Ten Tribes Studies
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(January 26, 2020, 29 Tevet 5780)
JN-1220. Jerusalem News
1. Very Important Article. Jews and Wasps By WALTER RUSSELL MEAD
2. Significant Highlights from the Article. "Jews and Wasps have their differences.... Where critics see a conspiracy, I see a confluence..... "
3. President
Trump threatened Germany, UK, France with tariffs over Iranian nuclear activity
Brit-Am Now no. 3031
1. Recent Comments to Video Clips
2. Question: Are you a believer of the Talmud and the Sanhedren?
3. New Month of Shevet. Tribe of Asher
4. Mark Williams. Most Jews (oUtside of Israel) Now in Anglosphere!
5. Recent Answers by Yair Davidiy to Quora Questions to be Viewed on the Quora Site.
6. Query: How will the Jews Know who is Descended from the Lost Ten Tribes?
7. Darcy Benjamin Landau: Brit-Am and the Warning Against Homosexuality
1. Recent Comments to Video Clips
Two Witnesses Confirm Ten Tribes Identitiy!
Debbie Cooper
Thank You Hebrew Israelite
Two Witnesses Confirm Ten Tribes Identitiy!
Mats Rosenquist
I really like your stuff Yair but if the western world majority is not of Israelite descendency, then what the Bible says are not true! How many they will be. See Genesis 22:17. I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies.
Hebrews in Scotland
purplestareye Karen Jones
I've heard the Burn(s) family is of jewish descent along with the Byrne(s) of Ireland
2. Question: Are you a believer of the Talmud and the Sanhedren?
roberta kendall
Are you a believer of the Talmud and the sanhedren?
Yair Davidiy Replies:
I believe in the Talmud in principle. As an Observant Jew I am obliged to accept the Talmud as far as legal decisions are concerned as interpreted by existing Rabbinical authority.
We do not accepted the present-day so-called Sanhedrin.
In ancient times the Israelite People had a governing body of 70 elders. This was known as the Sanhedrin. It acted as the Supreme Court for Legal Decisions and also to some degree a kind of Upper House for Governmental Decisions.
In 2004 an attempt by unauthorized and unqualified enthusiasts to revive the Sanhedrin.
They may have had good intentions but the results have been disappointing.
We do not accept the authority of this so-called "Sanhedrin." We are not involved with them one way or another.
Almost NO-ONE among the Hareidim supports them.
Some of their activities have been misleading. They have made mistaken pronouncements.
This includes the subject of the Lost Ten Tribes.
It if was not for this matter we would not relate to them.
A separate article will deal with this.
3. New Month of Shevet. Tribe of Asher.
On January 26 th 2020 at sunset begins the New Month of Shevet.
The Month of Shevet pertain to the Tribe of Asher according to mainstream Opinion (Arizal and HaGra).
Another opinion (Midrash Peliah) say Benyamin.
The Tribe of Asher
Asher has a name meaning happiness, contentment, richness, affirmation. The daughters of the Tribe of Asher had a good reputation and were sought after as wives by the Priests and Kings of Israel.
One source says that Asher was the happiest of all the Tribes.
Asher the Happy Warrior
4. Mark Williams. Most Jews (Outside of Israel) Now in Anglosphere!
Article On Aliyah From The Tablet (2015)
Shalom Yair.
Take aways from the article
1: The vast majority of Diaspora Jewry lives in the Anglosphere (80%).
with the bulk of that being located in the USA.
2: Emigration to Israel from Anglosphere countries was (at the time)
very low and may even have been at negative rates with more Israelis
immigrating to the UK than British Jews leaving (at a ratio of 3:2)
Mark Williams
5. Recent Answers by Yair Davidiy to Quora Questions to be Viewed on the Quora Site.
Are yarmulkes color coded depending on who you are, or do the different colors not mean anything?
6. Query: How will the Jews Know who is Descended from the Lost Ten Tribes?
Two Witnesses Confirm Ten Tribes Identitiy!
guess who
When the Jews go to collect the Lost Ten Tribes from the western nations how will they know who is and who isn't from the lost ten tribes?
Brit-Am Reply:
The Messiah son of David will tell each individual Israelites which Tribe they pertain to. This may mean that he will establish a process by which they may be know.
There are Midrashim saying that the Jews will go to the Ten Tribes to bring them back, e.g.
# The exiles of Judah and Benyamin [i.e. the present-day Jews] are destined to go unto them and bring them back in order to merit with them the Messianic Era and life in the World-To-Come. This is as it says, "In those days the house of Judah shall go unto the House of Israel and they shall come together out of the land of the north unto the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your fathers" (Jeremiah 3:18). # - Midrash Yalkut Shimeoni, Song of Solomon 905.
We understand this to mean that people of Judah will tell Peoples of the North that the Lost Ten tribes are among them.
This may begin a process by which the descendants of Israel will sort themselves out.
