Ten Tribes Studies
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(15 November, 2019, 17 Cheshvan, 5780)
1. Mark Williams: President Trump as a King?
2. Steven Collins: Original Water from the Jordan River
3. New Article. Brit-Am & Ephraim-2
1. Mark Williams: President Trump as a King?
Rabbi: Blessing Trump as King Shows He is the Final President Before the Return of Davidic Dynasty
Did Mr Berkowitz just inadvertently acknowledge the Israelite identity
of the USians?
2. Steven Collins: Original Water from the Jordan River
Shalom Yair,
I thought I'd mention one other thing. I toured a local museum last week at the home of a two-term US Senator from South Dakota when it became a state. Later in his life he became a world-traveler, and objects from the collections of his travels were on display. He had been in the Holy Land in 1923, and he had taken a sample of the Jordan River's water then and had it corked for posterity. I assume that it has never been uncorked. If any environmental or water-quality agency in Israel is interested in having a pristine sample of the Jordan River's water as it existed in 1923, I could give them the necessary information to contact this South Dakota museum. It is my expectation that they might be happy to uncork it and send a dropper of the water in a sealable container provided by the agency for safe shipment. This might be one of the few pristine samples of Jordan River water from the 1920s that exist anywhere in the world.
Your friend and ally,
3. New Article. Brit-Am & Ephraim-2
1. Interim Conclusion: Increase Biblical Awareness
2. Comments Received
3. Some Midrashim on Unification
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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