Ten Tribes Studies (27 September 2015, 14 Tishrei, 5776)
Ten Tribes Studies  Â
1. Some Recent Reactions to YouTube Clips
2. Gillian Dickenson: Queries on Brit-Am Magazine and Other Israelite Tribes amongst the Jews
3. New Article. Julius Caesar and Esau
1. Some Recent Reactions to YouTube Clips
(a) Israelite Islands of Britain
MrWheelGun 1 day ago
Thank you, Yair! Yes, Israelites are becoming conscious of their identity among the LTT still in exile among the nations of the west. Perhaps the second great exodus of Israelites to the promised land (Isa. 11:11) is being presaged by the current out-exodus from that land now under muslim control? This current out-exodus is possibly relevant to Isa. 11:14 and that Damascus is once again a ruinous heap (Isa. 17:1) Shalom!
Chuck Dellano 1 day ago
jump off bridge
James Robertson 9 hours ago
Thank you, friend, for the Research you share. It is VERY beneficial.
(b) Your Israelite Tribal Best
But how can people who are descendents from the israelitic tribes identify themselves if their forefathers came to Europe many many centuries ago? Anyone in Nortwestern Europe, including myself, could be a descendent of one of the israelitic tribes. How can people possibly be aware of their past? I myself only know my ancestors back to the year 1500, more or less, but don't know anybody of my ancestors before that time ;)Â -Â 1000 years ago my ancestors cound have been isaralitic, but also african, arab, chinese....how can I know? ;)
... by the way, what I know is that my ancestors back to 1500-1600 were all from Northwestern Europe: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands. But that alone COULD indicate that MAYBE I could have istraelitic ancestors, since the lost tribes are said to have immigrated to exactly those countries that I just mentioned (plus the British Islands, of course, where I probably do not have ancestors). And therefore it would be strange if among my hundreds of ancestors from those countries there would not also be a few people who descended from the lost israelitic tribes. At least that's what I think. Talking about genealogogy, I have discovered that I am a distant cousin to A.P. Moller, who was the man who founded the Shipping gigant Maersk. My 5 times greatgrandparents were also his 2 times greatgrandparents. These peoples ancestors were from the Netherlands, but I don't know if they were of israelitic origin. A.P. Moller's son, Mursk-Mckinney Moller, was my 5th cousin two times removed and also attended the Bilderberg Group. He was Denmarks richest man. Funny to know that he was one of my distant cousins. Very distant, I know, but still funny...
2. Gillian Dickenson: Queries on Brit-Am Magazine and Other Israelite Tribes amongst the Jews
Dear all at Brit Am,
I have been very interested in reading several articles regarding the ten lost tribes of Israel and came across your email and mention of your magazine. Although unable to prove my beliefs, I have always believed, through the Scriptures, that the lost tribes were still around today and assimilated into modern nations. Mainly, as a Christian, I believe this because of what it says in the Old Testament but also from verses in the Book of Romans that in the end days "all Israel will be saved."
I have a question though. Did some people from the tribes rejoin Judah after the exile? I ask this because it mentions a woman called 'Anna' in the New Testament who was 'of the tribe of Asher' and it has always puzzled me.
Anyway, I wondered if you could send me details of how to subscribe to your magazine as I would love to read it.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.
Micah 4:2 "And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths, for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem."
Brit-Am Reply:
The magazine has been in hiatus (i.e. frozen) for some time BUT we may attempt to revive it within a month or so.
First we need to complete the publication and distribution of 6 new (or newly reprinted) books.
Regarding Israelites from the northern Tribes, i.e. NOT from Judah, Benjamin, or Levi, being found amongst the Jews
See our article,
The Completeness of the Exile
where we explain that at different times righteous Israelites who were dissatisfied with the paganism of Northern Israel as well as refugees from the Assyrian Wars fled to the south.
These according to the Midrash Seder Olam came to comprise about 20% of the population of Judah. Amongst this Northern Israelite contingent in the south some tribes were more prominent than others.
3. New Article.
Julius Caesar and Esau
1. Introduction: Edomites, Seir, and being "Hairy"
2. JaredThaJa: The Name Caesar is derived from a word meaning "hairy"!
3. Reply by Yair Davidiy: Different Explanations Given by Wikipedia
4. The name "Caesar" derives from Esau!
5. The Blessing to Esau