Ten Tribes Studies (2 September, 2014, 7 Elul, 5774)
1. hebrewnations.com now Facebook (and company) friendly!
2. Jerusalem News now on YouTube!
3. New Feature. Dolmen Pictures
1. hebrewnations.com now Facebook (and company) friendly!
All articles and features on the web-site of Hebrew Nations
are now accompanied by the possibility of sending the page to Facebook, Twitter, and numerous other such services. They may also be printed out at once or sent by e-mail.
We had received suggestions in the past that we introduce such a feature but never got around to it till it was suggested to us again recently.
2. Jerusalem News now on YouTube!
Jerusalem News Clip-1
Duration 18.52 minutes
News and Views from Israel
JN-1087. Jerusalem News
3. New Feature.
Dolmen Pictures
At present features 2 maps, a dolmen from India, a dolmen from Ireland, 6 megaliths from Conrwall in southwest Britain.
will be added to.

See Also:
Dolmens from Around the World