The Ten Tribes were to intermix with Gomer meanings certain European Peoples
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Biblical Locations of the Lost Ten Tribes
Scriptural Proof
The Joseph Aspect
by Yair Davidiy
Biblical Evidence:
The Predicted Role of the Ten Tribes
Descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes in the Book of Hosea are described as the sons of a loose woman called Gomer.
Gomer was also the name of a group of nations descended from Japhet who elsewhere are described as being in Europe.
Before moving to Europe Gomer son of Japhet was to be found in the Middle East. Regions attributed to Gomer son of Japhet in Midrashic and related sources are also those attributed to the Lost Ten Tribes.
The Book of Hosea (chs. 1 & 2) indicates a union of the exiled northern Israelites with Gomer.
Rabbi Yisrael Alter (1895-1977), head of Gur Hasidim, and author of the "Bais Yisroel":
# And Moses took the bones of Joseph with him, for he had placed the children of Israel under solemn oath, saying, 'God will surely visit you, and you shall carry up my bones [essence] from here with you' (Exodus 13:19)#. Perhaps this hints at the completion [GaMeR] of carrying out a commandant. This is why the Children of Israel are called GOMRIM [Gomerites? Completers?], [as Joseph said] "and you shall carry up my bones [essence] from here" (Genesis 50:25). This is the point concerning all Redemption of the Children of Israel from all their Places of Exile, that they will be called GaMeR [Gomer]. They are advised to use the Torah and the power of Moses to keep the Sanctity of the Covenant [Sexual Morality] and they will be redeemed as we may learn from the Holy Books... they join together. Joseph is great and amongst his brothers there is none greater. Moses is great and in Israel there is none greater. The indication is that through them both will there be virtue ensuring the continued endurance of the Children of Israel. # (VeYechi, 5710. ca. 1950-51, Genesis 47:28).
We may therefore assume some type of geographical association between Gomer of Japhet and Gomer of Israel.
The name Gomer was also the name given to the Cimmerians. The Cimmerians were a people who first appeared on the fringes of the Assyrian Empire shortly after the Isrsaelites were exiled. From the Cimmerians emerged the Scythians and Goths.
The term Gomer (Gameri or Gumri in Akkadian) is also similar to how the name for Israel, "Khumri," could have been pronounced by the Assyrians. Khumri was the Assyrian name for Israel and cases are known where the Assyrians switched 'g' for the 'kh' sound.
Gomer was the name of a son of Japhet son of Noah. Gomer was the father of Ashkenaz, Riphat, and Togarmah (Genesis 10).
From the union of Hosea emerged three children who are shown to represent the Lost Ten Tribes. The Prophet Hosea symbolize the Almighty or Israel According to the allegory that hosea explicitly gives us, from his union with Gomer emerge descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes in their state of exile. This corresponds with our historical researches that show that Gomer is the Cimmerian peoples.
Israelites either:
1. Became identified as the Cimmerians and company OR at the least
2. merged with them and are to be found amongst peoples derived from Cimmerian-descended groups.
Felix Ernst Peiser (1862-1921) wrote that the marriage of the Prophet Hosea and Gomer symbolized that the House of Israel would become known as "Gomer", a Cimmerian. A son of the couple is called Jezreel, which in Hebrew means that "which HaShem has planted" or HaShem "will sow". Jezreel in Prophecy refers to the House of Israel,while Zion refers to the House of Judah. Hosea was also the name of the last king of the House of Israel. ... Peiser believed that the deported Israelites would become known as Gomerians or Cimmerians or join up with that people.
"And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphah, and Togarmah" (Genesis 10;3). Gomer was identified with Afrikey and with Germamia or Germaniah (Genesis Rabah 37). Afrikey appears to have been an area in Elam near Susiana where (according to de Gobineau) the name 'Afrikey' was given to a sacred region of the Medes. Others have tried to identify Afrikey with Iberia in the Caucasus or with Phrygia in Turkey. Wherever "AFRIKEY" actually was, the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel were also reported to have been there!
