Ten Tribes Studies (3 May 2017, 8 Iyar, 5777)
1. The Five Stages of Redemption are in Reverse Order!
2. Legitimate Conversion to Judaism Re-Considered?
3. New Article. Ephraimite Criteria.
Who is Descended from Israelites According to Prophecy
4. New Article. Germany Tested
Are the Germans from the Ten Tribes?
5. Hitler the Catamite Dancer
1. The Five Stages of Redemption are in Reverse Order!
Chaim Clorfene wrote:
The Five Stages of Geulah (Final Redemption)
The Final Redemption, Geulah in Hebrew, comes in five stages. We learn this in the Book of Ezekiel 37:15-28):
First Stage: The resurrection of the dead and return of the House of Israel to its homeland. These are not two stages, but one. The resurrection is in order to bring the people to the land.
Second Stage: The unification of the House of Israel. Yosef and Yehuda will be reconciled and at peace with each other.
Third Stage: A king from the House of David will reign over the unified House of Israel. He will be the anointed of G-d and his name will be David. He will lead the people in the ways of G-d.
Fourth Stage: G-d will make an eternal covenant of peace with the House of Israel.
Fifth Stage: The Third Temple will be built and the whole world will know that G-d is the one who sanctifies Israel when the Temple stands in their midst eternally.
We write:
Our own studies indicate that the actual Process is in a reversed sequence to what Chaim Clorfene placed it:
Some of his individual points combine disparate events.
For instance, for his Fifth Stage, Chaim says,
"The Third Temple will be built and the whole world will know that G-d is the one who sanctifies Israel when the Temple stands in their midst eternally. "
We are not Prophets.
Maimonides has already commented that no-one really knows how these things will come to pass until after they have done so.
Maimonides also recommended that one not spend too much time discussing them.
Nevertheless, it could well be that first the Third Temple will be rebuilt and then a could deal of time plus the process of some of the other "Stages" transpires before correct knowledge fills the earth.
The Five Stages in a More Likely Sequence:
1. The Third Temple will be built.
Chaim Clorfene on his web site depicts a model of the Third Temple based on the vision of Ezekiel
2. Return of Divine Inspiration. As a result of this but perhaps much later "G-d will make an eternal covenant of peace with the House of Israel."
3. A King from the House of David will reign over Judah at first and later over all Israel.
4. The unification of the House of Israel. Yosef and Yehuda will be reconciled and at peace with each other.
5a. The Jews and the Ten Tribes return to their land. This may be intertwine with no.4 above and in some ways even precede it.
5b. Resurrection of the Dead. This is a separate process from 5a. This is different from Chaim who combines 5a with 5b places them in his First Stage!
2. Legitimate Conversion to Judaism Re-Considered?
Quora Question:
According to Jewish law, is it possible that I am not Jewish?
My Father is Jewish and my mother converted to Judaism in Israel.
I know there are strict guidelines as far as legitimate reasons for converting.
She recently confided in me that she converted mainly because it made it easier for her to stay in Israel. What is my status now according to Jewish law?
Reply by Yair Davidiy:
I am not an expert but I live the life as well as I can and I am acquainted with some of the sources.
Based ONLY on what you said I would say that it is 99% certain that you are a kosher Jew as far as the halachah is concerned, like it or not.
When your mother converted she knew what she was doing and willingly or not she acquiesced in principle to the commandments.
That in a de facto sense is sufficient.
The Talmud says we choose to be born as we are. You chose to be what you came into the world as. You are suited to be yourself. Live with it!
Judaism is not bad. It can be very good. It may not be perfect but it gives more, and asks for less, in the long run, than anything else in the market. Make the most of it while you can!
3. New Article. Ephraimite Criteria.
Who is Descended from Israelites According to Prophecy:
We identify the Lost Ten Tribes as being pre-eminently among the peoples of Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Wales, Ireland, North Ireland, Scotland, and England with their offshoots overseas in Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.
We use certain characteristics as Criteria to determine which nations have historically been dominated by Israelites and which have not.
The Criteria are:
1. Blessings: Economic and Physical Blessings as promised to Israel in Scripture.
2. Indications of Scripture.
3. Groundwork: Historical, Archaeological, and Related Proofs showing paths of migration.
4. Judah: Affinity with the Jews.
5. Originality: Innovation and Intellect.
6. Bravery, Military Prowess.
7. Empathy: The Doing of Social Justice.
8. Israelite Self-Identification.
9. Family Connection.
10. Tribal Affiliation.
These Criteria are expounded upon at more length below.
4. New Article. Germany Tested
Are the Germans from the Ten Tribes?
Of the 10 criteria Germany meets, to some degree, 6 of them but seriously fails in some of the others i.e. nos 4, 8, 9, 10. Numbers 4 and 8 are especially important in so far as Germany veers very strongly in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION on these points.
5. Hitler the Catamite Dancer
Quora Question:
Was there anything Hitler was right about?
I ask because of Godwin's Law and the Reductio ad Hitlerum attack which is used to refute a person's view because it was also held by Hitler.
Clearly, he has been wrong about much, but surely he must have been right about some things? What were they?
Reply by Yair Davidiy:
Adolf was a sexual pervert and sadist. He knew that in the darker recesses of the soul many in his audience felt like him.
That explains his style and physical movements. My father, W.H. Russell-Davis visited Germany before World War-2, and knew the language.
He described the speeches of Adolf as like a woman wooing the male, or Dance of the Catamite.
Hitler knew his followers wanted to torment, debase, and cruelly kill Jews. He gave them the means and where-with-all to do it.
He knew they wanted loot and glory even at the expense of later loss. He gave it to them.
He knew what the women wanted, he gave it to them.
He knew what the doctors, lawyers, teachers, academics, bureaucrats, perverts, criminals, robbers, army officers, and aristocrats all wanted.
He gave each one what they wanted.
He also knew there was a price to pay and so did they.
By taking most of the blame he has let the others off cheaply.
Hebrew Nations
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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