Ten Tribes Studies (3 April 2016, 24 Adar-B, 5776)
1. New Article. Death of Uriah. What Really Happened?
2. New Article. Returning Israel
How Yair Davidiy is viewed by a "Christian Jews for Judaism" Wannabee
3. Why A Translation (of a Brit-Am work) into Finnish Might Meet a Neeed
 4. A Reason for Giving and Receiving?
5. The Nazis Burnt Even the Mentally Insane Alive!!
1. New Article.
Death of Uriah
What Really Happened? (Excerpts from a work in preparation by Yair Davidiy) (3 April 2016, 24 Adar-B, 5776)
For almost three thousand years David King of Israel and Judah, author of the Psalms, has been given a bad name he may not have deserved over this issue.
We will show the sources for all this and discuss the text in the light of these extraneous considerations.
For the moment let us consider one point alone.
How did Uriah really die?
2. New Article. Returning Israel
How Yair Davidiy/Brit-Am is Viewed by Some Antagonists
1. The Offending article.
2. Initial Criticism.
3. Criticism of the Article by Yair.
Since the early nineties, an Israeli Rabbi named [4] Yair Davidy, founder of the Brit-Am Movement of the Ten Tribes, has been working to revive British Israel doctrine. His teachings are in the philo-Semitic and Zionist spirit of the original movement, but differ in that they he is an Orthodox Jew (while the original movement was a thoroughly Protestant affair), and strongly opposes any attempt to convert Jews to Christianity (which the early British Israelists assumed would happen as a matter of course). His teachings are mostly a rehash of nineteenth century British Israel thought: the 'ten lost tribes' of Israel settled in Western Europe, becoming the forefathers of the white people of Western Europe and America. But whereas the original British Israel movement was largely unconcerned with Islam, Brit-Am Israel is intensely anti-Islamic. Rabbi Davidy refers to Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) as a 'madman', states that Muslims hate all Israelites (he chalks Muslim hostility to western imperial powers are coming from hostility towards their 'Israelite' descent), encourages the 'Lost Tribes' (white Europeans and Americans) to start colonies in Syria, Lebanon, and surrounding nations, advocates a mass expulsion of all Palestinians to a western nation (possibly Brazil, for some reason), 'for their own good'.
Davidy is not well-known at this time, but his synthesis of a white-supremacist doctrine which identifies western European and American white people as chosen by God to lead the world, mixed with militant and fanatical anti-Islamic, Zionist rhetoric, is likely to reverberate with many people on the racist right, especially young people who have developed racist ideals, but for whom 'the enemy' has always been Muslims and who see Zionists as liked-minded individuals of the same struggle. I can see Islamophobic young men and women, filled with a newfound sense of Israelite identity and entitlement to the land of Palestine, traveling to the Middle East to form the colonies (and, most likely, armed militias) that Davidy proposes. The identification of western European and American whites with the descendants of the Israelites (and thus, in Zionist parlance 'rightful owners' of the land of Palestine) is an incendiary and irresponsible ideology which synthesizes the worst elements of Talmudic Zionist racism with White Supremacism, and one which, if it gains any amount of influence, can only breed violence.
End Quote.
3. Why A Translation (of a Brit-Am work) into Finnish Might Meet a Neeed
In the United States of America there are many NHL (Ice Hockey) players from Finland and many other Finnish people living there. They have learned English but It is always easier to read in your mother tongue, if something needs deeper understanding. And there are Finns in Canada, Australia, UK, Europe, Sweden and almost everywhere. So It would not be only the small market of Finland but could be a bigger thing. Around the Big Lakes in U.S.A. and Canada, there are a lot of Finnish emigrants/immigranst (depends upon your viewpoint). Some of them would like to learn to read Finnish because of their roots.
Did you know that Rambo (the movie with Sylvester Stallone) is originally about a Finnish surname Romppainen? Or did you know that George W. Bush has familyroots in Finland ? Finns first moved into the Swedish Colony of Delawere in ca. 1630. From then on Finns have been moving into the U.S. in hard times, especially the 1860-1930's and also later when there was hunger and unemployment in Finland. So in a way the United States is compounded also from part of the Tribe of Issachar as well.
Blessed be Yair, his brilliant work and Israel
Kind Regard,
 4. A Reason for Giving and Receiving?
Rabbinical Works point out that the someone who gives feels a stronger bonding to the recipient than the recipient does to them.
Maybe Divine Providence brings it about that every now and again we have to make appeals in order to strengthen the connection with our supporters?
5. The Nazis Burnt Even the Mentally Insane Alive!!
# The Auschwitz timetable notes that on January 24 [1943] a transport arrived from an institution for the insane in Holland that consisted of 921 Jews and included, in addition to the patients, children from an adjacent institution for retarded children as well as a medical staff. Of these, 16 men and 36 women were transferred to the camp. - the remainder , 869 in all, were exterminated. According to eyewitness testimony, they were thrown into pits where wood was thrown on top of them, saturated with gasoline, and then set alight - and they were burned alive.#95
Siurce: "The Holocaust. The Fates of European Jewry," by Leni Yahil, 1987 [Hebrew language edition], 1990 [English] UK, p. 437 quotes from three independent sources.