Ten Tribes Studies (5 February 2016, 26 Shevet, 5776)
1. New Article. Ruth Debated
An Argument between Yair Davidiy (on behalf of Brit-Am) and James Rodriguez
2. New Article. Nehamiah. Foreign Women
3. New Article: James Rodriguez: "Field of Moab"
1. New Article. Ruth Debated
An Argument between Yair Davidiy (on behalf of Brit-Am) and James Rodriguez
Subject Headings:
#1 Pagan Women versus Pagan Men?
#2 Questioning Polemic Techniques is itself a Technique!
#3 The River Arnon, Border of Moab
#4 Simple meaning of words?
#5 Evading an Unanswered Challenge.
#6 What Does "Foreigner" Mean?
#7Â Examples that are not really relevant to the case.
#8 The Term "Moab" or "Moabite" was NEVER Applied to Israelites!
#9 No Israelites Ever Called Moabites
#10 No Statistic Majority Because there are no Statistics!
#11 What is Conversion to Judaism?
#12 Denying the Talmud and Historical Sources.
#13 The Girls and the Warriors.
#14 Facts are also Necessary!
2. New Article. Nehamiah. Foreign Women
1. Introduction
2. Fall of the First Temple. Exile to Babylon.
3. Return to Judah
4. The Tribes who Returned
5. Foreign Women
6. Naamah the Righteous Ammonite Woman
7. Male or Female Converts
3. New Article: James Rodriguez: "Field of Moab"
1. Introduction
2. James Rodriguez and Wikipedia
3. James Rodriguez and the Moabites
4. Brit-Am Answers to James Rodriguez: Where was the Field of Moab?
5. Brit-Am Answers to James Rodriguez: More Biblical Evidence
6. Brit-Am Answers to James Rodriguez: Why go to Moab? Parallels with the Jews and Germany Today