5781 Coming Up!
In preparation for the Hebrew New Year of 5781, beginning on Friday Evening, at nightfall, 19 September, 2020, the following quick reflections concerning Brit-Am and its followers may be in order:
In retrospect the past year (5780) was not that bad and God willing the future will be much better.
We wish you all well.
May the God of Israel bless you all and all those with you.
We feel that Brit-Am followers are in a sense the Chosen Few.
They are the forerunners of Hebrew Renewal, the Vanguard of the Host of Israel.
You are the key to opening the hearts of all the others.
We appreciate the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and financial-physical support you have given us up until now. We hope it will continue.
We for our part hope to do still better on your behalf. This is for the greater good of Judah and the Ten Tribes of Israel.
There are ongoing projects we hope to complete.
In general a greater and more intensive emphasis will be placed on Biblical Sources though other fields of information will continue to be referred to.
We for our part hope to do as well as we can.
We should also try to get others more involved in writing articles, providing information, and organizing matters in general.
God be with you,
Yair Davidiy,on behalf of Brit-Am.