Tracing the Lost Ten Tribes
Francis Wilford (1761-1822) Europe and Africa were considered [by the Greeks and Hindus] but as one of the two grand
divisions of the world ; and that the appellation of Africa was even extended to the Western parts of Europe, all along the shores of the Atlantic. Hence the West wind, or Zephyrus, is called the Lybian or African wind...
In Europe they called the West Hesperus, and the country toward the West Hesperia. ... or Suralayam [an Assyrian form for Israel], an appellation well known to the learned, and applied by them... to the Westernmost part of Europe, or the British Isles.
"Germamia" or "Germaniah" may be Carmania in southwest Iran which Herodotus (1;125) termed Germania and wherein Israelite groups for a time were to be found. Alternative identifications for "Germaniah" are "Mannae" in Armenia and Germanikey in the Bosporus area. A connection with the European country of Germany should also be considered.
One ancient source (Targum Jerushalemi on Genesis 10) lists Afrikey, Germania, Madai, Macedonia, Bythinia, Thrace, as belonging to Gomer. The Cimmerians at a later stage did invade these regions whence they moved further westward. Ashkenaz is often identified with the Scyths. Ashkenaz was attributed "Asia" (Genesis Rabah 37) meaning an area by Sardes in Lydia (Western Turkey by Phrygia), as well possibly as a region in Cilicia(Southeast Turkey, and to part of Afghanistan. The name Ashkenaz was also given (Targum Jehonathan on Ezekiel 27;23) to Haydayb (i.e. Adiabene) in Northern Syria which in the Talmud (Yebamot 17) is equated with Habor whereto part of the Exiled Israelites were taken (2-Kings 17;6). The Targum Jerushalemi identifies Ashkenaz with the BARBARI which is an ethnic connotation for the so called "Germanic" peoples who attacked and invaded the Roman Empire ca.200-500 c.e. Elsewhere both the Barbari and the Germans are identified with Edom. In ancient times the term BARBAR was used synonymously with the term for Hebrew. Adiabene, which one source ascribed to Ashkenaz, is also attributed (Genesis Rabah 37) to Riphah brother of Ashkenaz. Riphah is connected to the Riphaean (Ural) and/or Carpathian Mountains by some. Greek (such as Aristotle) and Roman sources applied the name Riphas or Riphai to the Alpine Mountains in Central Europe. The Targum Yehonathan placed Riphah in Parkvi which is located in the region of Areia east of the Caspian Sea. "Areia" is the Greek rendition of HARA whereto part of the Lost Ten Tribes were taken (1-Chronicles 5;26). Togarmah the brother of Ashkenaz has been identified with the region of Tilgarimu just north and northeast of Cilicia. Also in the Hara and neighboring region east of the Caspian Sea was Tukharistan and a people called Togar or Tukharian in Classical literature. These names relate to Togarmah and are connected both with the Germans and with the Turks. In this same general area were the Chumaru, the Chomari, and the Komari which names all connect with the Cimmerians and with Gomer. Later Rabbinical traditions were to link both Gomer proper and Ashkenaz with the Germans. Riphah was associated with peoples in France. Togarmah with the Turks. The Anglo-Saxons also emerged from Turkish areas in Central Asia and are associated with the Turks in Medieval Mythology. The Khazars (who were part of the Lost Ten Tribes and related to the Scots, Anglo-Saxons, Finns, and Scandinavians) were subjected to Turkish cultural influences and have WRONGLY been attributed Turkish origins. Josephus identified Gomer with the Celtic Galatians while Josephon linked Gomer to the Franks of Western Europe. All of the above identifications have some historical pertinence. They are not intended to be all exclusive and these same sources sometimes attribute one ancestor to several people or one people to several ancestors. Sometimes the attributions refer to temporary historical situations in which the countries mentioned were conquered for a time by a small group belonging to the identified ancestor, and so on.
THE OVERALL GIST of the sources IS TO IDENTIFY GOMER AND SONS WITH PEOPLES WHO EVENTUALLY SETTLED IN CENTRAL AND WESTERN EUROPE! Since the exiled Israelites are identified with entities who in their places of exile were to combine (temporarily?) with Gomer so too must these same Israelites be sought after in those same regions towards which "Gomer" gravitated!
[Hosea 1:4]