Ten Tribes Studies (16 November 2015, 4 Kislev, 5776)
1. Patrick Lawson: The Ten Tribes and the Isis Attack in Paris
2. Don Davis: Christian Burial in Israel
3. Roy Garland: Reconciliation with all Peoples?
4. Request Feedback from books
5. New Publication: "To Rule the World.
How the British and Americans Proved they Descend from Joseph and the Ten Tribes of Israel"
1. Patrick Lawson: The Ten Tribes and the Isis Attack in Paris
As you already heard, Paris, France was attacked by ISIS Friday night on Friday the 13th, but it is ironic that this past week's Torah portion of Toldot has Biblical significance to the Paris attack. Looking at Bereshit 27:40-41
40 By your sword you shall live,
And you shall serve your brother;
And it shall come to pass, when you become restless,
That you shall break his yoke from your neck.
41 So Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing with which his father blessed him, and Esau said in his heart, 'The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then I will kill my brother Jacob.'
ISIS includes the descendants of Esau, and they have broken off Jacob's yoke. Now Esau (ISIS) is killing Jacob (France) from this past Friday's terrorist attack, and it is ironic that they attacked the territory of France where the descendants of Jacob's overall firstborn, Reuben, resides today (One of the terrorists was a Syrian refugee).
In verse forty mentioned above, the Hebrew word for "restless" is "rud"- Resh, Vav, Dalet. This Hebrew word also translates "dominant". Apply this translation to this verse this is what we get
40 'By your sword you shall live,
And you shall serve your brother;
And it shall come to pass, when you become dominant,
That you shall break his yoke from your neck.'
This attack is also in part due to the influx of Muslim/Islam refugees overtaking (dominating) the European nations- a good part of them of the descendants of the lost ten northern tribes, because the European people are not populating and keeping up the rate of fertility to match or overpopulate the Islamic birth rate, which is between four to eight times more per household than the European peoples. ISIS knows that and they are capitalizing on that population rate through the Muslim/Islam refugee influx. According to one account, in so many words, it is too late for Europe to catch up, population wise, with the Muslim/Islamic population. If Europe kept up the rate of fertility,( if not going above it) they would have kept them out of their backyards, but they are not.
I'm afraid that we are now seeing Esau (ISIS/Mulslim/Islam) breaking off Jacob's yoke and dominating the European populous, as well as finding means to kill their brother, Jacob (Western Nations) as spoken in this past week's Torah portion of Toldot. That's just my two cents worth.
Thank you Yair for taking time to read my email. You can post this on your Hebrew Nations email if you want.
May you and your organization continue to be blessed in all you do. Keep up the good work.
Patrick Lawson.
2. Don Davis: Christian Burial in Israel
Dear family and friends,
I have recently published an article about the burial of my mom's body in Israel, and how it's significant in relation to how the Jewish Israelis act and the unfortunate fact that these deeds are not revealed to the world. It is titled; 'Christian burial in Israel'.
3. Roy Garland: Reconciliation with all Peoples?
Dear Yair
I found the recent discussion on reconciliation interesting. I understand that reconciliation is one of the basic motives of Brit-Am.
However the reconciliation referred to appears to be limited to the Jewish people and Christians.
To me reconciliation does not mean the obliteration of differences but rather respect for those differences.
In this sense surely we all should hope for reconciliation with all peoples and this in the end should not be confined to Jews and Christians.
In Genesis 22:18 it is said that in the seed of Abraham shall all the nations be blessed.
Is there no grounds for hope that one day there will be greater reconciled between all people whatever their history or faith?
Surely this was the ultimate hope of Jews and Christians?
Best wishes.
Roy Garland (Northern Ireland)
4. Request Feedback from books
We are sending books out, lots of books.
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5. New Publication: "To Rule the World"
New Publication: "To Rule the World.
How the British and Americans Proved they Descend from Joseph and the Ten Tribes of Israel"
by Yair Davidiy, 198 pages, 2015
Special Introductory Price: $20
Joseph has a duty to reform mankind. It was prophesied that Joseph would be granted the ability to fulfil his national task. This book explores the Task of Joseph in the light of Biblical, Rabbinical, Historical, and Up-to-date Geo-Political analysis. This work contain important and interesting information much of which is not available elsewhere.
The Lost Ten Tribes went to the West. Descendants of Joseph are to be found primarily within the English-speaking nations of North America and the British Isles and their overseas offshoots.
Joseph had a predetermined role in world history to fulfill.
"To Rule the World" examines the destiny and duty of Joseph, how it was fulfilled, and what remains to be done. This in itself is proof according to the Bible of Israelite descent.
Joseph was required to become a blessing for others, a light to the world, and a civilizer of the non-Israelite heathens. The sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, were each to have their own national distinctions. Joseph was blessed that he would possess the "Gates" of his adversaries meaning the control of strategic points exposing the vulnerabilities of potential enemies. This was a characteristic of British Imperial Policy in the past and if anything it is EVEN MORE a feature of US strategy in the present. Joseph was to be involved in Egypt, Africa, and India and to populate Australia and New Zealand.
Appendices include a full improved translation of an article from the Rabbinical Scholar, Nachmanides (1194 - c. 1270 CE), proving that the Lost Ten Tribes had been exiled, were in the North, and were destined to defeat the Heathen Edomite Powers and return to reunite with Judah.
A Prophesy (Deuteronomy 28:68) that the Exiles from the Land of Israel would be taken to Egypt in ships was fulfilled in Judah as recorded by secular historians.
Rabbi Avraham HaCohen Kook (1864 - 1935) was the first Chief Rabbi of the State of Israel and the Spiritual Guide for all Modern Religious Zionism. A translation of an article by Rabbi Kook confirms our understanding of the role of Joseph, and of Judah.
"To Rule the World" is at present the ONLY source where much of this information and more of equal importance may be available.
"To Rule the World" studies Biblical Messages concerning Joseph in the light of Biblical Passages, Rabbinical Tradition, up-to-date expert geo-political analysis, and historical anecdote.
This book is indispensable for an understanding of the USA, Britain, and the West today.
It is also interesting and very readable.
Buy it now!
The work has a specially designed cover by Estelle Schutte, a young mother in South Africa, and a veteran supporter of Brit-Am. The cover is a work of art in its own right and is considered as probably the best we have ever had.
The price is not high and the work is worth it.
Purchases may be made via PayPal or Surface Mail.