Ten Tribes Studies (12 January 2017, 15 Tevet, 5777)
1. New Article. No Substitute!
A Refutation from the Bible of Replacement Theology
2. New List Survey in Preparation
3. Article in Preparation. True Blue: Woad and Israel
4. Article in Preparation. Urim and Tumim
5. Excerpts from Steven Collins about the Scythians
1. New Article. No Substitute!
A Refutation from the Bible of Replacement Theology
1. Introduction: Demographic Islamic and Other Dangers Ahead
2. Replacement Theology
3. Bruce McKerras
4. Bruce Disembraced
Replacement Theology in a Nutshell by Bruce McKerras
5. Brit-Am Replies:
(1. The sceptre shall not depart
(2. cease from being a nation before me
(3. Were Other Nations Later Called by "My Name"?
(4. Hosea Speaks of Israel being Disowned
(5. Select Sources concerning Judah
2. New List Survey in Preparation
We are preparing a survey to be sent out to all subscribers.
Meanwhile if there is any particular subject you would like us to mention,
something you would like less or more of, something new, etc, please inform us.
3. Article in Preparation. True Blue: Woad and Israel
Woad is a plant that produces the blue-purple color of indigo. This color is also derived from other sources including the hilazon, a sea mollusc.
This was the color used in the colored tassels that every Israelite placed on the four corers of his garment.
Numbers 15:
37 The LORD also spoke to Moses, saying, 38 Speak to the sons of Israel, and tell them that they shall make for themselves tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and that they shall put on the tassel of each corner a cord of blue. 39 It shall be a tassel for you to look at and remember all the commandments of the Lord, so as to do them and not follow after your own heart and your own eyes, after which you played the harlot, 40 so that you may remember to do all My commandments and be holy to your God. 41 I am the LORD your God who brought you out from the land of Egypt to be your God; I am the Lord your God.
"Why is blue different from all other colors?"... "Because blue resembles the sea, and the sea resembles sky, and the sky resembles God's Throne of Glory, as it is written: "Above the sky over their heads was the semblance of a throne, like sapphire in appearance"' (Talmud, Menachot).
Woad is associated with the Celtic Peoples especially those of Britain. The warriors would daub purple blue made from woad on their bodies.
Woad originated in the area of Ancient Israel and it was used by the Israelites.
This is yet one more link between Ancient Britain and the west on the one hand and between Ancient Israel on the other.
This in itself does not prove very much but it adds to the overall picture.
In the same way that customs, plants, animals, dyes, etc moved from the area of Israel to the west may have peoples done the same.
We are preparing an article on this subject. It was brought to our attetnion by Mark Williams.
Mark Williams wrote:
# Woad is NOT native to Britain or Europe
But it is native to Assyria and the Levant. #
4. Article in Preparation. Urim and Tumim
The Urim and Thummim (also pronounced as "Tumim") were a means used in Ancient Israel to receive answers from God to questions concerning the people and their leaders.
1-Samuel 14:41, 1-Samuel 10:22, 2-Samuel 5:23.
There are differences of opinion concerning what exactly this entailed.
The Sages said it meant a Process whereby the High Priest would receive inspiration through the Breast Plate.
On the Breast Plate (in Hebrew "Choshen") were encased twelve precious stones, one for each Israelite Tribe.
On each stone was inscribed the name of the tribe to which it pertained as well as some other words.
The letters of these words would lighten up in different ways and the High Priest would be enabled by God to read the message.
We are preparing an article on this subject, possibly with illustrations.
5. Excerpts from Steven Collins about the Scythians
Chapter 4 Excerpt
The Scythian 'Sacae'
The Asian 'Sons of Isaac'
JN-1193. Jerusalem News
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