figures
by Peter Ferrara
2. Why President Truman Recognized Israel
3. Ancient City of Petra Built to Align With the Sun
BHR-112. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Four Weather Events in History Mistaken for the Apocalypse by Michael Kuhne
2. Amnon Goldberg: Divine Providence and D-Day
3. Ireland owes Oliver Cromwell an apology, says this Irish author by Cahir O'Doherty
BHR-113. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Why the Holocaust Occurred in Germany, and Why So Few Resisted (REVIEW)
2. When Irish eyes smiled on the country's 'secret Jews' by Carl Hoffman
3. Hitler's Plan to Invade Switzerland
BHR-114. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. The Odd Way Tuberculosis Was Brought to America by Laura Geggel
2. Made in Israel: 3D scans confirm Israelite origins of the ancient 'Hippo' jar
3. Has The Amazing Purpose of Petrospheres AKA Neolithic Stone Balls Finally Been Discovered?
BHR-115. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. How Names Change Meaning: A Modern Example by Yair Davidiy
2. Who Were the Druids? by Owen Jarus
3. Study traces ecological collapse over 6,000 years of Egyptian history by Tim Stephens
BHR-116. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. The Positive Role of Switzerland.
The Holocaust's Foremost Unsung Hero
Moshe Kraus saved tens of thousands of Jews. Why has no one heard of him?
by Emily Amrousi
2. Interesting Non-Jewish American Observations on Kashrut, the Gulf War, etc.
Sometimes it takes one to know one.
by Daniel Asor
3. Gestapo impostor tricked British Nazi sympathizers in WWII
BHR-117. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Amnon Goldberg: Ancients knew of Earth's Sphericity
2. Nice Article about Israelite Hebrew, Colonel John Patterson.
The Lion Hunter of Zion Returns to Zion! by Natan Slifkin
BHR-118. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Irish Nazi Contacts?
2. Thomas Paine: America as a Sanctuary for the Oppressed
3. 4,000-year-old tablet describes Noah's ark - as round
BHR-119. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. List of English words of Yiddish origin
2. Wall Street's famed bronze bull arrived 25 years ago (without permission)
3. How Did Blonde Whites Arrive in Peru Before Columbus? by Ulli Kulke [Celts and Carthaginians?]
BHR-120. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Jews were not responsible for the Russian Revolution! The Germans Were!
2. European colonialism conquered every country in the world but these five
3. Ugarit-Ras Shamra and Conventional vs Revised Chronology
BHR-121. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. When Baghdad Burned: The June 1941 Farhud Massacre by Edwin Black
2. Isolated people in Sweden only stopped using runes 100 years ago by Lise Brix
3. How the Portuguese Secret Jews (Marranos) Saved England by Manuel Azevedo
BHR-122. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. New Book Announced About American Indentification of National Self as Hebrews.
2. Fairly Interesting Social University Lecture about the Khazars and the Origins of Ashkenazi Jews and how there is No Real Connection.
3. John Salverda: Parallels in Greek Mythology to the Story of Balaam and the Talking Ass
BHR-123. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Johannes Reuchlin: A Hero of Civilization
The Renaissance Scholar Who Rescued The Talmud, Zohar and Other Books of Jewish Learning by Howard Zik
2. World War I; British soldier allegedly spares the life of an injured Adolf Hitler by staff
3. How the Talmud Became a Best-Seller in South Korea - The New Yorker
BHR-124. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Amnon Goldberg: Napoleon and the Rabbis
2. Philistines Introduced Sycamore, Cumin And Opium Poppy Into Israel During The Iron Age
3. Descendants of Unknown Jews in Ireland
Eire Anusim: The Tale of the Spanish Jews 'Lost' in Ireland
BHR-125 Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. What happened to the German royal family after World War I? Is there anyone still alive from the family today? by Brandon Li
2. How powerful would Germany have been today, if it had not suffered the losses of the first two world wars? by Karl Eaves, [Interesting Maps Comparing German War Aims and the EU Today]
3. What Americans had to say about Jewish war refugees by Uriel Heilman
BHR-126. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. What happened to the German royal family after World War I? Is there anyone still alive from the family today? by Brandon Li
2. How powerful would Germany have been today, if it had not suffered the losses of the first two world wars? by Karl Eaves, [Interesting Maps Comparing German War Aims and the EU Today]
3. What Americans had to say about Jewish war refugees by Uriel Heilman
BHR-127. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Cross used as a religious symbol of Edomites in ca. 300 BCE
2. Paul Porter: WW2 Notes
3. Phoenician coins and Phoenician exploration by Prof. Dr. Mark A. McMenamin (Phoenicians in North America?)
BHR-128. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Articles on Diffusionism (Spread of Civilization Outwards especially from the Middle East Area)
