Ten Tribes Studies (20 June 2016, 14 Sivan, 5776)
1. Jay: Advise to Brit-Am, "Stay Basic!"
2. ONE WEEK ONLY!!!! Special offer: The Tribes plus 1
3. Addition to Article. American Leaders
#10. Addenda. More on Trump
1. Jay: Advise to Brit-Am, "Stay Basic!"
Shalom Yair
Some serious advise from my past from my long past experience with the Worldwide Church of God. Stay basic! Write your message about those you have learned from about basic sources that describe the connection of the ten tribes with western Europe, including England, Scotland, Wales, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and even South Africa, etc. Your latest online communication was very complicated especially [the] video that showed you as a rabbi preaching about a scripture in the book of Isaiah. To me this was not appropriate for people first learning the connection of England, etc. with the ten tribes that rebelled in ancient Israel. The internet is different from radio broadcasting but my advise still is, stay basic.
Special offer: The Tribes plus 1
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"The Tribes" is a comprehensive and valuable work identifying all the Tribes of Israel as they are in the world today.
"The Tribes" was the first of our published works and there are those who consider it possibly the best.
According to some opinions it may not only be the best we have but the best available anywhere on this topic!
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The Tribes may be purchased for $30 and with each purchase you may choose ANY OTHER of the works by Yair Davidiy for FREE!
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The extra books are available for FREE with a purchase of The Tribes from today until 27 June 2016 (actually 8 days but who's counting).
These are the books available:
Ephraim. - The Gentile Children of Israel
 David and Bat Sheva
 Chosen People. The Descendants of Joseph and the Ten Tribes among English-Speaking Nations and the Jews of Judah
 Esau. Edomites Today
Edom and Germany
Ancestry. -The Hebrew Identity of Celtic Races
To Rule the World. -How the British and Americans Proved they Descend from Joseph and the Ten Tribes of Israel
Origin. - You too are from Israel! You too are the People
Joseph. - The Israelite Destiny of America
Biblical Truth. - The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel in the West according to the Book of Genesis
Bible Basics. - Scripture, Israel, and the Oral Tradition
For the details concerning each book go to:
3. Addition to Article. American Leaders
#10. Addenda. More on Trump
Eric Trump and his Jewish Wife; Conflicting meanings of the name "Trump;" Etymology of Trump; Definition of "trump;" Ancestors