Ten Tribes Studies (30 November 2015, 18 Kislev, 5776)
1. New Article. Japan Protests
Brit-Am Discussion with Correspondent Living in Japan who is offended
2. Guest Article.
"Call to Judah" by Rabbi Abraham Feld
3. A Summary of Geographic Indications Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes
1. New Article. Japan Protests
Brit-Am Discussion with Correspondent Living in Japan who is offended
1. Observation by Feifei Wang, American made in China
2. Ist Reply by Douglas
3. Brit-Am Reply to Douglas
4. Second Reply by Douglas
5. Brit-Am 2nd Reply
2. Guest Article.
"Call to Judah" by Rabbi Abraham Feld
This is an outline in English of an appeal that Rabbi Avraham Feld and OvadYah Avrahami are preparing to address to Judah.
 Rabbi Avraham Feld works with
OvadYah Avrahami
As part of
Kol HaTor Vision for the Restoration of the 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel
We do not necessarily agree with all this but see the article in question and what we we wrote just before it.
We may also write an outline an outline of our own position on this subject.
3. A Summary of Geographic Indications Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes
The following note was added to our recent article:
Proof from Direction
Ishmael and the Arabs Dwell to the East of Israel
This point regarding Ishmael (the Arabs) being of necessity to the east of Israel and therefore most Israelites to the west of them needs to be viewed in the context of other geographical indications:
The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel were to be located at the Ends of the Earth: Isaiah 24:16, 26:15, 41:8-9 43:6 49:6. This means areas like North America, New Zealand, Australia, and the geographical extremities of the continental masses such as South Africa, Scandinavia, the West European coastline, and the British Isles. There were to be in Islands such as Ireland and Britain (Isaiah 24:15, 49:6 60:9 Jeremiah 31: 9-10). They were also to be on the Thighs, Peninsulas, and Coasts (Jeremiah 31:8) such as the North Sea coastline (France, Belgium, the Netherlands) and Scandinavia. They were to be associated with Tarshish (Isaiah 60:9) meaning the Atlantic Ocean Area. They were to be ESPECIALLY associated with areas to the WEST of the Land of Israel (Isaiah 24:14, Hosea 1:10). This ties in with the Israelites being to the West of Ishmael and the Arabs since it was prophesied that Ishmael would lie to the east of his brethren (Genesis 16:12). They would be located mainly to the north and west i.e. the Northwest of the Land of Israel (Isaiah 49:12). In the End Times a good portion would be in the North Land (Jeremiah 3:18Â 31: 6-10) which may simply be another parameter for the western and northwestern areas. Some of them would also be in the "Land of Sinim" (Isaiah 49:12) meaning Australia and New Zealand. Their places would be not only at the Ends of the Earth but also the noblest ones ("Atziliyah", Isaiah 41: 9) meaning the most salubrious and habitable areas. They would also be in Zarephath, meaning France and Britain (Obadiah 1:20). These verses are not referring to different areas but rather the same places from differing vantage points. We must seek an ethnic group located in areas that accord with all of the given descriptions. Only the English-speaking and related peoples fit the bill! These are mostly to the north and west of the Land of the Land of Israel but some are elsewhere as it was said they would be in Many Waters i.e. Several Oceans (Numbers 24:7). A stringline of megalithic Monuments and Dolmens was to be used as historical proof of their Pathway of Migration (Jeremiah 31:21).