Obama as an Edomite Back-Stabber
Duration ca. 26 minutes. To read text please Scroll Down
Obama's Visit to Israel 20-21 Â March 2013
Obama as a friend is more dangerous than as an enemy. As a sign of friendship Obama wants the Israelis to cut their own throat and save him from having to do it for them!
In the film Godfather part three the Mafia gangster Vincent is told by his uncle to kiss his rival, Joey, as a mark of appeasement. Vincent acts like he is about to kiss Joey and then bites part of his ear off.
[As entertainment goes the Godfather is good enough. From an educational point of view however it tends to romanticize the Mafia which in effect stands for exploitation, violence, theft, graft, prostitution, extortion, and numerous other evil vices.]
So too, we have the story of Esau and Jacob. They were twins. Esau was the favorite of their father, Isaac. Their mother Rebecca favored Jacob and had been told in prophecy that Jacob was to be preferred. Under the directiuon of Rebecca, Jacob impersonated Esau and received the blessing from Isaac their father. Esau intended to take revenge and kill Jacob. Jacob fled to the place of Laban his uncle in Aram where he married the daughters of Laban. Eventually Jacob fled from Laban and returned to the Land of Canaan. Esau came to meet him with four hundred men. Jacob was afraid that Esau would seek to harm him. Jacob was reassured by the Almighty. When the two met Esau kissed Jacob and spoke as if the past had been forgotten and forgiven.
Genesis 33
4 And Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell upon his neck, and he kissed him; and they wept.

Rashi comments that:
# And he kissed him..., is dotted above it [in a Torah scroll, see above illustration], there is disagreement on this point... there are those who view the dots saying that he [Esau] did not kiss him with all of his heart. Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai says the halacha is well known that Esau hates Ya'aqov, but he took pity upon him at that moment, and he did kiss him with all of his heart.
#Rabbi Yannai says, 'If so, why is is it dotted above? Rather it teaches that he [Esau] did not come to kiss him, but rather to bite him, and the neck of Ya'aqov Avinu was made into marble and the teeth of the evil one dulled. And what it said regarding 'and they cried?' Rather this one [Jacob who had been bitten] cried because of his neck, and this one cried [Esau who had tried to bite] because of his teeth. Rabbi Abahu in the name of Rabbi Yohanan, 'Say to him from this, 'Your neck is like a tower of ivory'" (Song of Songs 7:5)
More recently, the Biblical Commentary, S'fas Emes, from the Rabbi of Gur (Poland) of the late 1800s, stated that, When Esau kisses, Ya'aqov is bitten!
In the last few days President Obama has visited Israel. Both PM Natanyahu and the entourage of Obama are anxious to present the visit as a friendly one. Obama represents the most powerful and wealthiest nation in the world. He has experts who are probably the best paid and the most qualified of any available. This is how it should be. Obama himself is an accomplished and well polished performer. He got to be President because of it. Obama made speeches and uttered platitudes that were intended to placate and appease the Israeli public. He said things that are true about the USA and Israel having a common story and mutual interests. He said that the future of Israel is bound to that of the USA. These were all true. Obama may not have intended it BUT his advisors who wrote his speeches knew what they were doing. They included enough of the truth and of what both Americans and Jews WANT to believe to make the rest of what he was saying appear acceptable!
JN-1015. 3. US President Obama arrives in Israel -
Obama said:
#So as I begin this visit, let me say as clearly as I can - the United States of America stands with the State of Israel because it is in our fundamental national security interest to stand with Israel. It makes us both stronger. It makes us both more prosperous. And it makes the world a better place.
# That's why the United States was the very first nation to recognize the State of Israel 65 years ago. That's why the Star of David and the Stars and Stripes fly together today. And that is why I'm confident in declaring that our alliance is eternal, it is forever - lanetzach [for eternity].
This is all true and correct. BUT there was something else.
He went over the head of the Israeli government and called upon the Israelis to pressure their rulers to make concession for the sake of what he calls peace.
