Responses to Hebrew Nations Survey 2012 no.5
1. Response from John Grier, Philippines
2. Response from Brian Lloyd Davies
1. Response from John Grier, Philippines
I have been off line. Scroll down for my answers, please!
John Grier, Cebu, Philippines
Do you wish your answers to remain (a) anonymous? (b) Not anonymous
but sensitive issues not publicized in my name; (c) No need for any
anonymity but all may be made public.
Do you strongly believe you are descended from Israel? Or are you
just mildly interested in the possibility?
My mother was a descendent of Judah from both mother & father & was Chabad Orthodox. My Father seems to be a descendent of Zebulon. Both of their physicals have died.
If you do believe you are descended from Israel is there one single
factor you can mention that initiated this belief?
My father's group has a legend stating that his clan of Zebulon went from the others at the Black Sea prior to them heading West and settled on the East side of the Caspian Sea. A year later, after being chased out of there by the Assyrians, they spent 1,000 years in the high caves of Tibet. Then they, according to the legend, headed by boat to the "Land of the Cebulon (Zebulon)" now known as Cebu, Philippines about 1750 years ago. One boat got lost and I understand it was found later in international waters in Lake Superior, North America near Wisconsin. Many native people in Minnesota and Ontario strongly resemble physically and in their living habits to natives of Cebu and Leyte, Philippines in spite of the strong weather differences, except North America has not yet had a Spanish Inquisition such as Spain and Cebu had about the same time according to their legends. This legend was recited to me by a well educated man who is a native of Leyte wishing to remain anonymous.
Which of the following would you consider the most important in
leading to an identification with this message:
Instinct; Bible; Contemporary Events; Historical Proofs; Religious
Experience; Other.
In order: Bible, Historical Proofs, Instinct, Religious Experience, Contemporary Events, Other
Where do your ancestors come from as far as you can tell?
My mother was of the Ripley Jewish Clan of Tennessee. My father was a Canadian Ojibwa that strongly resembles Northern Leyte Cebuano Cebulon people.
What could be done to enhance the Presentation of this issue?
Continue your prayerful and intelligent methods and I will continue to keep you in prayer.
Do you find our message convincing?
You appear to have the appropriate educational background to make a convincing answer. So far, my physical brain is happy. My soul remains in prayer. I am content!
What do you particularly like about it?
Your matching of Physical and Spiritual resources is pleasing to read. I do not claim to be smarter than all scholars world wide throughout history: I pray over what I read. I can understand your writings. I like that!
What do you dislike?
I do not currently remember what it is
Proposed Publications.
Would you prefer a new work dealing with:
a. Biblical Prophecy and the Ten Tribes.
A joint effort beginning with Biblical Prophecy & the Ten Tribes
b. Historical Evidence concerning the Ten Tribes.
and then the Joint effort continuing with Historical Evidence concerning the Ten Tribes as two books.
c. Which of the above two proposed books (all other things being
equal) would you prefer?
Both of them in sequence with Biblical first followed as you are able with the Historical Evidence.
Is there anything else we could do to spread the message?
Continue to pray that the descendents of the 12 Tribes and their friends in the two groups of Judah and the 10 Tribes will increase their support of what you are doing two ways: of course financially, and also through their telling their friends and associates of their support of your writings. This would probably be helpful. You already seem to be pushing this idea anyway. I am involved here with this idea. Many people here like your efforts & those who can afford computers read your works, but too many of them are financially very poor.
Do you read our appeals for funds?
Yes. I give all I can to help the local population in their present and future status and am always broke. But I pray a lot and tell my friends to support you!
Do these appeals for funds create a negative impression?
Do they diminish your zest for reading our other messages?
Are they likely to have an effect on you, i.e. would you donate
because of them?
Because of the quality of your writings, I am preparing (too slowly) a way to listen properly to your teachings and am reading them from my Yair Davidiy Library made up of emails with 100% of your headings, etc. saved. If I ever get the financial ability to do so, I will undoubtedly surprise you with donations!
If you already donate, can you say why?
I would donate if I had enough money left over after feeding my family!
If you do not donate, can you say why not?
I spend all my money surviving my lifestyle with Leyte and Cebu very poor. As soon as I can, I will gladly support your efforts with donations. I have watched you and read your writings since prior to 2005 and am preparing to study these writings in depth. I do not donate due to nothing to give after expenses. I am one of the few Americans living here that does not live in a rich man's castle. I will donate when G-D makes it possible. I submit to HIM!
We now have two main functioning sites.
We hope shortly to upgrade and improve the first site:
Do you have any suggestions?
No - you do well. When we work as laymen and do our best, we are never satisfied with our efforts. We then try to improve it. I like your work already. I am sure your improvements are wonderful and will continue to bless us! I like what I see!
YouTube Clips.
We have now begun to concentrate a little on YouTube clips. The
response on the whole has not been overwhelming but it does exist and
appears justified.
Do you have any comments on this:
I like YouTube clips! I live in a poverty area under high mountains with towers nearby sometimes. When I am able to get my own house and can raise my own tower in addition to upgrading my equipment, I will look at all my copies of these YouTube clips in earnest. My computer is an antique and my keyboard's letters are worn off but I am a touch typist so it is OK. Given time and money, I will gladly view all of them with more success than I currently am able to enjoy.
Are there any other issues you would like deal with?
I am content.
Do you have an Obligation to Help this cause?
In my Spiritual Obligation efforts, my soul is continually overwhelmed by the way The [God] of Israel makes my efforts succeed. I listen to The [God] of Israel (as anyone of Israel can do) and have discovered that obedience results in success. When HE (Bless HIM!) makes it possible, I will gladly help!
Please continue your work. I am able to pray. I do not forget you. John Grier, Cebu, Philippines
2. Response from Brian Lloyd Davies
Do you wish your answers to remain (a) anonymous? (b) Not anonymous but sensitive issues not publicized in my name; (c) No need for any anonymity but all may be made public.
Answer: C
Do you strongly believe you are descended from Israel? Or are you just mildly interested in the possibility?
Answer: Strongly believe
If you do believe you are descended from Israel is there one single factor you can mention that initiated this belief?
Answer: I have believed since childhood
Which of the following would you consider the most important in leading to an identification with this message:
Instinct; Bible; Contemporary Events; Historical Proofs; Religious Experience; Other.
Answer: Bible
Where do your ancestors come from as far as you can tell?
Answer: Ephraim
What could be done to enhance the Presentation of this issue?
Answer: No opinion
Do you find our message convincing?
Answer: Yes
What do you particularly like about it?
Answer: Easy to understand
Proposed Publications.
Would you prefer a new work dealing with:
a. Biblical Prophecy and the Ten Tribes.
b. Historical Evidence concerning the Ten Tribes.
c. Which of the above two proposed books (all other things being equal) would you prefer?
Answer: A
Is there anything else we could do to spread the message?
Do you read our appeals for funds?
Do these appeals for funds create a negative impression?
Do they diminish your zest for reading our other messages?
Are they likely to have an effect on you, i.e. would you donate because of them?
Answer: no
If you do not donate, can you say why not?
Answer: I don't have enough money