Messages and Comments accompanying Brit-Am Now and Yair Davidiy Video Clips (19 March 2017, 21 Adar, 5777)
Britain as Ephraim Introduction Part A.
great teaching ive just been studying this and am near my end be Blessed in the God of Jacob
Secular (Non-Biblical) Proof of Israelite Ancestry     Â
Justin Time
Shalom: As far as I can tell I am of Scottish ancestry. I would like to be able to trace back to Israel. Do you have any reading suggestions that might help me in my search for my true ancestors?
Nazi Plans for Britain      Â
Great video , thank you for this lecture. I was also under the mistaken assumption that hitler yemach shemo [may his memory be erased] had a soft spot for britain.
Satan     Â
Thank you Yar Davidiy for your perspective and this teaching ,always interesting, Shalom t
Roof Falls on Muslims Shouting "Death to the Jews!"
        [Apparently Removed by Google]
Link The Fox
karma, it works ever as a warning or a death notice. both of them are a reminder that the universe is watching.
Hebrews in Scotland     Â
Number one Europe was ruled by Blacks, heck the world was ruled by blacks and the Irish were once black Moors, Number 2 the first slave to be sold in the USA was in 1619, and their history lines up
The USA Became Great for a Reason!Â
Please just read what Jacob says..."Manasseh will be called Great...[as in Great Britain] and Ephraim will be EVEN Greater...and Ephraim will become a nation full of nations..."
The USA is a nation full of nations (states) and has become GREATER than GREAT Britain which is Manasseh. Why is this so hard to understand...there are Jacob's words, NOT MINE.?
Christianity, Jews, and the Ten Tribes
Ephraim is the USA and Judah is modern day's not hard to figure out...if this is not true...who is Ephraim then?