American Aid to Israel
Continued from US Support 1/3
The US supports Israel since historical geo-political and national-religious factors created the need for Israel to be supported. The US was able to supply what was needed and reacted accordingly.
The USA benefited from this though it did not necessarily have all of these benefits in mind at the time it rendered assistance. Nevertheless at some level America was aware that it would not loose by helping the Jewish State.
The following list gives some (but not all) of the benefits to the USA of support for Israel. Precedence of subjects listed does not necessarily reflect their relative importance.
The Jewish Aspect
The USA receives much support from Jews throughout the world and in Israel. This is worth having. The Jews do not control the world but they are often influential in different regions and in various spheres of activity. The Jews in the USA are a positive element. They are law-abiding, industrious, innovative, and intellectually inclined. They heighten the cultural and intellectual level. The Jewish Religion resonates with a Biblical Consciousness that in some way or other permeates good portions of US society. By supporting the Jewish State of Israel the USA is also showing appreciation for its own Jewish citizens. It is sharing a concern with them.
The Biblical Characteristic
Many of the early settlers of the USA believed in the Bible and attempted to live by it. Very many still do. The Bible is part of the Primeval American Consciousness. Helping the State of Israel means doing something for the People of the Book and connecting back to ones own forebears.
The Lost Ten Tribes
There is a belief held by Brit-Am Lost Ten Tribes and others that many of the formative elements in US society were descended from Hebrews, members of the Lost Ten Tribes, in addition to those of Judah. Helping the Jews and the State of Israel is what the Lost Ten Tribes should be doing. See:
Science, Technology, Defense, and Intelligence
Jewish Scientists in Israel have achieved numerous breakthroughs in all fields of inquiry needed by modern society. So too, with weaponry and means of Defence.
The USA benefits from this. In some fields Israel probably contributes more than all of Europe combined. Israel also makes important contributions to US Intelligence. US-controlled transmission facilities in Israel, according to reports, are capable in case of need of overriding TV networks throughout the Middle East and reaching into every household. This could be of importance.
Geo-Political Location
Israel is located at the eastern end of the Mediterranean, at the junction of Africa, Asia, and Europe. Israel is near Turkey and Egypt, and the oil producing regions of Syria, Iraq, and Arabia. It is not that far from Iran and the road to Pakistan, India and the East. Israel offers a secure self-supporting, self-defending base that is potentially aggressive in its own right. Even Russia is wary to some degree of Israel. Israel has rights to Gas-Fields in the eastern Mediterranean of potential importance.
Military Prowess
Israel through the IDF, its Air Force, and its Special Forces, offers an alliance that can more than pull its own weight. Israel has been compared to one huge air-craft carrier. It provides all the advantages of an air-craft carrier and few of the liabilities.
Judging by UN votes and international condemnations Israel would appear to be an unpopular nation to back in the international arena. Nevertheless, the abilities and value of Israel are recognized, even if reluctantly, by many of the people who count in world affairs. The US identification with Israel helps enhance US prestige.
Israel as a Blaming Horse
The Jews of Israel and of the world are the object of irrational hatred and prejudices from other peoples. Israel would be hated by them no matter what. Resentments and anger-issues that otherwise would be directed towards the USA are in effect often focused on Israel. Israeli is an easier target and more vulnerable than America. It should however be realized that by attacking Israel the adversaries are trying to get at the USA and by extension the whole of Western Civilization. Israel in effect cushions against waves of negativity that otherwise would reach America.
Divine Providence
Last but not least, Israel is the land of the Torah, of the Jews and of the Israelite Tribes. The Jews are that portion of the Israeli Nation that remains openly identifiable as such.
Whosoever helps them will be blessed by the Almighty and whoever harms them will be punished for doing so.
Genesis 12:
3 And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.
More Sources
See Also:
Joseph Returns? The USA as an Israelite Nation!
Different Tasks. Each Tribe has its own peculiar mission to fulfill
Joseph Replaces Edom!
The Blessings and Tasks of Joseph.avi
The Task of Moshiach ben Joseph
Joseph Disguised as Esau