Ten Tribes Studies (29 June 2017, 5 Tammuz, 5777)
1. The Stories of Elijah and Elisha with Commentary on MP3
2. Britain and the Atlantic to become Part of the Land of Israel.
Explaining our initial mix-up in tracing the sources.
3. Orthodox Judaism versus Reform Judaism?
4. Question on Celts and the Ten Tribes
5. Comments on Video Clips
1. The Stories of Elijah and Elisha with Commentary on MP3
Recently we began a series of short articles and YouTube Clips about the Prophets Elijah and Elisha.
We have still got one more article concerning Elisha to publish in order to complete the series.
We had studied the relevant scriptures in some detail in the past.
The reckonings given below were made some time ago. I had forgotten about them.
Nevertheless the message is still relevant and they are well worth listening to.
The First Book of Kings chater 16 onwards.
The Second Book of Kings
For links to the MP3 recordings go to:
1-Kings:18 Elijah on Mount Carmel
(31 minutes)
1-Kings:19 Elijah on Mount Horeb and Appointing Elisha
(28 minutes)
1-Kings:20 War between Israel and Ben-Hadad of Aram
(34 minutes)
1-Kings:21 Ahab and the Vineyard of Naboth
(26 minutes)
1-Kings:22 Ahab of Israel and Jehohaphat of Judah versus Aram.
(43 minutes)
The Second Book of Kings
2-Kings:1 Elijah Burns Up the Soldiers. Ahaziah falls sick and dies.
(23 minutes)
2-Kings:2 Elijah Goes to heaven in a fiery chariot . Elisha takes over and exerts his authority.
(29 minutes)
2-Kings:3 Jehoshaphat of Judah and Jehoram of Israel are allies in War Again Moab
(24 minutes)
2-Kings:4 The Miracles of Elisha
(41 minutes)
2-Kings:5 Elisha Cures Naaman</a> of Leprosy.
(16 minutes)
See Also:
My Biblical Fathers: Abraham
(ca. 36 minutes)
My Biblical Fathers</a>: Isaac
(ca. 26 minutes)
My Biblical Fathers: Jacob
(ca. 37 minutes)
My Biblical Fathers: Joseph
(ca. 44 minutes)
2. Britain and the Atlantic to become Part of the Land of Israel.
Explaining our initial mix-up in tracing the sources.
Recently we published an article concerning the determination by a very great historical Rabbinical Authority, ther Hatam Sofer) that the atlantic Ocean region inckluding Vbritain (and by implication also North America) would become part of the Land of Israel, see:
Predicted Hebrew Islands
Were the British Isles and North America Promised to Become Israelite?
Britain and the Atlantic to be Part of Israel!
We had previously published notes concerning this source but then had doubts due to not being able to bverify it.
We said:
# The book "Eretz Chemda" by Yichiel Mical Shtern (5769, p.20 quotes Levushei Mordeci Y"D 3:49) says that,
a Great Rabbi, the Chatam Sofer (Rabbi Moses Schrieber, 1762-1839), held that the island of England in the End Times would be considered part of the Land of Israel.
It should be noted however that when we searched for the source of this opinion we could not find it in the editions then available to us. #
Re http://www.britam.org/now2/1649Now.html
Mark Williams then urged us to make a renewed effort.
Our friend and teacher Rabbi David Feldman indeed found for us all the relevant sources.
These have since been translated and published by us:
And why were we not successful ourselves?
Rabbi David explains that one of the works in the chain of references we were tracing (Levushei Mordeci) was published, or re-published in different editions quite close to each other.
We were not aware of this and had been looking in the edition available to us which happened to not be the one we needed!
3. Orthodox Judaism versus Reform Judaism?
The Only Judaism is Orthodox Judaism!
Jay said:
Shalom Yair
As I have learned, there are Orthodox Jews, Conservative Jews and Reformed Jews. So I wonder why you have written that all Jews are Orthodox. As I have read, Reform Jews are accused of conducting Sabbath services as Christians yet in a visit to a Reform website its teaching is no different than any orthodox teachings. Of course I could have missed some details.
Brit-Am Reply:
Shalom, What I meant was that Orthodox Jews are the ones who keep Judaism as it was formulated over the centuries. It is legitimate according to the parameters adhered to by the Sages.
Its beliefs basically are the that Torah is from heaven and that the Oral Law tells us how to apply the Torah on a day to day basis.
As I understand it Reform at the official level does not say that the Torah is from heaven.
Wikipedia tells us:
Reform Judaism
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
# Reform Judaism (also known as Liberal Judaism or Progressive Judaism) is a major Jewish denomination which emphasizes the evolving nature of the religion, the superiority of its ethical aspects to the ceremonial ones, and a belief in a continuous revelation not centered on the theophany at Mount Sinai. It is characterized by a lesser stress on ritual and personal observance, regarding Jewish Law as of non-binding nature and the individual Jew as autonomous, and openness to external influences and progressive values. The origins of Reform Judaism lay in 19th-century Germany, where its early principles were formulated by Rabbi Abraham Geiger and his associates. Its greatest center today is in North America. #
Reform by its own admission is something new. It does not regard the Torah as binding. Its claim to be Jewish lies in the fact that its early founders were Jewish. It uses some Jewish sources though interpreting them differently from how they were intended, and its services may include practices parallel to those of the synagogue.
On the individual level some Reform members are learned and even to a degree observant. Most are not. In many Reform congregations a majority may no longer even be Jewish.
I am not saying that it is necessarily bad or all negative. It is simply no longer really Jewish from the point of view of historical Judaism. It is not historical Judaism whereas Orthodox Judaism is.
A well-know joke says:
At an Orthodox wedding the mother of the bridegroom is pregnant. At a Conservative wedding the bride is pregnant. At a Reform wedding the Rabbi is pregnant.
4. Question on Celts and the Ten Tribes
Sea Migrations
Oscar Ballard
Yair, are you saying that those of nearly pure Celt ancestry are or could be of Hebrew origins?
Brit-Am Reply:
Yes. Not only the Celts but many West European in general. As we mentioned this does not mean everyone in this areas but it could encompass a good proportion. The most important point is that is where the Ten Tribes from a Biblical point of view is in those regions!
5. Comments on Video Clips
The End is Near! Isaiah ch. 3
Troy Simmons:
god bless
Brit-Ish Means Covenant Man!
Yair, there are stones inscribed with ancient Hebrew here in the United States. There are some Native Americans, mainly the Central Band of Cherokee, who claim Hebrew ancestry, and who look Hebrew. I believe many people confuse "Jewish" with "Israelite." One can be Israelite and not Jewish, but it is impossible to be Jewish and not Israelite. It hurts my soul to see so much anti-Semitism in the world. If some if the people who are so filled with hate had their DNA done, they may be well surprised to find they are not fully Gentile! Bless you, and good health to you. xx
Hebrew Nations
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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