Ten Tribes Studies (2 November 2015, 20 Cheshvan, 5776)
The Tribes, special price, still available!
The present edition (no.4) is now available for $20 (for the next 8 days only, i.e. till 9th November, 2015).
1. Was the figure of Odin based in part on Balaam the Pagan Prophet?
2. What is Happening with the book "Ancestry"?
3. Did You Know? prepared by Steve Mathe
1. Was the figure of Odin based in part on Balaam the Pagan Prophet?
Dan wrote:
Hello Yair,
I wonder if Esau became esus became Jesus ?
But on the other hand if Esau eguels Odin there
is a one Eye symbolism involved and that is nothing that
Jesus stood for?
Best regards
Brit-Am Reply:
On the other hand,
concerning the pagan prophet Balaam it says,
"WHOSE EYES ARE OPEN" in Hebrew "Shatoom Ha-Ayin". Onkelos and others interpreted this to mean "well-seeing". "Shetoom" can apparently mean "open"Â BUT
it also connotes "closed" and in Modern Hebrew would be so understood. So too, the Talmud (Sanhedrin 105;a) quotes a tradition that Balaam was blind in one eye.
So was Odin.
Perhaps there is a connection?
See Also:
Is Jesus Really Odin or Balder? A historical theory
By laurelarockefeller on April 26, 2013
Ancient Germanic peoples included not just the residents of the Rhineland that we think of as Germans today, but most of the non-Celtic peoples of western Europe as well, including what we think of as French ("Gaul" was Celtic until the 1st century BCE when groups like the Franks conquered it), Norwegians, Swedes, and so forth. Germans, unlike the Celts, also tended to have more in common with one another. A "Celt" was a speaker of a certain type of language whereas a German tended to also share more cultural traits -- including religion -- in common.
Central to ancient Germanic religion was Odin, the father god who sacrificed himself on a tree pierced with a spear in his side.
What if, given the large numbers of Germans in the Roman Empire, Germans practicing their religion as allowed by imperial law, the borrowing into what became Christianity was not FROM Christianity TO European cultures -- but the reverse?
What if the core beliefs upheld by Christians are not of a historical or even Jewish-influenced nature at all? What if the core theology is actually ancient German and all the cathedrials and Christian services are really honoring Odin and Balder who have taken on the Latin name of "Jesus?"
With so many Germans across the Roman Empire at the time, is there perhaps greater scientific historical weight to this theory?
2. What is Happening with the book "Ancestry"?
(a) Shalom Mr. Davidiy,
I have received your email letting me know about your new book 'Edom and Germany.' Thank you for your notification. I may purchase this book soon. However, I and others have in faith purchased the book 'Hebrew Ancestry' and to my knowledge this book has yet to be published. Please update me on the status of when you think this book will be published.
Based on my DNA and studying the migration paths of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, I believe I am a descendant of one of those Lost Ten Tribes. I have yet to discover which specific tribe I may have descended from. All I have at this point is a piece of paper where my dad, as a young boy, described what he was shown by his grandfather. His grandfather and my great-grandfather had coat with the family coat of arms on it. My dad described what it looked like as well as the colors of all the things on the coat of arms and he has a picture of what the design looks like. My dad has since passed on as of December of 2005. The coat of arms has three stags with a crown in the center of all three stags. I think this may be Naphtali. I do not have the history of how my great-grandfather came about this family coat of arms. So, my quest is to learn as much as possible to find out if indeed I am a descendant of one of the Lost Ten Tribes. In my inner-man spirit, I am drawn to Israel and I love the Israeli people. I love my brother Judah even though he may not accept me at this point. I still love him unconditionally.
Thank you for checking into this request and have a blessed day in HaShem.
(b) Mike wrote:
Hello Yair,
I am glad you just came out with another book. But I am still looking forward to receiving Hebrew Ancestry. Is this book still going to be published?
Brit-Am Reply:
The book has been published. The first copies should reach us any day now.
We shall be sending them out in batches.
Perhaps some words of explanation are in order.
Publication Progress
The Saga of Printing Books and Brit-Am. Never a Dull Day!
Meanwhile 2 more books are in preparation!
3. Did You Know? prepared by Steve Mathe
According to the Bible after Solomon died, ten out of the twelve tribes of Israel split away from David's kingdom (II Kings 12:19), formed their own kingdom of "Israel," forsook the Covenant their forefathers made with God and went into 200 years of idolatry (II Kings 12:20). By God's judgement they lost their names as 'Israel' and were exiled from the Land of the Covenant (II Kings 17:18). They were not to return from the exile of anonymity and separation from the knowledge of their spiritual heritages until 'the end of days.'
Because they rejected the Creator's Torah and His Covenant, and worshipped other gods, they were condemned to forget their Covenant-bound Israelite identity (Deut. 29:20-21, 25, Hosea 1:9, 7:8, Isa. 49:21). They rejected the instructions on 'how to live' (Det. 30:19), and their commission and to teach that 'way' (Gen. 18:19) to all the other children of God. According to the curse clause in the Covenant [Contract], they lost their priesthood status (Ex. 19:6, Hosea 4:6, 8:1-2, 12). Instead, they imitated the heathen worshipping other gods, practicing their abominable ways and became like them. ... Though they were to be lost to everyone, including themselves, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by his loving mercies as the Shepherd of Israel kept the Covenant with His servant nation and kept track of them so that none of them would be lost, (Jer. 30:17, Hosea 8:8, Amos 9:9). At 'the end of days,' they are to experience Jacob's trouble (Jer. 30:7) and learn their lesson. God tells us that He will return to them ONLY when they have confessed their great offence of having departed from their Covenant to be teachers to the nations (Hos. 5:15). They are told to humbly ask to be cleansed and taken back into the fold of Israel (II Chron 7:14, Psalm 80, Hosea 14:2). ....
Though they will be regathered from many countries all over the world, (Isa. 59:19, Zech. 8:7, Isa. 11:11-16, Ez. 37:9), the majority of them will come from where they were destined to be situated at the continental extremities of the earth. Great many will come from North America, the British Isles (Isa. 41:1-9), France, Scandinavia, the Benelux countries, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, (Deut. 33:13, Isaiah 24:16, 26:15, 41:8-9, 49:1-26). In these lands they were to be dominant and inherit the unconditional blessings in the Covenants God made with their ancestors. With them, they were to be liberating, educating, enriching and civilizing forces in the world as Abraham and his progeny through Isaac were told to be (Gen. 18:18-19, 22:18). They were to become very numerous (Gen. 16:10, 22:17, Hos. 1:10), and blessed to be the richest (Gen. 27:28, 49:25, Deut. 33:13-16, Hosea 2:8) and most powerful (Num. 24:8-7, Micah 5:7-9) nations on earth. They were to control the major international strategic bases of the world and be the battle-axe of the Almighty (Gen. 22:16-17, 24:60, Jer. 51:20).
All of these points together with numerous others show that most descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes can only be found amongst Western nations of the Occidental World, dominated by the English-speaking ones. These nations are prophesied to return 'weeping' 'and trembling from the west' to their God, and His everlasting Covenant (Gen. 17:7-19, Isa. 49:22, Jer. 31:9-34, 50:4, Hos. 11:10). The two Houses of Israel will be regathered according to the ever-lasting, unchangeable Covenant made with the Fathers of Israel and all of Israel for all time, (Deut. 29:9-15, Isa. 11: 11-12, Jer. 32:41). ....
Traditional Jewish sources and the findings of up-to-date, biblical, historical and scientific research confirm the correctness of the interpretation of these relevant verses. Your destiny may depend upon this information. You need to know. ....