Ten Tribes Studies (29 March 2016, 19 Adar-B, 5776)
1. A Jewish Bible in English, Online
2. Brit-Am Needs
3. New Article. Inherited Sanction
Levites and the Oral Law.
1. A Jewish Bible in English, Online
The Complete Tanach with Rashi's Commentary
English translation with Rashi's commentary
2. Brit-Am Needs
Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations functions and gets by due to selling books and donations.
We research where the Ten Tribes are and prove it.
We bring this knowledge to the attention of the public and it gets noticed and remains available for the future.
Other people use our findings sometimes acknowledging us as the source and at other times not.
At all events we have an effect.
God willing we will continue to do so since the theme we work on is a true and valuable one.
This is your Hebraic ancestry.
We can prove your Hebrew Origins or at least the probability of Hebrew ancestry at the individual level and the near certainty in the aggregate.
This is Biblically auspicious.
This is important.
It is needed.
We too are in need of your assistance.
We understand that they who help us will be rewarded from Heaven.
Our cause is a worthy one and one that proves itself and is worth your support.
You and others benefit from it (and so do we)Â and that is our intention.
Our researches are achievements that are worthwhile and of great potential importance.
Help us to keep going and to do more.
God bless you all,
Yair Davidiy
on behalf of
Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations
Offerings and purchases may be made by snail mail or by PayPal.
3. New Article.
Inherited Sanction. Levites, Rabbis, and the Oral Law.
The Talmud and nearly all the great Commentators on the Talmud (see Yoma 26;a) say that most great arbiters of Rabbinical Law have been from the Tribe of Levi.
Some would have it that this applies to nearly all of them ...
This applies today and it did in the past.
This is what Deuteronomy 17:9 implies would be the case "in those days" i.e. forever and such is the case.
This too is evidence. It is also proof that the Almighty has not abandoned the Rabbis nor the Jewish People.Â