Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
(16 June, 2021; 6 Tammuz, 5781)
The Distinctive Imperatives of our Movement
(1) Belief in the Bible.
(2) Acknowledgement of the Jews as Judah.
(3) The Lost Ten Tribes Identified as specific nations and groups now present among Western Peoples.
1. Bill Rasmussen : Brit Am... unifies people who love HaShem and his Word, as well as creating support for Israel.
2. Brit-Am Update and Appeal
3. What was the point of it all?
1. Bill Rasmussen : Brit Am... unifies people who love HaShem and his Word, as well as creating support for Israel.
Why do Israeli people not like ultra-Orthodox Jews?
Fantastic story there Yair. Thank you for sharing about your own life. Some of this I have never heard before. To put some perspective into the question is to look at the Israelites anciently.
At the time of Moshe Rabbeinu, the Torah makes it clear that most of the Israelites were Torah observant. They also served in "the military". Also at this time, it was expected that Am Yisrael were to keep Torah and defend the nation. So, there is the ancient precedent of both observing the Mitzvot of HaShem and to defend Am Yisrael.
Sadly, after the death of Joshua, Am Yisrael began to fall into sin and do what was right in their sight rather than observe Torah. We see how debased things got in the Book of Shofetim [Judges]. Much of this precedent continued right up to the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities.
If we look at Ezra and Nehemiah, it is very apparent that they and other Jews returning from Babylon, worked, defended the nation and began a return back to Torah. In the 1st Century C.E., rabbis also worked at some type of employment as did those Jews who were Torah observant.
Looking at the world today, there is this massive conundrum for Jews who want to keep Torah. There are the pressures by society of both working and serving in the military. However, the Torah observant Jews are actually protecting Israel by studying, observing and teaching Torah. We have seen in the past what happens to Israel when they reject HaShem and his Torah. In a sense, the Haredi are between the proverbial rock and a hard place.
Really, the biggest enemy of both Jews and Christians is secular society. Secularists brand anyone who is zealous for the Word of HaShem as nut cases. We see it in the media, in movies and in popular culture.
And, for every Christian who perhaps demonizes the Haredi, there are those who support them.
Christianity, like Judaism, is not one monolithic bloc of thinking.
There are all sorts of people within each group.
This is why the work of Brit Am is so important, because it unifies people who love HaShem and his Word, as well as creating support for Eretz Yisrael.
With all this said, I strongly urge all who belong to Brit Am to financially support Yair. His research and teachings are like hitting a gold mine. He also is part of Biblical prophecy as we know that at some point in time, all 12 tribes will be unified. Am Yisrael Chai!
2. Brit-Am Update and Appeal
We are preparing an adapted edition of "The Tribes" to be named "Hebrew Tribes."
It should be ready soon.
The new work contains most of what was in "The Tribes" concerning Tribal Identifications of present-day peoples.
The format has changed somewhat.
The new work contains,
new insights, additional information, valuable research findings, more illustrations of interest, and much more.
For the moment this is taking up much of our time.
Brit-Am/Hebrew Awareness activity is continuing its work.
Public interest is down a little even though in one way or other we may be reaching more people.
Finances are lower than usual but thanks to a very few we get by.
Our last Appeal went, as far as we know, almost unanswered.
This happens.
We now have additional expenses and need funds to function.
Anyway, we believe that they who help us will rewarded from Heaven.
We also understand that our work has importance and is for the good of many people.
We serve the Jewish Nation as well as all the other Ten Tribes of Israel.
Here is the blurb that will be placed on the back cover of "Hebrew Tribes." Changes may be made.
'Hebrew Tribes' identifies present-day ethnicities many of whose ancestors had once belonged to Tribes in Israel.
They comprised the majority of the Ancient Hebrew peoples and lost awareness of their ancestry. They had been exiled by the Assyrians. Nevertheless, unlike the Jews of Judah, they tended to remain together in the same groups. Eventually they moved to Western Europe. From there they populated North America, Australia, and other regions. The non-Jewish peoples of England, Wales, Scotland, North Ireland, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland all contain a significant proportion of Israelite descendants. This was prophesied and it is what happened. These peoples are kith and kin to the present-day Jews. Like it or not such is the case. Numerous descendants of Specific Israelite Tribes and Tribal Clans are to be found among these present-day national entities. Proof of this is in the Bible, Rabbinical texts, historical records, archaeology, linguistics, mythology, and other sources. The national symbols and characteristics of each polity also indicate Israelite Tribal antecedents. Hebrew ancestry is also reflected to some degree in contemporary events.
They who are able to help Brit-Am/Hebrew Awareness are urged to do so and to send a contribution.
3. What was the point of it all?
This work shows that the Israelite Tribes divided into two sections. One part remained recognizable. These are the Jews. The other section did not retain consciousness of its ancestry. They became the Lost Ten Tribes.
We prove who they are. The evidence is there.
Knowing what happened is not the same as understanding why but it is a beginning.
The Children of Israel under Moses received the Torah at Sinai. Later, ruled by the House of David, they built the Temple. Our understanding is that the Hebrews were supposed to fulfill two goals: (1) They needed to keep the Law and develop it. (2) They also needed through example and power to civilize humanity.
There was a problem with this. Other peoples were not ready for them and they were not prepared for the world. They were not capable of carrying out both goals at once. Consequently, they were split asunder. One part was to go down to the level of the heathen and then evolve upwards drawing the Gentiles with them. These were the Ten Tribes. The other section had the task of observing the Torah and clarifying its requirements. This is what the Jews have done. The two halves will eventually re-unite. When and how this will come about we do not know. Being aware of who the Ten Tribes are is a first step in that direction.
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Proverbs 3:
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth and with the first of all your produce, 10 so your barns will be filled with abundance, and your vats will burst open with new wine.
Genesis (NASB) 28: 20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, 'If God will be with me and will keep me on this journey that I take, and will give me food to eat and garments to wear, 21 and I return to my father's house in safety, then the LORD will be my God. 22 This stone, which I have set up as a pillar, will be God's house, and of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth to You.'
Malachi 3: 10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this,Says the LORD of Hosts, 'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven. and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.
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