7. Darcy Benjamin Landau: Brit-Am and the Warning Against Homosexuality
Today we Had A speaker Talk about Homo sexuality In our church He did not think that homosexuality led to pedophilia When I asked him that question I told him about the book
ESAU written by Yair Davidiy On pages 182 to 187
I did a good deed by telling him about the book and those pages I also finished reading and highlighting in the book
Edom and Germany
Both excellent books That give a balance to the 10 tribe books
Best regards Darcy Benjamin Landau
Excerpts from
"Esau. Edomites Today"
The Spread and Danger of Homosexuality
Nowadays men dressing and acting like women etc. is accepted in society, even entertainment shows for children sometimes seem to promote it. The Bible however forbids it. Transvestism, especially boys dressing up as girls, etc., leads to homosexuality. Homosexuals are sexually active. They are far more active than heterosexuals. They have more sex encounters. They spread diseases and sickness such as AIDS. Homos are also aggressive. They accost other males especially younger ones but all ages are open. .... Often homos exploit their physical strength when they have it or the need of their victim for protection, money, friendship, consulting, promotion, tolerance, etc. They focus on the vulnerable... Homos like younger partners. Nearly all homos are pedophiles. Whoever supports homosexuality is in effect encouraging pedophilia.... Young people often suffer periods of confusion and uncertainty and of sexual tension. Homos take advantage of this. Homos exploit the weak. ....
In many cases homos are married respectable family men or otherwise engaged in heterosexual activity.... it happens often and when we receive reports of abuse etc., we should at least check into it. Homosexuality leads to weakness. We have all met perverts and homosexuals. ....
If one is told constantly that there is nothing wrong with it, that it is normal, etc., and then a charismatic or powerful person pressures you to do it, why should you not do so? -Especially if you lack religious awareness and need the help or alliance of the other party? The victim may be under the influence of some substance or other. People are human ..If however you are brain-washed to believe that it is normal and even good why should you not do it when pressured to do so?
Homosexuals destroy other people. They spread disease and demoralization. They attack children and exploit the vulnerable. They bring disaster upon the world. There is no real natural desire of sexual need for someone of the opposite sex. It is an acquired vice.... Sexual desire is easily aroused. Young people are especially susceptible to being sexually aroused even against their wishes but everyone, at all ages, is vulnerable. Tolerating homosexuality means countenancing sexual acts that are perversions. ....
The Midianites caused the Israelites to fornicate with foreign women and worship idols. They were condemned to be viewed as enemies for all time. Someone who causes you to physically sin should be regarded as your physical enemy.
Numbers 25:
16 Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 17 Harass [Hebrew "tsror" i.e. be an enemy towards] the Midianites, and attack them; 18 for they harassed you [Hebrew "tsararu", were enemies to you. See Rashi] with their schemes by which they seduced you in the matter of Peor and in the matter of Cozbi, the daughter of a leader of Midian, their sister, who was killed in the day of the plague because of Peor.
Someone who deliberately causes another to sin does a worse thing than physically attacking them and should be treated accordingly. Homosexuals are statistically much more violent, change partners much more often, have AIDs and other diseases which they spread to heterosexuals as well as amongst themselves. They use drugs much more, die younger, commit suicide or murder others much more often, attack babies and young children.
33% of homosexuals ADMIT to minor/adult sex. Homosexuals commit more than 33% of all reported child molestations in the United States, which, assuming homosexuals make up 2% of the population, means that 1 in 20 homosexuals is a child molester, compared with 1 in 490 heterosexuals being a child molester. 73% of all homosexuals have had sex with boys under 19 years of age. Many homosexuals admit that they are pedophiles:
"The love between men and boys is at the foundation of homosexuality".
Homos defend what they see as their rights and their territory. They are against the Bible, against people speaking in favor of heterosexuality. They are often aggressive in displaying their affection and in trying to seduce other males. They use whatever means they can. The authorities will only provide protection in very extreme cases. Homosexual attacks in jails etc. are often ignored and sometimes seem to be encouraged or at least accepted. Homosexuals and perverts are also found amongst law enforcement operatives and others in authority. Toleration of homosexuals means that more teachers will be openly homosexual and that more will molest their students. Or they turn a blind eye when students molest each other. This is already a problem. Toleration of homosexuals means that more homoerotic public behavior will be tolerated. Toleration of homosexuality means harassment of heterosexuals. There are no two ways. It also means victimization of those who are vulnerable and do not want to give into homosexual advances. Homosexuals are predators out to destroy our children and the children of others. They offer nothing but shame, disease, death and destruction.
Deuteronomy 23:
17 None of the daughters of Israel shall be a kedeshah, nor shall any of the sons of Israel be a kadesh.
The Hebrew word "Kadesh" has been interpreted as meaning a homosexual temple prostitute but literally it means ANYONE dedicated to sexual vice. It is also a prohibition against female promiscuity.....
... The Sages said that homosexuality is forbidden to ALL mankind [Talmud, Chulin 92b and Commentaries].
Lesbianism is a perversion and forbidden but it is not in the same category as homosexuality....
JN-1220. Jerusalem News
Genesis 28:
22 This stone, which I have set up as a pillar, will be God's house, and of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth to You.'
Contributions and Offerings, Book Orders:
Proverbs 3:
9 Honor the LORD with your possessions,
And with the firstfruits of all your increase;
10 So your barns will be filled with plenty,
And your vats will overflow with new wine.
Malachi 3:
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,
Says the Lord of hosts,
If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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