2. What is the greatest one man operation in military/espionage history?
3. [LBJ] The first U.S. Jewish President? Read to the bottom
BHR-129. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. The German Dream
2. Hitler and Odin
3. Does archaeology shed any light on the story of Samson pulling down a Philistine temple?
BHR-130. Brit-Am Historical Reports
Denmark and The Roman Empire
2. The Advanced Mathematics of the Babylonians
3. 'Megillat Hitler,' FDR and the Jews
4. Japanese troops 'ate flesh of enemies and civilians'
BHR-131. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Orde Wingate: Friend Under Fire By Michael B. Oren
2. How did Germany defeat France so easily during the World War II? by Rupert Baines.
3. The Theoretical Strength of the USA
If every single country got into a war with no alliances, who would win and why? by Dan Holliday
4. Which country had the most powerful army in WW1 & WW2? by Roland Bartetzko
5. Why is Germany disproportionately powerful in the EU? by Jonathan Lowenstein
BHR-132. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. How running went from Victorian pastime to the most popular activity on Earth
By Vybarr Cregan-Reid
2. Ancient Asian Crops in Madagascar
3. Shylock, the Merchant of Venice. Deconstructing what makes the Bard's play so problematic By Brandon Ambrosino
4. (a) Germans in WW1 Saved Some Jews in Order to Later Get Rid of More of them!
(b) Unlikely Saviors: How Germany Helped Save Palestine's Jews During WWI by Nir Mann
5. Do Not Eat Pig Meat. Interesting Article by Muslim.
BHR-133. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. The Proposed Union of Britain and France.
2. Did Otto Skorenzy Eventually Work for Israel?
3. Amnon Goldberg: Astronomy Revised. Is the Earth Really the Center of the Universe?
BHR-134. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Are the Croations Hittites?
Croatia and India by James Cooper
2. Did the Phoenicians Even Exist?
by Philippe Bohstrom
BHR-135. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Why We Should Give Thanks for the British Empire By H. W. CROCKER III
2. The French Coronated King of England who Never Was. King Louis of England?
3. Jewish Purification: Stone Vessel Workshop Discovered in Galilee
4. Ukrainians and Cossacks named Yavan (Greece), Tartars as Kedar
5. Archaeologists Unearth [Aramaic] Magic Spells And Ancient Skeletons in Serbia
BHR-136. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Cannibalism in Germany.
2. Holocaust Studies. Functionalism versus Intentionalism
3. Holocaust Studies. British Attempts to Alleviate the Situation. The Kinderstransport (Child Evacuation)
(1) Why was the Kindertransport important?
(2) Did the Kindertransport children keep their Jewish faith?
(b) On 75th Anniversary of the Kindertransport, British Jews finding it hard to ask questions
(c) The Power of the People in Influencing the British Government: The Kindertransport by Sophia Cantwell
4. Big Viking families nurtured murder. Killers more likely to belong to large extended clans, victims to small vulnerable ones
5. The Expulsion of Jews from England (1290) and Native English Adherents to Judaism?
BHR-137. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. What year did Great Britain effectively stop being a superpower?
2. General Montgomery and the Invasion of France after D-Day
Did General Montgomery ever win a battle through any other tactics than attrition with superior numbers?
3. Will France ever have a king/queen again?
4. Major Jewish Group: By Threatening to Prosecute Holocaust Scholar, Poland Attempting to 'Rewrite History Through a Political Lens'
by Barney Breen-Portnoy
5. Notes on the Nazis, Germany, and Christianity by Yair Davidiy
(a) What Percentage of Germans Were Nazi-sympathizers before 1933?
(b) Social Class Considerations.
(c) Christians and the Nazis.
(1) Catholics
(2) Calvinists
(3) Lutherans
BHR-138. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Egyptian Mummified Finger of 12 Feet Tall Giant
2. Jewish life by the Liffey: A look at the Jewish community in Ireland
3. Early Gentile Pro-Zionism: Need for Expulsion of Arabs had been Foreseen
4. German War Aims Revolved Around Urge to Kill Jews
5. List of Israeli inventions and discoveries
BHR-139. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Jews and France: 11 Interesting Facts by Dr. Yvette Alt Miller [Brief Extracts]
2. Britain is Still a World Power! by Kevin Bartlett
3. Left-Handed US Presidents
BHR-140. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Esau and the English Book of Jasher
2. Ancient Jewish History: The Bible On Jewish Links To The Holy Land
by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, Extracts.
3. Is Russia "Gog of the Land of Magog, the Prince Head [Rus] of Meshech and Tubal?"
BHR-141. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Did William the Conqueror Have a Jewish Mother? by Joshua Gelernter
2. The Philistines were a Mixed People
3. The Need for Care in Doing Research. Story of a Mistake that Became a Hoax?
Phoenician Sun God in Eighteenth-Century Ireland?
4. Amnon Goldberg. Dresden
5. Possible Jewish Origins of Queen Elizabeth-2 through Prince Albert
6. The Irish Famine By Jim Donnelly
7. Human height through the Ages
8. What was former German Kaiser Wilhelm's opinion of the Nazis?
9. WW2. Equality of German Jewish Veterans Established Beprior to their Extermination
BHR-142. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Mrs SHREIBER: Chasidim and their Rebbes and the Inquisition
2. Amnon Goldberg: After the Tower of Babylon and Early Inhabitants of the Americas.
3. King Henry 8. Rabbis and his Divorce
4. New evidence pertaining to expansion of the kingdom of David and Solomon uncovered
5. Why Did the German Army Fight to the End?
6. Asterix is Jewish: who knew?
7. The Name BALFOUR
8. Classical Aramaic Translations (Paraphrases) of the Bible Translated into English - Online
9. Mark Twain: Jews are Honest!
BHR-143. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. British Legal Thought Influenced by Non-Jewish British Talmud Scholar!
