Ten Tribes Studies (31 March 2016, 22 Adar-B, 5776)
1. New Article. Returning Israel
What Should I do?
2. How Much Does Brit-Am Need?
3. Translation into Finnish?
1. New Article. Returning Israel
What Should I do?
1. Question from Charles in Britain
2. The Need for Research (Jeremiah 31:21).
3. Implications for Ten Tribes Peoples as a Whole; Returning to Syria, Lebanon, Samaria, Jerusalem
4. The Interim Role of Christianity
5. The Task of the Individual as a Private Person. What the Individual Should do Now!
a. Jews.
b. Non-Jewish Israelites
c. Non-Jewish non-Israelites who feel attracted to our message.
6. Tithes
7. The Long Run is the Most Important
2. How Much Does Brit-Am Need?
K asked:
Brit-Am Now no. 2592. Ten Tribes Studies
#1. The Need to Know Before the Return
Hi Yair, maybe you should be more open about the specific needs of Brit-Am, what it needs to function?
Perhaps some get the feeling Brit-Am is a bottomless hole financially speaking, lol.
Anyway, appreciate your work.
K .
Brit-Am Reply:
First of all person for person, compared to other lists, it may be that Brit-Am subscribers give better than others do.
The problem is that there are not enough of them. This may eventually change.
just for the record:
It all costs money.
 If more money was coming in we would probably be able to function better.
This what Divine Providence wants.
If giving more details were to entail the possibility of alleviation then more details may be given.
I do not think that more could be done, by anyone else, than we do under the same constraints.
The money is needed to do what is being done.
That is the reality.
3. Translation into Finnish?
We have a small following in Finland.
Outside of the USA our largest followings are probably the UK, Australia, Canada, Finland.
A proposal has been received to translate one of our works into Finnish. Most of the younger generation understand English quite well but the older generation (many of whom would be interested) does not.