Judah and Joseph are both going through the same Restoration experience though its expression differs.
Restoration by Yair Davidiy
The Restoration, Rebuilding, and Tribal Reconciliation of All Israel.
Restorationism was the movement amongst Western Peoples especially those of the British Isles to restore the Jewish People to the Holy Land.
It ran parallel to the Jewish Zionist Movement. It contributed to the establishment of the British Mandate for the foundation of a Jewish State over Palestine.
The history of Restorationism and its ideology have been wonderfully described by Franz Kobler, "The Vision Was There. A History of the British Movement for the Restoration of the Jews to Palestine" , World Jewish Congress, London, 1956.
Kobler in the Preface tell us,
THE establishment of the State of Israel may be rightly looked upon as the greatest collective achievement of the Jewish people in the history of the Diaspora. There is, however, a non-Jewish element hidden in the Restoration of Israel. The ideal of the Jewish people has in fact for centuries been shared, cherished and pursued by large sections of the nations amidst whom Jews have lived. Among them, the British people holds the outstanding place. Nowhere more than in Britain has the idea of the Restoration of the Jews been developed into a doctrine and become the object of a movement extending over more than three centuries. Only in Britain the leading spokesmen of many, generations have been inspired by the vision of a revived Israel. Only there the creation of a Jewish National Home has been a serious and almost continuous political issue which was finally translated into reality.
The present book is an attempt to perform the task, long overdue, of re-writing the history of the movement as an integral part of British religious, social and political history forming a parallel, not an annex, of the histories of Jewish Messianism and Zionism. The British Movement for the Restoration of Israel is in fact one of the rare instances of the continuous interest shown by one nation in the destiny of another people. Its specific historical significance lies in the recognition of Israel's Restoration as an organic part of British political ideals.
Anyone who reads the Bible and is honest to themself should be in favor of the Restoration of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel. This is Zionism.
We are also in favor of Rebuilding the Temple and restoring Biblical Values. A tradition says that the Ten Tribes will be instrumental in rebuilding the Temple.
We, in Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations, work towards conclusive proof that the Ten Tribes ARE to be found mainly amongst Western Peoples. The Ten Tribes will eventually return. Proving conclusively who they are is an important step towards their return.
Amongst Christians there now exists a strong movement of Returning to the Hebrew Roots. So too, many Evangelists see support of Israel as a fundamental expression of their faith in the God of Israel.
Jews in the State of Israel are returning to the practice of Judaism according to Orthodox Jewish tradition. Many Jews in the Diaspora are following in their footsteps. Religious Jewish youths are now a dominant element in the Israeli Army especially in front-line units and the Officer corps. Other Religious Jews devote themselves full-time to learning the Torah. They are supported by the community, by private philanthropists, indiviual offerings, and extended members of their family. [Despite often negative depictions in the Media, this on the whole is a very positive tendency bringing a great blessing on the country.]
ALL of these superficially divergent tendencies are variegated expressions of the one phenomenon, i.e. Restoration.
Jews coming back to the Land; Jews becomong religious; Religious Jews serving in the IDF; other Religious Jews learning Torah full-time; Christians in the West searching for their Hebrew Roots; Evangelical Christians supporting the State of Israel; Movements for Rebuilding the Temple; Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations (and others) proving that the Ten Trbes are among Western Peoples and spreading this knowledge as well as heightening Biblical Consciousness; and so on: All these are serving one cause for the sake of the God of Israel. This cause is Restoration. The time has come. Join the ranks.
The Peoples of Israel, including the Ten Tribes, want things to be back as they should have been. So should you.
Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations works for this cause.