Ten Tribes Studies (22 October 2015, 9 Cheshvan, 5776)
1. New Video Clip. Christianity, Jews, and the Ten Tribes
2. New Article. Mufti Nazi
Comments Concerning the Speech of PM Netanyahu and Il Husseini
3. Comment to YouTube Clip. Thank You
1. New Video Clip.
Christianity, Jews, and the Ten Tribes
Duration: 41.35 minutes
Yair Davidiy in Jerusalem, Israel, speaks at the Reconciliation with Israel Conference (September 17th, 2015)
hosted by Kellen Davison.
A Strange Brotherhood
This YouTube clip is a very lightly edited version of the video we mentioned in
Brit-Am Now no. 2514
#2. Video Clip of Yair Davidiy Speaking at Reconciliation with Israel Conference
The only real changes we have made are:
We have cut down the length, eliminating a bit from the beginning and a bit from the end, and slightly improved the lighting.
Also the clip now plays without the glitches and hitches it had at first.
2. New Article. Mufti Nazi
Comments Concerning the Speech of PM Netanyahu and Il Husseini
Part One. Who Was to Blame?
1. Introduction: The Speech by Binyamin Netanyahu Blaming the Mufti
2. Brit-Am Historical Impressions of the Holocaust Implementation
Part Two. The Mufti and Hitler. A Collection of Sources. Extracts.
3. Who Was the Mufti?
The truth about Jerusalem's grand mufti, Hitler and the Holocaust
by Abraham Cooper and Harold Brackman
4. Dr. Wolfgang G. Schwanitz: Mufti made pact with Hilter based on Extermination of Jews.
Mufti Advised Hitler on Holocaust, Says Middle East Forum Scholar
5. The Mufti Must Share Part of the Blame
Al-Husseini's Critical Role in Instigating the Holocaust By Hillel Fendel
6. Call for Annihilation of Jews
7. German Government Claims Blame
8. Mufti was a Friend of Eichman!
Netanyahu Under Fire for Telling Truth About Mufti's Role in Holocaust By PAMELA GELLER
9. Killing Jewish Children!
Hitler's Mufti By Matthew E. Bunson
3. Comment to YouTube Clip. Thank You
Christianity, Jews, and the Ten Tribes
Sezin loves Y'Shua
Shalom thank you for Loving Ha'Shem its good to hear and see. Ahmen. Mishle 8:17 I love them that have ahavah for me; and those that seek me shall find me.