2. Did Turks Originally Come From Anatolia?
3. The Crown of David and the Sword ("Excalibur") of King Arthur?
BHR-144. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Average IQ by Country
2. The First Jews Killed by the Nazi Party
3. Amerigo Vespucci and the New World
4. The Date of the Deluge and Noah
5. How the Present-day Country of Jordan Came into being by an Anti-Zionist Source.
BHR-145. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. 7 Public Speaking Tips We Can Learn From Donald Trump
2. Mammoths died out in historical time
3. Philistines from Cappadocia (i.e. northeast Turkey)?
4. Biblical Giants Unearthed in Golan Heights?
5. Proof of the Bible by Dan Galilee
BHR-146. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Mapping German Anti-Semitism by Asya Pereltsvaig
2. Trepination by Joe Zias
3. List of Giant Animals in Ancient Times
BHR-147. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Amnon Goldberg. The Rise of Hitler.
2. Newly deciphered Moabite inscription may be first use of written word 'Hebrews'
3. German Tribes Today by Jason Almendra
4. Rommel and the name Montgomery
5. How were the Jews regarded in 16th-century England? by James Shapiro
6. An Ancient Tradition of the Red Sea Parting?
7. How was the Polish population in Germany treated before WW2?
by Norbert Szczech
BHR-148. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Ancient Shiloh (diagrams and photos)
2. Problem of Inaccuracies in Ancient Mesopotamian Records
3. Reconstruction of Phoenician Circumnavigation of Africa and Discovery of America
4. German Support for Nazis During WW2
5. Joachim Gans, the First Practicing Jew to Set Foot in North America, Finally Gets His Due
6. German Atrocities in Belgium in WW1
Was Germany as evil as it is portrayed in movies in WWI?
7. Study links ancient Indian visitors to Australia's first dingoes
BHR-150. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Amnon Goldberg: Is the Eath Really at the Center of the Universe?
2. Archaeology. Tropical Vanilla Used in Ancient Canaan
Vanilla in the Middle Bronze Age: New Findings from Megiddo
3. Ancient Seal Found from First Temple Times
4. The role of MI6 [British Intelligence] in Egypt's decision to go to war against Israel in May 1948
by Meir Zamir
5. European Connections of Philistine People
New Finds from 'Sea People' Settlement
7. Why did Iron Age civilizations have an advantage over Bronze Age civilizations?
by Nick Deakin
BHR-151. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Jews in England Before the Norman Conquest
2. Change of Vegetation of Migrations of R1b to Europe?
3. Origins of the Hyksos, "Shepherd-Kings," of Egypt
BHR-152. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Was the Real Father of Winston Churchill the King of Serbia?
2. Barack Hussein Obama - Arab-American, only 6.25% African
3. 'The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler' offers insight into the dictator's gay partners
BHR-153. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Ancient Egyptian hoard of counterfeit 'dirty money' unearthed [Canaan - Israel ]
2. Nazi indoctrination and anti-Semitic beliefs in Germany
3. European Karaites, Pagan Elements, Venerated Oak Trees!
4. Phoenician Purple
5. Who Were Hitler's Supporters? Who Backed the Fuhrer and Why
6. Phoenicians Sailing to the New World
7. Ancient Sumerians in South America?
BHR-154. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Amnon Goldberg: Fieldmarshal Montgomery
2. What kind of salads did the Canaanites eat?
3. International Trade Connections in Ancient Times
BHR-155. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Proof a Mysterious Lost Ancient GLOBAL Civilization Spanned Virtually the Entire Planet.
2. The Mystery of Carthaginians in The Americas | Lost Warriors | Timeline
3. Oliver Cromwell and the Jews, a Friendly Note.
BHR-156. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Major Rabbinical Dates of Historical Events.
2. Cyrus, Darius, and Artaxerxes were all one?
3. Rabbi Miller: Proofs Against Evolution.
4. Carthaginians of African Type?
5. Phoenician Purple.
Roman snail dye found in UK for first time.
BHR-157. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Mark Williams
A Video on the early days of the Mandate.
2. The Grimm Brothers and Anti-Semitism.
3. Ireland Made the British Empire Possible!
4. A Jewish Princedom in Feudal France.
5. Austria and the Jews.
BHR-158. Brit-Am Historical Reports
1. Karaites in Poland.
2. Amnon Goldberg: Video. Yishmael and Arabia in the Torah.
3. Australian Aborifigines Linked to Ancient Mesopotamia (Iraq)?
4. A Muslim Aliyah Paralleled the Jewish Aliyah: Part I
5. Who Ruled the Land of Israel?
1. Quotation: Not Everything leave archaeological evidence behind it!
2. The History of Iron in Britain.
3. Etruscan Origins Revealed Through DNA Collected Across 2,000 Years