Jerusalem News
(22 October, 2019, 23 Tishrei, 5780)
Winston Churchill:
"There is a great truth in the saying that the
L-rd treats nations as those nations treat the Jews."
2. 30% of African Americans and Latinos are anti-Jewish! Less than 5% of Whites!
3. Survey: Only 46% of Next Generation National Religious Israelis Keep the Faith
4. Study: Non-Orthodox US Jewish Communities Growing Barren
5. Myth: Israel Is the Largest Beneficiary of US Military Aid
February article in the Swiss daily Basler Zeitung reported that some of the nearly $60 million its government has sent in support of Middle East projects funds initiatives that call for the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews.
'Switzerland finances in different ways organizations in Israel and the Palestinian territories that call for the annihilation of Israel and for the death of Jews,' wrote Dominik Feusi, senior editor of Basler Zeitung.
According to the report, since 2013, the Swiss government has funneled nearly $700,000 to a human rights office in Ramallah that has functioned as a front organization, to avoid criticism by Western countries. The office is funded by Switzerland, Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden, and seeks to cover up the antisemitic work of its partner NGOs, the report said.
2. 30% of African Americans and Latinos are anti-Jewish! Less than 5% of Whites!
Reginald Worthyn
Answered Jul 3, 2016
Here is an excerpt from a Washington Post article on the subject
'Entrenched anti-Semitic views' very rare among whites and Asian Americans, common among blacks and Latinos
ADL surveys show that 'approximately 12 percent of Americans hold deeply entrenched anti-Semitic views.' However, over 30% of African Americans and Latinos hold such views. Given that they are almost 30% of the population, this suggests that of the 12% of Americans who hold deeply entrenched anti-Semitic views, 9% or so are African Americans or Latinos. This means, in turn, of the 70% or so of the population that is not African American or Latino, only 3% hold deeply entrenched anti-Semitic views. Put another way, less than 5% of whites, Asians, and 'others' (including Native Americans) combined hold deeply entrenched anti-Semitic views, compared to over 30% of African Americans and Latinos, or at least that's the difference in percentages of those willing to express anti-Semitic attitudes to pollsters.
3. Survey: Only 46% of Next Generation National Religious Israelis Keep the Faith By
JNi.Media - 20 Iyyar 5777 - May 16, 2017
A study conducted by the Chotam organization shows that although the 'knitted yarmulke' population in Israel has a relatively high fertility rate, its percentage in the population does not increase and remains stable, the reason being a high dropout rate.
National Religious Israelis have the highest birthrate in the country, higher in some instances than the Haredi and Arab populations. But the findings of the new survey, titled 'Demography of Religiosity,' show secularization trends in the religious and traditional public. The survey was conducted by the Chotam organization, whose aim is to restore Judaism to the center of the public agenda.
The reason for the above demographic phenomenon is the fact that a large proportion of the 'knitted' public choose to abandon their parents' spiritual path when they reach adolescence.
The study is based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, comparing it to similar trends in the Haredi world.
Surveys conducted by the CBS between 2002 and 2012, examined by researcher Michael Zalba, reveal that although secular children give fewer births, emigrate from Israel more, and even become religiously observant, their proportion in the population remains stable at 43% - over a 20-year stretch.
Zlava relied on the CBS Social Survey, which divides the adult Jewish population into five categories: ultra-Orthodox, religious, traditional-religious, traditional, not so religious and secular. Of the 580,818 who grew up in a religious home, as adults, only 254,574, or 46%, remained religious. A small portion of them, 5.5%, became ultra-Orthodox, and the remainder dispersed among lower religious levels, with many moving toward being defined as 'traditional not so religious.'
At the same time, the secular public is joined not only by the religious but also by the traditional. So that the proportion of secular Israelis in the population remained stable.
The Haredi public, meanwhile, has grown slowly and steadily. According to the study, from the 1990s to the present, the percentage of ultra-Orthodox adults tripled, both because of their birth rate and because of the movement of return to religion, and today stands at almost 10% of the population.
There are also those who are religiously observant who decide to embrace a 'knitted' lifestyle, but their numbers don't come near the ultra-Orthodox. For the sake of comparison, the percentage of students attending state religious schools has remained at 18.5% of all Jewish students since 1992, while the proportion of students attending ultra-Orthodox schools has increased by about 300% during the same period.