Obama Tells Israelis 'Peace is Necessary,' Urges Youth to 'Claim the Future'
Obama struck a note of solidarity with Palestinian Arabs, asking Israelis to Put yourself in their [the Palestinians'] shoes, Â look at the world through their eyes. It is not fair that a Palestinian child cannot grow up in a state of her own, and lives with the presence of a foreign army that controls the movements of her parents every single day. It is not just when settler violence against Palestinians goes unpunished. It is not right to prevent Palestinians from farming their lands; to restrict a student's ability to move around the West Bank; or to displace Palestinian families from their home. Neither occupation nor expulsion is the answer. Just as Israelis built a state in their homeland, Palestinians have a right to be a free people in their own land.'
Obama dwelt at length on the great acheivements of Israel. He said that Israel is a great country with a very impressive economy and innovative society. Therefore, he says, Israel should be able to risk giving up something of what it has got in order to make peace.
Obama in effect was using his sugar coated approach to make poison slurs acceptable and accepted.
Obama was lying in part.
And in part he was taking isolated incidents and presenting them not in their context.
Obama was presenting the Palestinians as being oppressed by a foreign occupier.
This is not true.
The Israelis are in the Land because God gave it to them. It is THEIR eternal inheritance.
The Palestinians are here because they descend from foreign squatters who came in later.
Restrictions placed upon them are due to their support of terrorists who kill Jewish men, women, and children because they are Jews.
The Jews if anything are too soft. They want peace too much. They are too humane and dislike telling other peoples what to do. They do not like acting tough. The Israelis are too willing to compromise. They overlook numerous acts of violence and extreme humiliating provocations.
The Palestinians want to massacre all the Jews here. They see kindness and consideration as signs of waekness and vulnerability to be taken advantage of.
All the compromises and good will gestures the Israelis have made up until now to the Palestinians have only served to weaken the Israeli position and have caused deaths and injury to Israeli citizens.
It also has not helped Israel in the International Sphere. The more Israel has given the more  International Media and world opinion has condemned Israel.
Vicious lies have been spoken about the Israelis and Obama was helping to spread them and affirm them in the minds of others and even in the eyes of susceptible Israelis themselves.
In our opinion the Israelis SHOULD EXPEL THE PALESTINIANS, give them compensation, fly them to other countries and help them resettle elsewhere.
In the future this is what will happen. This is what Scripture tells us!
The Jews will be helped by the Ten Tribes.
"They Must Go!" Proposed Movement of Arab Populations.
Isaiah prophesied concenring the future union of Judah and Ephraim and how their combined forces will  transfer  the Palestinians to the west.
Isaiah 11:
12 He will set up a banner for the nations,
And will assemble the outcasts of Israel,
And gather together the dispersed of Judah
From the four corners of the earth.
13 Also the envy of Ephraim shall depart,
And the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off;
Ephraim shall not envy Judah,
And Judah shall not harass Ephraim.
[In other words they shall join together and be one nation]
Isaiah 11: 14 But they shall fly down upon the shoulder of the Philistines toward the west;
The expression in Isaiah 11:14 translated as:
" But they shall fly down upon the shoulder of the Philistines toward the west; " [ve-afu be-kataf yamah]
could preferably be translated as saying:
"They shall fly the Philistines to the West".
The Philistines represent the Palestinians.
The Palestinians are named after the Philistines.
"Palestinian" means "Philistine"!
The Philistines should be transferred by airplanes to some place in the West. Brazil is a possibility.
This is all for the future. At the moment Israel needs to survive. We need to get past the present moment. We need to avoid the poisonous friendship of Obama.
Obama is like the Godfather: He is Bad and has bad intentions but on occasion he is able to cloak what he is in a presentable exterior. He does this in order to deceive and cause harm.
It may be true, as Obama claims, that the Palestinians have a right to live in their own country and not be controlled or monitored by the Israelis. The solution however is that they be given their own place OUTSIDE of the borders of Israel. This is what the Bible says.Â
See Also: Â Apology to Obama