Ten Tribes Studies (15 November 2015, 3 Kislev, 5776)
1. Addition to Article. Hebrew Joe
Why the term "Hebrew" is especially pertinent to descendants of Joseph
2. New Comments on YouTube Video, "Joseph the Hebrew"
3. Additional New Books and Appeal
1. Addition to Article. Hebrew Joe
Why the term "Hebrew" is especially pertinent to descendants of Joseph
The following addition has been made:
Rabbi Mecklenburg explained Jacob as saying that there was one name common to himself and to his forefathers and that this name should be applied to the sons of Joseph. That us clarify the text a little more. This is how the passage is conventionally translated:Â
Genesis (NASB) 48: 15 He blessed Joseph, and said, The God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, The God who has been my shepherd all my life to this day, 16 The angel who has redeemed me from all evil, Bless the lads; And may my name live on in them, And the names of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; And may they grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.
We are now accepting this passage primarily in the light of the explanation of Rabbi Mecklenburg. First let us explain it according to the original Hebrew. This is how it should preferably be translated.
Genesis 48:
15 He blessed Joseph, and said, The God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, The God who has been my shepherd all my life to this day, 16 The angel who has redeemed me from all evil, Bless the lads; And may my name live on in them, And the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; And may they grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.
We may understand from this that there is one name. Previously we had understood it to say that the NAMES of the Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would each be found amongst the Lost Israelites. This was suggested by another verse,Â
 Genesis 21:
2 But God said to Abraham, "Do not be distressed because of the lad and your maid; whatever Sarah tells you, listen to her, for through Isaac your descendants shall be named.
 Ephraim and Manasseh were destined to become a multitude in the midst of the earth and the name of Jacob be called upon them and the name of his fathers Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 48:16). This means primarily that the essence of the forefathers would be expressed through the sons of Joseph. It has a secondary meaning that the very names would recall the forefathers. Abraham was known as the Hebrew (Genesis 14:13) and the early inhabitants of Britain called themselves and were termed by others Iberi meaning Hebrews. Names given to the Scythians (Isaac-Gulu, Ishkuza, Zohak, Saca, Sak, Saksin, Saxon) and to the Saxons who settled England were derived from the name Isaac. We also found names from Jacob e.g. Jock, Union Jack, Yank. We had assumed that Abraham was known as "the Hebrew" (Genesis 14:3) and accredited names derived from the word Hebrew to him. Other names were traceable to Isaac and Jacob. This explanation is NOT incorrect. It is also consistent with the text. Nevertheless we should perhaps accept the commentary of Rabbi Mecklenburg as explaining the main meaning and our previous understanding as being secondary. Jacob blessed Ephraim and Manasseh that they should share the name applied to himself and his forefathers i.e. they should be known as Hebrews. This does not contradict that the hinted prediction that they should also be named after Isaac (Genesis 21:12); or that names derived from "Jacob" should also be applied to them. Prior to coming across the commentary of Rabbi Mecklenburg concerning the sons of Joseph and the name Hebrew we had researched the application of the name "Iberi" being derived from Hebrew and being found amongst peoples in the west of Celtic Culture. We had written on this matter, researched, and publicized it. Rabbi Mecklenburg in effect confirms our findings and puts them in a Biblical light. This shows that we were on the right track and still are.
2. New Comments on YouTube Video
Joseph the Hebrew
Honey Pie
Yoseph is a fruitful bough whose branches reach over the wall! Halleluyah!
Joseph the Hebrew
edwin cunion
very interesting
3. Additional New Books and Appeal
We have several new books now available:
"Esau. Edomites Today"
German and Edom
"Ancestry. The Hebrew Identity of Celtic Races"
In addition another two books are almost ready.
[They were actually ready some time ago but we are now giving them a final polish.]
These works are:
"To Rule the World. How the British and Americans Proved they Descend from Joseph and the Ten Tribes of Israel"
"Joseph and Judah. The Lost Ten Tribes and the Jews in our Time"
Details will follow.
[Both these works are based in part on excerpts from our previous publication, "Role to Rule" , which is now out of print.]
All these are in addition to "The Tribes", "Biblical Truth", "Origin", and "Joseph", which are still available.
All this effort and everything connected to it requires funding.
We believe that eventually it will justify itself and help supplement our funds.
At the moment however it has placed an additional burden on already straitened circumstances.
Divine Providence is helping us BUT it appears that the help has also to come through you, our readers and sympathizers.
Our peoples are in trouble. The world is confused.
The Hebrew origins of many in the west today is one of the truths that should be made known, especially now.
We are doing much and in the long run may have a great effect.
For the moment we need to get by and keep up the effort.
Please send a donation.
It is our understanding that
They who help us will be blessed from ABOVE, both spiritually and materially.