Ten Tribes Studies (22 March 2016, 12 Adar-B, 5776)
1. New Guest Article. "Who is Ephraim? The Angles of England," by Paul Porter
2. Availability of Khazars Book: Why is Australia left out?
3. Any 5 Brit-Am Books for $70!!!
1. New Guest Article. "Who is Ephraim?"
"The Angles of England," by Paul Porter
Of course, Bible students could point to that England had to have been blessed to fulfill it's destiny. Given how the odds were stacked against England achieving stability let alone anything of merit in world history. It is just that it did achieve. It has been successful in the arts, in battle, in design, engineering, in literature, in science etc. Maybe this should be sufficient evidence for all to see the hidden hand of G-d at work. I am, however, seeking evidence that can be uncovered from the historical accounts. After all, why should Ireland or Scotland or Wales not be blessed to the same extent as England? Yes, they have indeed received blessings but England was raised above its kith and kin. This is maybe part of the thinking as to why there is enmity between these brothers. Of course, there is the injustices that England has shown to his brothers. England is generic and not entirely without it's own discord. The experiences of the people of the North East of England the past 2000 years does not make for a good fit with a people that have been blessed! But that is a discussion for another time.
2. Availability of Khazars Book: Why is Australia left out?Â
Penny (in Australia) wrote:
Shalom Yair,
... I also would like to know why the book
"The Khazars Tribe 13"
will only be available to a small group in the USA, why is Australia left out? I am sure you have good reason, but it is such an important subject.
Blessings to you.
Penny Owen.
Brit-Am Reply:
The book "The Khazars. Tribe 13"
was thought to be out of print. We kept a few copies for ourselves and that was all. Then it transpired that a few more were to be found at our outlet in the USA.
Since there are only a very few of them it does not really pay us to send them out of the USA due to the high cost of overseas postage. We therefore decided to sell them within the borders of the USA.
We hope to either reprint the book or to publish a shorter revised version or maybe even two of them.
God bless you
3. Any 5 Brit-Am Books for $70!!!
7 Days Only. Offer Ends on March 29, 2016
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