4. Study: Non-Orthodox US Jewish Communities Growing Barren
A study published by the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI) this week shows that the non-Orthodox American Jews including atheists, Conservative and Reform, who in years past were the foundation of American Jewry, have been in significant decline in recent decades. That's not news to most of us, but the rate of decline, according to JPPI, is alarming.
The analysis shows that more than 65 percent of Jewish children 18 or younger are raised Orthodox, mainly ultra-Orthodox. Also, more than 27% of Jewish children today are Orthodox - while only 12% of US Jewry, at most, is Orthodox. Obviously, the discrepancy here is the result of the much higher birthrates in Orthodox families, which means that this trend is bound to increase in a decade.
Otherwise, according to the study, -considerable disturbing evidence points to deeply challenging trends in America's Jewish families late marriage, intermarriage, reduced child-bearing and non-Jewish child-rearing.
Among American Jews ages 25 to 34, at least 53%, and possibly as many as 69% have never been married. By the time non-Orthodox Jews reach their late 40s and 50s, 87% of them will have married, but many non-Haredim in recent years have married after their childbearing years.
The absence of children, particularly children being raised in the Jewish religion, represents yet one more missing incentive to Jewish communal engagement, the study finds. Since religious child rearing has been a major stimulus for religious engagement in general and for Jewish engagement as well, major portions of the adult Jewish population not only postpone such experiences, but not coincidentally pass through their adult lives without experiencing a familial-based need to affiliate with synagogues or other Jewish institutions. Clearly, it is critical to understand the factors making it more likely that younger American Jews will marry, create unambiguously Jewish homes, and raise Jewish children.
5. Myth: Israel Is the Largest Beneficiary of US Military Aid
Israel is not even a major beneficiary of American military aid. The numerical figure reflects official direct US military aid, but is almost meaningless compared to the real costs and benefits of US military aid � which include, above all, American boots on the ground in the host states.
Once the real costs are calculated, the largest aid recipient is revealed to be Japan, where 48,828 US military personnel are stationed. This translates into a US military aid package of over US$27 billion (calculated according to Vine's lower estimation). Germany, with 37,704 US troops on its soil, receives aid equivalent to around US$21 billion; South Korea, with 27,553 US troops, receives over US$15 billion; and Italy receives at least US$6 billion.
If Vine''s estimate is correct, Japan's US military aid package is nine times larger than that of Israel, Germany's is seven times larger, and Italy's is twice as large. The multipliers are even greater for Egypt. Even the Lilliputian Gulf states, Kuwait and Bahrain, whose American bases are home to over 5,000 US military personnel apiece, receive military aid almost equal to what Israel receives.
US air and naval forces constantly patrol the Northern, Baltic, and China Seas to protect American allies in Europe and in the Pacific - at American expense. Glimpses of the scale of these operations are afforded by incidents like the shadowing of a Russian ship in the Baltics, near run-ins between Chinese Coast Guard ships and US Navy ships dispatched to challenge Chinese claims in the South China Sea, and near collisions between US Air Force planes and their Chinese counterparts in the same area.
In striking contrast, no US plane has ever flown to protect Israel's airspace. No US Navy ship patrols to protect Israel's coast. And most importantly, no US military personnel are put at risk to ensure Israel's safety.
Ever since the Turkish parliament's decision in March 2003 not to join the US-led coalition, and the Turkish government's refusal to allow movement of American troops across its borders, Israel has been America's sole ally between Cyprus and India with a strategic air force and (albeit small) rapid force deployment capabilities to counter major threats to vital US interests.
Israel receives a small fraction of the real outlays of military aid the US indirectly gives its allies and other countries. These experts also know that 74% of military aid to Israel was spent on American arms, equipment, and services. Under the recently signed Memorandum of Understanding, that figure will be changed to 100%. The experts simply cite the wrong figures.
The US is now led by a businessman president who knows his dollars and cents. He has been adamant about the need to curb free-riding by the large recipients of real US aid. He will, one hopes, appreciate the security bargain the US has with Israel - a country that not only shares many common values with the US, but can make a meaningful contribution to American vital interests with no trip-wires attached.