Messages and Comments accompanying Brit-Am Now and Yair Davidiy Video Clips (9 May 2017, 13 Iyar, 5777)
See Also:
Brit-Am Now 2744
1. Rein van Ekeren: Columbus was Jewish!
2. Christine Kearn: Scottish People Innately Hebrew
3. Comments to Video Clips
1. Rein van Ekeren: Columbus was Jewish!
Shalom Yair,
Thanks a lot for your mailpost.
I've got a remark with the following text. The book: Segel der hoffnung - der geheime mission des Christoph Columbus, translated in Dutch as Zeilen der hoop from Simon Wiessenthal mentions the same.
Columbus was a Jew who was looking for a safe hiding place out of Spain/Portugal at the end of the 15th century.
Best regards,
Rein van Ekeren
2. Christine Kearn: Scottish People Innately Hebrew
Hello Mr Davidiy and thank you for the add; I've recently started listening to your YouTube videos and find them extremely interesting; I'm from the outer heberdian islands of Scotland and there are lots of names and traditional my ancestors had that have switched a light on in my head: for instance traditions on cleanliness and morality also family names like Jacob and moses and an inate affinity with the Jewish people and their suffering; I don't think we are of Jewish heritage like from the tribe of judah, but there is something that is hidden and inate, but that doesn't mean that all scottish people think like this unfortunately we have the snp in scotland who are ardent supporters of the Palestinian claims to israel but not all of us think or feel like this. To be honest it's a feeling of betrayal I would feel to disregard israel and it's people. Thanks and I look forward to discussing this with you. God bless and shalom
3. Comments to Video Clips
British Zionism     Â
Fourtwentywalsh Swed
GOD is the creator; through GOD alone is everything done. please brother give the glory to GOD. may GOD bless you and israel; may there be peace in jerusalem!
Stick of Unification
Ray Perkins
Remember Yair. "Not by power, not by might, but my MY SPIRIT " says [the Almighty]. "I have spoken it and I will do it". "I will glorify and magnify myself in the sight of ALL THE NATIONS ". Two sticks will become one in his hand on the Great Day of Jezreel in the valley of decision.
T Kupar
Can't wait to this take place. I am ready..
Frederick Jennifer Joswick
Blessings good sir, thank you for taking the time to post this video - Aloha fj
Stop the Occupation!      Â
You're so right! Israel is Jewish land!
The Celts Called Themselves Hebrews!
Thank you?