Some Sources Under Discussion
Extracts on Gog and Magog (part of a Brit-Am series): Present Article by Yair Davidiy
1. Introduction. This Present Series of Articles
2.Some Sources Quoted by Rabbi Moshe Eisemann
3. The Biblical Scenario in Modern Terms. Economic Collapes, Ecological Disaster, Climate Change, Need for New Lands, Israel Encompassing Western Europe and North America, etc.
4.Mashiach ben Yosef (Messiah son of Joseph)
5. GaM (Gog and Magog) will be ATHEISTICAL!
1. Introduction. This Present Series of Articles
This began as an intended series of articles discussing the wars of Gog and Magog as described by the Prophet Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. It will however probably end up as a as a project encompassing all Biblical Prophecy in general.
We are NOT prophesying ourselves here.
Nor in this case are we claiming to have special knowledge.
Neither are we advocating any special interpretation.
We propose to look at as many of the accepted sources as we can and to present different viewpoints accompanied by remarks and suggestions of our own. In some cases we may end up contradicting ourselves or others. In a study of this nature contradictions go with the territory. We are attempting to understand sources concerning the future so naturally an element of speculation will be involved. Nevertheless this study will be worthwhile since it will introduce us to certain concepts and understandings concerning Biblical Prophecy in general.
2. Some Sources Quoted byRabbi Moshe Eisemann
The present article is based partly on the commentary (and sources cited) by Rabbi Moshe Eisemann, 'Yechezkel / Ezekiel' (ArtScroll), NY, 1988
Midrash Tanchuma, ('Korach') points out that the numerical value in Hebrew of the term 'Gog and Magog' is 70. There are 70 main divisions of mankind, see Genesis 10 where the descendants of Noah are listed. The forces of Gog and Magog will encompass all the nations of the earth.
Midrash Yalkut Shimeoni (1; 76) on Daniel says that the 4 kingdoms that had throughout the ages oppressed Israel (i.e. the Jews) will unite and come against Jerusalem.
Midrash Tehillim to Psalms 118 say three separate wars are to be fought. Malbim says the first two of these wars are the subject of Ezekiel 38, and 39. The third war is described in Zechariah 14. This describes a capture of Jerusalem.
The most detailed prophecies on these matters are found in the Books of Ezekiel, Zechariah, Joel, and Daniel.
Ezekiel describes Israel as a people recently ingathered from exile, living peacefully, following agricultural and commercial pursuits, and prospering. Gog and his cohorts attack them in wishing to take spoils of silver, gold, and livestock.
3. The Biblical Scenario in Modern Terms. Economic Collapes, Ecological Disaster, Climate Change, Need for New Lands, Israel Encompassing Western Eurpe and North America, etc.
[We would suggest that in modern terms this could mean gaining control of the world monetary system. Also due to ecological collapse and climate change etc it may be that lands controlled by Israel in the End Times will still be productive whereas those of other peoples may not be. They may want to take over our country to feed their own.
They may want to take over North America. According to the simple literal meaning of Prophesy the action described is taking place in the Land of Israel.
This however may mean all regions pertaining to both Judah and the Ten Tribes in general.
The sanctity of the Land of Israel is destined to spread out in stages and eventually encompass all the world. Nevertheless this will not happen at once. At first only a part of the world will become part of the Land of Israel. The Hatam Sofer is quoted as saying (Stern, Davidiy) that in the End Times the Land of Israel will envelop the coastal areas of Europe and the Atlantic region including Britain. By the same token it may also include North America! See: Atlantic Britain]
If an ecological disaster were to occur to one portion of the globe (as could happen) it may be that its inhabitants may feel themselves forced to take by forces areas belonging to others.
If such scenarios do take place it would be worthwhile being acquainted with these Prophecies and with Brit-Am Knowledge concerning the present-day whereabouts and ancestral identity of the Lost Ten Tribes!
4. Mashiach ben Yosef (Messiah son of Joseph):
MbY is spoken of in numerous sources. MbY will be a descendant of Ephraim.He will prepare the way for Mashiach ben David (MbD). MbY will prepare the peoples. He will ingather exiles (Ramban, Sefer Ha-Geulah, Shaaar 4). He will purify Israel of sin (Saudia 8).
Midrash Pirkei Mashiah (Beis HaMidrash, 3) tell us: MbY will take the exiles to Jerusalem, and build the Temple.
Pirkei Heichalos (39:1): # Forty years before the Davidic Messiah...Mashiach ben Yosef will comne and stand in, and all Israel willb e gathered around him, each man with his family, and the Family of Israel will bring sacrifices, which will be pleasant to God, and all Israel will be identified by their correct families. #
From the quote above it asppears that identification of each Israelite according to their Tribal ancestry will be done to MbY. Other sources (e.g. Maimonides) however attribute this task to the future MbD.
See: #6. Levi in the End Times and the Tribal Identities of ALL IsraelitesBeingClarified
Most sources say the Wars of Gog and Magog will take place during the time of MbY.
One tradition (Talmud, Sucah 52a) says that MbY will be killed during the Wars of GaM (Gog and Magog). Later Rabbis believed that the death of MbY could be averted by acts of piety in our time.
See Also:
Messiah son of Joseph
5. GaM (Gog and Magog) will be ATHEISTICAL!
Midrash VaYikra Rabah 27:11 says that Gog and Magog will want to destroy Israel. They will realize that God protects Israel so therefore their intention will be to fight against God Himself.
To our mind this suggests a Militant Atheism.
Today the major Atheistical nation is China. As we shall see, one of the major candidates to become the forces of Gog and Magog is China, or a group of nations encompassing Mongolia, China, Korea, and Japan. There was once such a nation named 'Gog' that was quite powerful and ruled over parts of China and Korea.
[Eisemann however favors an unknown entity from the Caucasus area to become the leading force behind GaM.]